341 lines
9.3 KiB
341 lines
9.3 KiB
use std::{any::Any, cell::Ref, ops::Range, rc::Rc};
use crate::{compiler::compiler::{Compiler, Target}, document::{document::{Document, DocumentAccessors}, element::{ElemKind, Element}}, parser::{parser::Parser, rule::Rule, source::{Cursor, Source, Token, VirtualSource}}};
use ariadne::{Label, Report, ReportKind};
use mlua::{Function, Lua};
use regex::Regex;
use super::paragraph::Paragraph;
pub struct ListEntry {
location: Token,
numbering: Vec<(bool, usize)>,
content: Vec<Box<dyn Element>>,
// TODO bullet_maker : FnMut<...>
impl ListEntry {
pub fn new(location: Token, numbering: Vec<(bool, usize)>, content: Vec<Box<dyn Element>>) -> Self {
Self { location, numbering, content }
pub struct List
location: Token,
entries: Vec<ListEntry>
impl List
pub fn new(location: Token) -> Self
entries: Vec::new()
pub fn push(&mut self, entry: ListEntry)
self.location.range = self.location.start()..entry.location.end();
impl Element for List
fn location(&self) -> &Token { &self.location }
fn kind(&self) -> ElemKind { ElemKind::Block }
fn element_name(&self) -> &'static str { "List" }
fn to_string(&self) -> String { format!("{self:#?}") }
fn compile(&self, compiler: &Compiler, document: &dyn Document) -> Result<String, String> {
match compiler.target()
Target::HTML => {
let mut result = String::new();
//TODO: Do something about indexing
let mut current_list: Vec<bool> = vec![];
let mut match_stack = |result: &mut String, target: &Vec<(bool, usize)>| {
// Find index after which current_list and target differ
let mut match_idx = 0usize;
for i in 0..current_list.len()
if i >= target.len() || current_list[i] != target[i].0 { break }
else { match_idx = i+1; }
// Close until same match
for _ in match_idx..current_list.len()
result.push_str(["</ul>", "</ol>"][current_list.pop().unwrap() as usize]);
// Open
for i in match_idx..target.len()
result.push_str(["<ul>", "<ol>"][target[i].0 as usize]);
match self.entries.iter()
match_stack(&mut result, &ent.numbering);
match ent.content.iter().enumerate()
.try_for_each(|(_idx, elem)| {
match elem.compile(compiler, document) {
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok(s) => { result.push_str(s.as_str()); Ok(()) }
Err(e) => Err(e),
_ => {
Err(e) => return Err(e),
_ => {}
match_stack(&mut result, &Vec::<(bool, usize)>::new());
Target::LATEX => Err("Unimplemented compiler".to_string())
impl Element for ListEntry
fn location(&self) -> &Token { &self.location }
fn kind(&self) -> ElemKind { ElemKind::Inline }
fn element_name(&self) -> &'static str { "List" }
fn to_string(&self) -> String { format!("{self:#?}") }
fn compile(&self, compiler: &Compiler) -> Result<String, String> {
lazy_static! {
static ref STATE_NAME : &'static str = "list.state";
static ref LIST_OPEN : [&'static str; 2] = ["<ul>", "<ol>"];
static ref LIST_CLOSE : [&'static str; 2] = ["</ul>", "</ol>"];
// TODO: State.shouldpreserve?
