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Welcome visitor, to my small place on Internet ! Let me introduce myself.

Developer on GNU+Linux, I use Gentoo to work and Arch to play. I also use some others distributions and kernels (as Void, OpenBSD or GNU/Hurd). I'm trying to learn the GNU/Guix ecosystem. If my main IDE is Unix with Vim as text editor, I use Emacs as agenda and TODO list with Orgmode. Libre-softwares enjoyer, I'm also for a digital sobriety, for personal pc or Internet and WorldWideWeb.

I'm admin for the Gnous.eu community. I moderate the services and some others things.

I'm developing in Rust and C. I've learned Java, Python, HTML/CSS, PHP, JavaScript (NodeJS, React Native...), Go, Bash, Z80 ASM and C++. I've learned them by myself or at the university.

On the cyber security side, I like to RE things, forensic and steganographie; but I'm mainly a developer.

I'm also reading some fiction (like SF with Asimov). I'm an achiviements hunter, I try to finish my game at 100% (on Steam).

The source code of this site can be found on my own git or Gnous's git, under GPL3 license. The content is under CC-BY-SA license. Some parts, as the font or the images, can be under different licenses.


I'll add the interesting news of my website here. Read the commits to have more informations about the small changes of the site !

13-10-2024: first draft for a more responsive website.

06-10-2024: prepare ukrainian traduction of the website.

04-04-2024: use ISO 639-1 norm instead of flags for languages.

25-10-2023: translate everything \o/ (unless ??).

04-10-2023: moving to a VPS at Contabo.

29-09-2023: nice favicon :).

27-09-2023: projects page in english !! a first step before the rest of the site.

30-05-2023: a better CSP to avoid trackers injections.

13-01-2023: hon hon baguette & bri'ish.

14-11-2022: I'm moving my site and my cgit to aquilenet.

19-05-2022: I'm leaving enpls for ada.wf.

13-04-2022: add this section.