.env # Created by https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/vim,go,rust # Edit at https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore?templates=vim,go,rust ### Go ### # If you prefer the allow list template instead of the deny list, see community template: # https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/community/Golang/Go.AllowList.gitignore # # Binaries for programs and plugins *.exe *.exe~ *.dll *.so *.dylib # Test binary, built with `go test -c` *.test # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE *.out # Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it) # vendor/ # Go workspace file go.work ### Go Patch ### /vendor/ /Godeps/ ### Rust ### # Generated by Cargo # will have compiled files and executables debug/ target/ # Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries # More information here https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/guide/cargo-toml-vs-cargo-lock.html Cargo.lock # These are backup files generated by rustfmt **/*.rs.bk # MSVC Windows builds of rustc generate these, which store debugging information *.pdb ### Vim ### # Swap [._]*.s[a-v][a-z] !*.svg # comment out if you don't need vector files [._]*.sw[a-p] [._]s[a-rt-v][a-z] [._]ss[a-gi-z] [._]sw[a-p] # Session Session.vim Sessionx.vim # Temporary .netrwhist *~ # Auto-generated tag files tags # Persistent undo [._]*.un~ # End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/vim,go,rust