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cometbuster | ||
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====== README ====== 1. Compiling & running 2. Sprites conventions 3. Playing ====================== 1. Compiling & running ====================== Compiling: $> make Running: $> ./cometbuster Cleaning: $> make clean ====================== 2. Sprites conventions ====================== Few sprites are provided (in sprites directory). Feel free to use your own ones. sprites sizes: - spaceship 32x32 - bullets: 4x4 - comets: 64x64 (L) / 32x32 (M) / 16x16 (S) - screen: 640x480 - nyancats: 32xYY (depends on the nyancat type) spaceship rotation angle: 10° (for the moment) => 36 spaceships => 1152x32 Naming convention of sprites filenames: Filename: <something understandable>-N_HxW.bmp with N the number of frames in the sprite H the height of the sprite (usually 32 or 64) W the width of a frame ex: nyancat-technyancolor-left-12_32x51.bmp means that this sprite is: - the LSD nyancat flying to the left - composed of 12 frames - 32 px high - 51 px wide ========== 3. Playing ========== Game control: - q or esc: quite the game 1st player: - up arrow: move forward - down arrow: move backward - left arrow: rotate left - right arrow: rotate right - space: fire (TODO 2nd player, for instance: - w: move forward - s: move backward - a: rotate left - d: rotate right - left shift: fire) Avoid, shoot and explode comets by smart use of hyperspace and guns. Large comets divide into medium comets, which divide into small ones. Be careful, ETs protect the space and they don't like intruders... Hyperspace: up and down edges are connected, so do left and right ones. Fly to the left, you will appear on the right. Asteroids and enemies also know the secret of hyperspace... ======================================================== Enjoy :) + o + o + o + + o + o + + + + o o + o -_-_-_-_-_-_-_,------, o _-_-_-_-_-_-_-| /\_/\ -_-_-_-_-_-_-~|__( ^ .^) + + _-_-_-_-_-_-_-"" "" + o o + o + + o o o o + o + + + o o +