.\" Edited by Alnotz. .\" 2023-04-02 .TH "STEAM" "6" "2023-04-02" "Valve" "Steam Launcher's Manual" .SH "NAME" steam \- A launcher for the Steam client from Valve Corporation .SH "SYNOPSIS" .B steam [ .I STEAM_ARG [ .I STEAM_ARG …]] [ .I STEAM_URL ] .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP .B Steam is a software distribution service focused on games, automatic updates, achievements, and social features for gamers. .PP It launches the Steam application with optional arguments to control more the starting stage.\& The Steam Browser Protocol enables the internal URLs .I STEAM_URL when the scheme is .I steam://\fR. .PP Steam is launched with the last user profil or the default profil without arguments. .SH "OPTIONS" .SS "Command Line Options" .PP A lot of UNIX-style arguments .I STEAM_ARG can follow.\& See below. .TP .B "\-applaunch \fIAPP_ID\fP [ \fIAPP_ARG\fP …]" Launches an Game or Application .I APP_ID through Steam with its optional arguments .I APP_ARG (see [3]). .TP .B \-cafeapplaunch Launches the applications in a cybercafe context (Forces applications to be verified or validated before launch). .TP .B \-clearbeta Options out of beta participation (in case for some reason it can't be done via settings). .TP .B \-complete_install_via_http Run installation completion over HTTP by default. .TP .B \-console Enables the Steam debug console tab. .TP .B \-ccsyntax Spew details about the localized strings we load. .TP .B \-debug_steamapi Enables logging of Steam API functions. .TP .B \-dev Sets the .I developer variable to .I 1\fR. Can be used to open the VGUI editor by pressing [F6] or VGUI zoo by pressing [F7].\& Intended for skin development, it also enables the debug console tab. .TP .B \-fs_log Log file system accesses. .TP .B \-fs_target Set target syntax. .TP .B \-fs_logbins Log the binaries loaded during operation. .TP .B \-forceservice Run Steam Client Service even if Steam has admin rights. .TP .B \-gameoverlayinject Sets the method how GameOverlay is injected. .TP .B "\-install \fIDIR_PATH\fP" Install a product from a specified path .I DIR_PATH ( .I /media/cdrom0 for the DVD-ROM drive if it is one). .TP .B \-installer_test Changes installing a retail game to emit all files to .I install_validate/ folder instead of to the Steam cache. .TP .B \-language \fISTEAM_LANG\fP Sets the Steam language to the one specified.\& For examples: .B english , .B german ). .TP .B \-login [ .I USERNAME | .B anonymous ] [ .I PASSWORD ] Logs into Steam with the specified username .I USERNAME and password .I PASSWORD combination.\& Steam must be off for this to work.\& .B anonymous is a special username for anonymous user. .TP .B \-lognetapi Logs all P2P networking info to .I log/netapi_log.txt\fR. .TP .B \-log_voice Writes voice chat data to the .I logs/voice_log.txt file. .TP .B \-noasync Don't use async file operations, run them synchronous instead. .TP .B \-nocache Starts steam with no cache. Steam must be off for this to work properly! .TP .B \-nofriendsui Prevents the friends list window from showing automatically upon start. .TP .B \-noverifyfiles Prevents from the client from checking files integrity, especially useful when testing localization. .TP .B \-no-browser Steam's description for this parameter says it "unconditionally disables CEF".\& CEF stands for Chromium Embedded Framework, which Steam uses for its built-in web browser components (including the in-game overlay browser), and also for WebViews used by the new Panorama-based friends/chat UI, and Library.\& Using this option will (among other things) disable the new Library UI, and restore the old friends list and chat UI. However, it won't restore the old Library UI. .TP .B \-no-dwrite Forces vgui to use GDI text even if DWrite support is available. .TP .B \-oldbigpicture Restores old big picture mode, will be removed eventually but allows access for compatibility reasons for now. .TP .B -script \fIFILE_PATH\fP Runs a Steam script .I FILE_PATH\fR. All scripts must be in a subdirectory of the Steam folder called test scripts.\& Steam must be off for this to work! .TP .B \-shutdown Shuts down (exits) Steam. .TP .B \-silent Suppresses the dialog box that opens when you start steam.\& It is used when you have Steam set to auto-start when your computer turns on.\& Steam must be off for this to work! .TP .B \-single_core Force Steam to run on your primary CPU only. .TP .B \-tcp Forces connection to Steam backend to be via TCP. .TP .B \-voice_quality Sets audio quality, range [1,3]. .TP .B \-voicerelay Only allow 'relay' connections for voice (testing). .TP .B \-tenfoot Start Steam in Big Picture Mode. .TP .B \-gamepadui Enables the Big Picture Mode Steam Deck UI. .SS Steam Browser Protocol .PP The special URL .I STEAM_URL can be added to extend the control.