{ "404": { "title": "404, Page Not Found.", "message": "Ooops! It looks like the ressource you were looking for is no were to be found." }, "403": { "title": "403, Access Denied.", "message": "Ooops! It looks like you don't have the right to access this ressource." }, "502": { "title": "502, Backend Unavailable.", "message": "Ooops! The requested backend service is unavailable. This error might be due to an ongoing maintenance or a service disruption. You might want to take a look at our service status page." }, "503": { "title": "503, Service Unavailable.", "message": "Ooops! The requested service is unavailable. This error might be due to an ongoing maintenance or a service disruption. You might want to take a look at our service status page." }, "500": { "title": "500, Internal Server Error.", "message": "Ooops! It looks like something went wrong on our side. We are working on it and will be back shortly." } }