To add a section to your document, put one or more ``Plain Text, #`` at the start of the line, followed a space and the name of your section.
Which will render as:
:: Make sure they don't pollute the ToC
#+ Section name
##+ Subsection
##*+ Unnumbered section
##+ Unnumbered section
#+ This section is not in the ToC
Given by the following:
# Section name
## Subsection
#* Unnumbered section
#+ This section is not in the ToC
# Sections references
You can create a referenceable section by using ``Plain Text, #{refname}``, where `refname` is an internal reference name for use only within this document.
You can then create a clickable reference to this section: ``§{refname}`` or ``§{refname}[caption=Click me!]``. Below is an example of this in action:
###{refname}+* Section
§{refname}[caption=Click me!] or §{first}[caption=First section]
###{refname}+* Section
§{refname}[caption=Click me!] or §{first}[caption=First section]