import logging import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, Union, Dict, List from babel.messages.pofile import read_po from tuxbot.core import Config from tuxbot.core.utils.functions.extra import ContextPlus log = logging.getLogger("tuxbot.core.i18n") _translators = [] available_locales: Dict[str, List[str]] = { "en-US": ["english", "anglais", "en", "us", "en-us"], "fr-FR": ["français", "francais", "french", "fr", "be", "fr-fr"], } def find_locale(locale: str) -> str: """We suppose `locale` is in `_available_locales.values()`""" for key, val in available_locales.items(): if locale in val: return key raise NotImplementedError("This locale isn't implemented") def get_locale_name(locale: str) -> str: """Return the name of this `locale`""" return available_locales.get(find_locale(locale))[0] class Translator(Callable[[str], str]): """Class to load texts at init.""" def __init__(self, name: str, file_location: Union[Path, os.PathLike]): """Initializes the Translator object. Parameters ---------- name : str The cog name. file_location:Path|os.PathLike File path for the required extension. """ self.cog_folder = Path(file_location).resolve().parent self.cog_name = name self.translations = {} _translators.append(self) self.load_translations() def __call__( self, untranslated: str, ctx: ContextPlus, config: Config ) -> str: try: locale = config.get_value( "core", f"guild.{}.locale", config.get_value("core", "locale"), ) return self.translations[locale][untranslated] except KeyError: return untranslated def __repr__(self): return "" % ( self.cog_name, self.cog_folder, ) def load_translations(self): """Loads the current translations.""" for locale in available_locales: locale_path = self.cog_folder / "locales" / f"{locale}.po" with"r") as f: catalog = read_po(f) for message in catalog: if self._add_translation(locale,, message.string) def _add_translation( self, locale: str, untranslated: str, translated: str ): if translated: if not self.translations.get(locale, False): self.translations[locale] = {} self.translations[locale][untranslated] = translated