# gitea-pull-request-comment-plugin A Woodpecker plugin to post comments onto a Gitea Pull Requests. Note this currently only works on `pull request` events. You'll need to generate a [Gitea API token](https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/api-usage/) before you can use this. ## Usage/Examples This example uses a woodpecker secret to pass the gitea API token to the pipeline job. The secret is enabled for use on `pull requests` .  ```yaml pipeline: comment: image: mcs94/gitea-comment settings: gitea_address: https://gitea.url.goes.here gitea_token: from_secret: gitea_token comment: > ✅ Build ${CI_BUILD_EVENT} of `${CI_REPO_NAME}` has status `${CI_BUILD_STATUS}`. 📝 Commit by ${CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR} on `${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH}`: `${CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE}` 🌐 ${CI_BUILD_LINK} when: event: [pull_request] ``` Produces something with looks like the screenshot below on pull requests:  ## Authors * [@markopolo123](https://www.github.com/markopolo123) ## Running just the container ```bash docker run \ -e PLUGIN_COMMENT="test comment" \ -e PLUGIN_GITEA_TOKEN="tokenhere" \ -e PLUGIN_GITEA_ADDRESS="https://gitea.url.here" \ -e CI_REPO_OWNER="repoowner" \ -e CI_REPO_NAME="yourrepo" \ -e CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST=8 \ test-gitea ```