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2024-07-29 21:28:06 +02:00
@import docs/template.nml
@compiler.output = latex.html
@nav.title = LaTeX
@nav.category = External Tools
@html.page_title = Documentation | LaTeX
@LaTeX = $|[kind=inline]\LaTeX|$
*Bring some %LaTeX% unto your document!*
# Inline Math
You can add inline math by enclosing %LaTeX% between two ``$``:
* ``$\lim_{n \to \infty} \Big(1 + \frac{1}{n}\Big)^n = e$`` → $\lim_{n \to \infty} \Big(1 + \frac{1}{n}\Big)^n = e$
* ``$\pi = \sqrt{\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2}}$`` → $\pi = \sqrt{\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2}}$
You can make the %LaTeX% non inline by specifying `kind=block` in it's property: ``$[kind=block] 1+1=2$`` → $[kind=block] 1+1=2$
*(notice how it's not inside a paragraph)*
# Non Math LaTeX
You can write %LaTeX% outside of %LaTeX%'s math environment, by enclosing your code between ``$|...|$``:
\addplot3[patch,patch refines=3,
shader=faceted interp,
patch type=biquadratic]
table[z expr=x^2-y^2]
x y
-2 -2
2 -2
2 2
-2 2
0 -2
2 0
0 2
-2 0
0 0
Gives the following:
\addplot3[patch,patch refines=3,
shader=faceted interp,
patch type=biquadratic]
table[z expr=x^2-y^2]
x y
-2 -2
2 -2
2 2
-2 2
0 -2
2 0
0 2
-2 0
0 0
# LaTeX environment
You can define multiple %LaTeX% environment, the default being `main`
* ``@tex.env.fontsize`` The fontsize (in pt) specified to `latex2svg` (default: `12`).
* ``@tex.env.preamble`` The preamble prepended to every %LaTeX% code.
* ``@tex.env.block_prepend`` Text to prepend to every non math %LaTeX% code.
* ``@tex.env.exec`` The `latex2svg` executable path, defaults to `latex2svg` (need to be in your `\$PATH`)
Replace ``env`` with the name of the custom environment you wish to define.
Here's a preamble to render %LaTeX% gray:
@tex.main.fontsize = 9
@tex.main.preamble = \usepackage{xcolor} \\
\usepgfplotslibrary{patchplots} \\
\definecolor{__color1}{HTML}{d5d5d5} \\
@tex.main.block_prepend = \color{__color1}
To set the environment you wish to use for a particular %LaTeX% element, set the `env` property:
* ``$[env=main] 1+1 = 2$`` → $[env=main] 1+1 = 2$
* ``$[env=other] 1+1 = 2$`` → $[env=other] 1+1 = 2$
# LaTeX cache
%LaTeX% elements that have been successfully rendered to **svg** are stored in the cache database, to avoid processing them a second time.
Note that this cache is shared between documents, so you don't need to reprocess them if they share the same environment.
They are stored under the table named ``cached_tex``, if you modify the `env` all elements will be reprocessed which may take a while...