# png_data -- Data as images ## png_embed -- Embed files into mostly innocent PNG ![Contains an embed](doc/with_embed.png) ![The embed](doc/embed.png) ### Current algorithm: * `lo` Embeds data in the colors channels lowest bits. See [examples/test.sh](examples/test.sh) for usage. ### Encoding an image `png_embed -l lo2 -e embed.tar original.png -o output.png` Where: * `lo2` is the `Lo` algorithm using the 2 lowests bits * `embed.tar` the file to embed into the final image * `original.png` the original PNG file * `output.png` the resulting PNG file ### Decoding an image `png_embed -l lo2 -d image.png -o embed.tar` Where: * `lo2` is the `Lo` algorithm using the 2 lowests bits * `image.png` the PNG containing an embed * `embed.tar` the extracted embedded file # License NML is licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or later. See [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) for more information. License for third-party dependencies can be accessed via `cargo license`