import asyncio import json import logging from typing import List, Dict, Union, Any from flatten_dict import flatten, unflatten import discord from tuxbot.core.data_manager import data_path __all__ = ["Config"] log = logging.getLogger("tuxbot.core.config") class Config: def __init__(self, cog_instance: str = None): self._cog_instance = cog_instance self.lock = asyncio.Lock() self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._settings_file = None self._datas = {} def __getitem__(self, item) -> Dict: path = data_path(self._cog_instance) if item != "core": path = path / "cogs" / item else: path /= "core" settings_file = path / "settings.json" if not settings_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Unable to find settings file " f"'{settings_file}'" ) else: with"r") as f: return json.load(f) def __call__(self, item): return self.__getitem__(item) def owners_id(self) -> List[int]: """Simply return the owners id saved in config file. Returns ------- str Owners id. """ return self.__getitem__("core").get("owners_id") def token(self) -> str: """Simply return the bot token saved in config file. Returns ------- str Bot token. """ return self.__getitem__("core").get("token") def get_prefixes(self, guild: discord.Guild) -> List[str]: """Get custom prefixes for one guild. Parameters ---------- guild:discord.Guild The required guild prefixes. Returns ------- List[str] List of all prefixes. """ core = self.__getitem__("core") prefixes = core.get("guild", {}).get(, {}).get("prefixes", []) return prefixes def get_blacklist(self, key: str) -> List[Union[str, int]]: """Return list off all blacklisted values Parameters ---------- key:str Which type of blacklist to choice (guilds ? channels ?,...). Returns ------- List[Union[str, int]] List containing blacklisted values. """ core = self.__getitem__("core") blacklist = core.get("blacklist", {}).get(key, []) return blacklist def _dump(self): with"w") as f: json.dump(self._datas, f, indent=4) async def update(self, cog_name: str, item: str, value: Any) -> dict: """Update values in config file. Parameters ---------- cog_name:str Name of cog who's corresponding to the config file. item:str Key to update. value:Any New values to apply. Returns ------- dict: Updated values. """ datas = self.__getitem__(cog_name) path = data_path(self._cog_instance) flat_datas = flatten(datas) flat_datas[tuple(item.split("."))] = value datas = unflatten(flat_datas) self._datas = datas if cog_name != "core": path = path / "cogs" / cog_name else: path /= "core" self._settings_file = path / "settings.json" async with self.lock: await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self._dump) return datas def get_value(self, cog_name: str, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """Get value by key. Parameters ---------- cog_name:str Name of cog who's corresponding to the config file. key:str Key to fetch. default:Any|Optional Default value. Returns ------- Any: Recovered value. """ datas = self.__getitem__(cog_name) flat_datas = flatten(datas) try: return flat_datas[tuple(key.split("."))] except KeyError: return default