# NML -- Not a markup language! Currently a work in progress, expect features and fixes to arrive soon! # Requirements Some features requires external dependencies to work. ## LaTeX rendering for HTML We ship a modified version of `latex2svg` by Matthias C. Hormann. The modified program can be found in [third/latex2svg](third/latex2svg) and is licensed under MIT. The installation instructions can be found on [latex2svg's repository](https://github.com/Moonbase59/latex2svg). ## Graphviz rendering To render Graphviz graph (i.e `[graph]...[/graph]`), you need to install the `dot` program from [Graphviz](https://graphviz.org/). ## Lua kernels To execute Lua kernels you need to install `liblua` version 5.4. Support for a statically linked Lua may be added in the future. # Compiling ``` cargo build --release --bin nml ``` # Features roadmap - [x] Paragraphs - [x] LaTeX rendering - [x] Graphviz rendering - [x] Media - [ ] References - [ ] Navigation - [ ] Cross-Document references - [ ] Complete Lua api - [ ] Documentation - [ ] Table - [ ] LaTeX output - [ ] LSP # License NML is licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or later. See [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) for more information. License for third-party dependencies can be accessed via `cargo license`