--- name: Gitea Comment author: markopolo123 description: Plugin to add comments to a Gitea Pull Request tags: [Gitea, comment] containerImage: mcs94/gitea-comment containerImageUrl: https://hub.docker.com/r/mcs94/gitea-comment url: https://github.com/markopolo123/gitea-comment-plugin --- A Woodpecker plugin to post comments onto a Gitea Pull Request. ## Usage Example pipeline: ```yaml pipeline: comment: image: mcs94/gitea-comment settings: gitea_address: https://gitea.url.goes.here gitea_token: from_secret: gitea_token comment: > ✅ Build ${CI_BUILD_EVENT} of `${CI_REPO_NAME}` has status `${CI_BUILD_STATUS}`. 📝 Commit by ${CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR} on `${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH}`: `${CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE}` 🌐 ${CI_BUILD_LINK} when: event: [pull_request] ``` ## Settings |Name|Description|Default| |---|---|---| | `gitea_address` |URL for your gitea instance| none| | `gitea_token` |Gitea API token| none| | `comment` |comment to add to Pull Request|none|