\& .I GAME_ID is the application's identifier.\& See below. .TP .B steam:\(dq\fISTEAM_ARG\fP\(dq Opens Steam with command line arguments .I STEAM_ARG\fR.\& If you forget the closing double quote for .I STEAM_ARG\fR, an assertion failed error will be raised by .I Steam.exe/BootStrapperApp.cpp\fR. .TP .B steam://AddNonSteamGame Opens the Steam checklist menu to add non-Steam games.\& If you would like to programmatically add or remove non-Steam games, see [4]. .TP .B steam://advertise/\fIGAME_ID\fP Opens the store to the application's page. .TP .B steam://ackMessage/ackGuestPass/\fIGPASS Accepts the specified Gift or Guest Pass .I GPASS\fR. .TP .B steam://appnews/\fIGAME_ID\fP Opens up the news page for an app .I GAME_ID\fR. .TP .B steam://backup/\fIGAME_ID\fP Opens up the Backup Wizard and checks the specified application .I GAME_ID\fR.\& If an application is not specified then nothing will be checked. .TP .B steam://broadcast/watch/\fISTEAM_ID_64\fP .TP .B steam://browsemedia .TP .B steam://cdkeys/\fIAPP_ID\fP .TP .B steam://checksysreqs/\fIGAME_ID\fP Checks if users computer meets system requirements of app. .TP .B steam://connect/\fR(\fIIP_ADDRESS\fP\fR|\fP\fIDNS_NAME\fP\fR)[\fP\c .B :\fIPORT\fP\fR][\fP/\fIPASS\fP\fR]\fP Connects the user to the server specified by the IP or DNS name.\& You don't have to specify anything else to connect to a third party mod server, everything will be automatically detected. .TP .B steam://defrag/\fIGAME_ID\fP Defragments files of the application. .TP .B steam://ExitSteam Exits the Steam application. .TP .B steam://friends/add/\fIUSER_ID\fP Opens Friends and adds user with specified id number .I USER_ID\fR. .TP .B steam://friends/friends/\fILIST_ID\fP Opens Friends and shows list of users with whom you recently played. .TP .B steam://friends/joinchat/\fICHAT_ID\fP Opens Friends and joins a chat with a specified id number. .TP .B steam://friends/message/\fIUSER_ID\fP Opens Friends and send a message. .TP .B steam://friends/players Opens Friends and shows table of recent players you've played with. .TP .B steam://friends/settings/hideoffline Opens Friends and toggles offline friends from friends list. .TP .B steam://friends/settings/showavatars Opens Friends and toggles avatars in friends list. .TP .B steam://friends/settings/sortbyname Opens Friends and sorts friends list by name. .TP .B steam://friends/status/away Opens Friends and sets status as .B away\fR. .TP .B steam://friends/status/busy Opens Friends and sets status as .B busy\fR. .TP .B steam://friends/status/invisible Opens Friends and sets status as .B invisible\fR. .TP .B steam://friends/status/trade Opens Friends and sets status as .B trade\fR. .TP .B steam://friends/status/play Opens Friends and sets status as .B play\fR. .TP .B steam://friends/status/offline Opens Friends and sets status as .B offline\fR. .TP .B steam://friends/status/online Opens Friends and sets status as .B online\fR. .TP .B steam://flushconfig/ Flushes and reloads the configs for each application: beta availability, etc. .TP .B steam://forceinputappid/\fR(\fP\fIGAME_ID\fP\fR|\fP\fISHORTCUT_NAME\fP\fR)\fP Forces the steam controller driver to use the layout for the given game .I GAME_ID\& or shortcut .I SHORTCUT_NAME\fR,\& without the need to use the in-game overlay, Big Picture mode, or even run the application at all. .TP .B steam://guestpasses/ Opens up the Guest Passes window. .TP .B steam://hardwarepromo/\fR[\fP\fIHW_PROMO_ID\fP\fR]\fP Tests whether the user has hardware that matches a promotional offer .I HW_PROMO_ID\fR. .TP .B steam://install/\fIGAME_ID\fP Installs an application. .TP .B steam://installaddon/\fIADDON_ID\fP Installs the specified add-on. .TP .B steam://musicplayer/\fIMUSIC_CMD\fP Controls the music player.\& The values of the command .I MUSIC_CMD\& are : .B play\fR, .B pause\fR, .B toggleplaypause\fR, .B playprevious\fR, .B playnext\fR, .B togglemute\fR, .B increasevolume\fR, .B decreasevolume\fR, .B toggleplayingrepeatstatus\fR and .B toggleplayingshuffled\fR. .TP .B steam://nav/\fINAV_COMPONENT\fP Opens a Steam window, but doesn't make the Steam window active.\& Known .I NAV_COMPONENT\& values: .B console\fR, .B downloads\fR, .B games\fR[\fP/details\fR[\fP/(\fIGAME_ID\fP\fR|\fPgrid\fR|\fPlist\fR)]], .B library/collection/hidden\fR, .B media\fR, .B music\fR, .B tools\fR. .TP .B steam://open/\fIOPEN_COMPONENT\fP Opens a Steam window.