// Called upon every element
//let state = compiler.get_state_mut::<ListState, _>(*STATE_NAME)
//.or_else(|| {
// compiler.insert_state(STATE_NAME.to_string(), Box::new(ListState(Vec::new())) as Box<dyn Any>);
// compiler.get_state_mut::<ListState, _>(*STATE_NAME)
match compiler.target()
Target::HTML => {
let mut result = String::new();
//TODO: Do something about indexing
// .zip(&state.0)
// .for_each(|((wants_numbered, _), is_numbered)|
// {
// });
match self.content.iter()
.try_for_each(|ent| match ent.compile(compiler) {
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok(s) => Ok(result.push_str(s.as_str())),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
_ => {}
//result.push_str(LIST_OPEN[self.numbered as usize]);
// .for_each(|(_index, entry)|
// result.push_str(format!("<li>{}</li>", compiler.compile(entry)).as_str()));
//result.push_str(LIST_CLOSE[self.numbered as usize]);
Target::LATEX => Err("Unimplemented compiler".to_string())
pub struct ListRule
start_re: Regex,
continue_re: Regex
impl ListRule {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
start_re: Regex::new(r"(?:^|\n)(?:[^\S\r\n]+)([*-]+).*").unwrap(),
continue_re: Regex::new(r"(?:^|\n)([^\S\r\n]+).*").unwrap(),
fn parse_depth(depth: &str, document: &dyn Document) -> Vec<(bool, usize)>
let mut parsed = vec![];
// FIXME: Previous iteration used to recursively retrieve the list indent
let prev_entry = document.last_element::<List>()
.and_then(|list| Ref::filter_map(list, |m| m.entries.last() ).ok() )
.and_then(|entry| Ref::filter_map(entry, |e| Some(&e.numbering)).ok() );
let mut continue_match = true;
depth.chars().enumerate().for_each(|(idx, c)|
let number = prev_entry.as_ref()
.and_then(|v| {
if !continue_match { return None }
let numbered = c == '-';
match v.get(idx)
None => None,
Some((prev_numbered, prev_idx)) => {
if *prev_numbered != numbered { continue_match = false; None } // New depth
else if idx+1 == v.len() { Some(prev_idx+1) } // Increase from previous
else { Some(*prev_idx) } // Do nothing
match c
'*' => parsed.push((false, number)),
'-' => parsed.push((true, number)),
_ => panic!("Unimplemented")
return parsed;
impl Rule for ListRule
fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "List" }
fn next_match(&self, cursor: &Cursor) -> Option<(usize, Box<dyn Any>)> {
self.start_re.find_at(cursor.source.content(), cursor.pos)
|m| Some((m.start(), Box::new([false;0]) as Box<dyn Any>)) )
fn on_match<'a>(&self, parser: &dyn Parser, document: &'a dyn Document<'a>, cursor: Cursor, _match_data: Option<Box<dyn Any>>)
-> (Cursor, Vec<Report<'_, (Rc<dyn Source>, Range<usize>)>>) {
let mut reports = vec![];
let content = cursor.source.content();
let (end_cursor, numbering, source) = match self.start_re.captures_at(content, cursor.pos) {
None => panic!("Unknown error"),
Some(caps) => {
let mut end_pos = caps.get(0).unwrap().end();
let mut spacing = None; // Spacing used to continue list entry
loop {
// If another entry starts on the next line, don't continue matching
match self.next_match(&cursor.at(end_pos))
Some((pos, _)) => {
if pos == end_pos { break }
None => {},
// Continue matching as current entry
match self.continue_re.captures_at(content, end_pos) {
None => break,
Some(continue_caps) => {
if continue_caps.get(0).unwrap().start() != end_pos { break }
// Get the spacing
let cap_spacing = continue_caps.get(1).unwrap();
match &spacing {
None => spacing = Some(cap_spacing.range()),
Some(spacing) => 'some: {
if content[cap_spacing.range()] == content[spacing.clone()] { break 'some }
Report::build(ReportKind::Warning, cursor.source.clone(), continue_caps.get(1).unwrap().start())
.with_message("Invalid list entry spacing")
Label::new((cursor.source.clone(), cap_spacing.range()))
.with_message("Spacing for list entries must match")
Label::new((cursor.source.clone(), spacing.clone()))
.with_message("Previous spacing")
end_pos = continue_caps.get(0).unwrap().end();
let start_pos = caps.get(1).unwrap().end();
let source = VirtualSource::new(
Token::new(start_pos..end_pos, cursor.source.clone()),
"List Entry".to_string(),
ListRule::parse_depth(caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), document),
let parsed_entry = parser.parse(Rc::new(source), Some(document));
let mut parsed_paragraph = parsed_entry.last_element_mut::<Paragraph>().unwrap(); // Extract content from paragraph
let entry = ListEntry::new(
Token::new(cursor.pos..end_cursor.pos, cursor.source.clone()),
std::mem::replace(&mut parsed_paragraph.content, Vec::new())
// Ger previous list, if none insert a new list
let mut list = match document.last_element_mut::<List>()
Some(last) => last,
None => {
Token::new(cursor.pos..end_cursor.pos, cursor.source.clone()))));
(end_cursor, reports)
fn lua_bindings<'lua>(&self, _lua: &'lua Lua) -> Option<Vec<(String, Function<'lua>)>> { None }