\& Known .I OPEN_COMPONENT\& values: .B activateproduct\fR, .B bigpicture\fR, .B console\fR (Steam developer console), .B downloads\fR, .B friends\fR, .B games\fR[\fP/\fR(\fPdetails\fR|\fPgrid\fR|\fPlist\fR)], .B largegameslist\fR, .B minigameslist\fR, .B main\fR (your favorite window), .B music\fR, .B musicplayer\fR, .B mymedia\fR, .B news\fR, .B registerproduct\fR (CD key registration), .B screenshots/\fIGAME_ID\fR, .B servers\fR, .B settings\fR, .B tools\fR. .TP .B steam://openurl/\fIWEB_URL\fP Opens URL .I WEB_URL\& in the system's default WWW browser. .TP .B steam://openurl_external/\fIWEB_URL\fP .TP .B steam://paypal/cancel Cancels an ongoing PayPal transaction. .TP .B steam://preload/\fIGAME_ID\fP Preloads an application. .TP .B steam://publisher/\fIPUBLISHER\fP Loads the specified publisher catalogue in the Store.\& Type the publisher's name .I PUBLISHER\& in lowercase style like .B activision\& or .B valve\fR. .TP .B steam://purchase/\fIGAME_ID\fP Opens a dialog box to buy an application from Steam. .TP .B steam://purchase/subscription/\fISERVICE_ID\fP Opens up a dialog box to buy a subscription to a Steam product/service.\& None are available yet. .TP .B steam://removeaddon/\fIADDON_ID\fP Uninstalls the specified add-on .I ADDON_ID\fR. .TP .B steam://run/\fIGAME_ID\fP\fR[\fP//\fIGAME_ARGS\fP\fR]\fP/ Runs an application .I GAME_ID\fR.\& It will be installed if necessary.\& The arguments string .I GAME_ARGS is optional.\& This arguments are passed to the application as launch parameters. .TP .B steam://runsafe/\fISOURCE_GAME_ID\fP Resets CVARs of a Source game. .TP .B steam://rungameid/\fIGAME_ID\fP Same as .B steam://run/\fR,\& but with support for mods and non-Steam shortcuts. .TP .B steam://settings/\fR[\fPSETTINGS_CMD\fR]\fP Same as .B steam://open/settings\fR,\& but also allows for subcommands .I SETTINGS_CMD\& for each page: .B account\fR, .B friends\fR, .B interface\fR, .B ingame\fR, .B downloads\fR, .B voice\fR. .TP .B steam://stopstreaming Stops a currently running in-home streaming session. .TP .B steam://store/\fR[\fPGAME_ID\fR]\fP Opens up the store for an app, if no app is specified then the default one is opened. .TP .B steam://subscriptioninstall\fR[\fP/\fIGAME_ID\fP\fR[\fP/\fIGAME_ID\fP …\fR]]\fP Opens a dialog box with a checklist of the games specified allowing you to install them all at once. .TP .B steam://support/\fISUPPORT_PARAMS\fP Launches the Steam Support utility, and runs all of its tests.\& Enter a valid support string .I SUPPORT_PARAMS to filter results. .TP .B steam://takesurvey/\fISURVEY_ID\fP Takes a survey. .I SURVEY_ID is an integer number. .TP .B steam://uninstall/\fIGAME_ID\fP Deletes the specified applications' cache files. .TP .B steam://UpdateFirmware Opens the Steam Controller firmware update screen. .TP .B steam://updatenews/\fIGAME_ID\fP Opens the news about the latest updates for an application. .TP .B steam://url/\fINAMED_WEB_PAGE\fP Opens a special, named web pages: .TP .B steam://validate/\fIGAME_ID\fP Validates the local files of an application. .SH FILES .TP .B \fIXDG_DATA_HOME\fP/Steam/ Steam user default directory when .I XDG_DATA_HOME follows the FreeDesktop specification[5]. .TP .B \fIXDG_DATA_HOME\fP/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/ Non-Steam customized prefixes for Proton.\& The forks like Glorius Eggroll are stored in this directory. .TP .B \fIXDG_DATA_HOME\fP/Steam/steamapps/common/ Installed games and other applications directory. .TP .B \fIXDG_DATA_HOME\fP/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/\fIGAME_ID\fP/ Applications compatibility data directories.\& Each game .I GAME_ID running over Proton has its own directory. .TP .B \fIXDG_DATA_HOME\fP/Steam/steamapps/music/ Musics directory. The default path scanned by the Steam music player. .SH EXAMPLES .TP .B "steam -login player 013passwd -tenfoot" Launches Steam in Big Picture mode by automatic logging.\& Be carefull : the password is not hashed ! .TP .B "steam steam://rungameid/70" Launches directly the game Half-Life 1. .TP .B "steam steam://connect/" Launches and connects to the specified by the IP address and the port 27015. .SH AUTHOR .PP The steam launcher script is written and maintained by .UR "https://www.valvesofware.com" Valve Corporation .UE .SH SEE ALSO .TP .B 1. .UR "https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_browser_protocol" Steam Browser Protocol .UE .TP .B 2. .UR "https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Command_Line_Options" Steam Launcher Options .UE .TP .B 3. .UR "https://steamdb.info/" Steam IDs Database .UE .RS .RS Not affiliated to Valve or Steam. .RE .RE .TP .B 4. .UR "https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Add_Non-Steam_Game" Add non-Steam game .UE .TP .B 5. .UR "http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html" XDG Base Directory Specification .UE