import argparse import asyncio import getpass import json import logging import platform import signal import sys from typing import NoReturn import discord import pip from colorama import Fore, init, Style from pip._vendor import distro import tuxbot.logging from tuxbot.core import data_manager from import Tux from tuxbot.core.utils.functions.cli import bordered from . import __version__ log = logging.getLogger("tuxbot.main") init() def list_instances() -> NoReturn: with as fs: datas = json.load(fs) instances = list(datas.keys()) info = { 'title': "Instances", 'rows': [] } for instance in instances: info['rows'].append(f"-> {instance}") print(bordered(info)) sys.exit(0) def debug_info() -> NoReturn: python_version = sys.version.replace('\n', '') pip_version = pip.__version__ tuxbot_version = __version__ dpy_version = discord.__version__ os_info = distro.linux_distribution() os_info = f"{os_info[0]} {os_info[1]}" runner = getpass.getuser() info = { 'title': "Debug Info", 'rows': [ f"Tuxbot version: {tuxbot_version}", "", f"Python version: {python_version}", f"Python executable path: {sys.executable}", f"Pip version: {pip_version}", f" version: {dpy_version}", "", f"OS info: {os_info}", f"System arch: {platform.machine()}", f"User: {runner}", ] } print(bordered(info)) sys.exit(0) def parse_cli_flags(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Tuxbot - OpenSource bot", usage="tuxbot [arguments]" ) parser.add_argument( "--version", "-V", action="store_true", help="Show tuxbot's used version" ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", help="Show debug information." ) parser.add_argument( "--list-instances", "-L", action="store_true", help="List all instance names" ) parser.add_argument( "instance_name", nargs="?", help="Name of the bot instance created during `tuxbot-setup`." ) args = parser.parse_args(args) return args async def shutdown_handler(tux, signal_type, exit_code=None): if signal_type:"%s received. Quitting...", signal_type) sys.exit(0) elif exit_code is None:"Shutting down from unhandled exception") tux.shutdown_code = 1 if exit_code is not None: tux.shutdown_code = exit_code try: await tux.logout() finally: pending = [ t for t in asyncio.all_tasks() if t is not asyncio.current_task() ] for task in pending: task.cancel() await asyncio.gather(*pending, return_exceptions=True) async def run_bot(tux: Tux, cli_flags: argparse.Namespace) -> None: data_path = data_manager.get_data_path(tux.instance_name) tuxbot.logging.init_logging( level=cli_flags.logging_level, location=data_path / "logs" ) log.debug("====Basic Config====") log.debug("Data Path: %s", data_path) if cli_flags.token: token = cli_flags.token else: token = await tux.config.token() if not token: log.critical("Token must be set if you want to login.") sys.exit(1) try: await tux.start(token, bot=True, cli_flags=cli_flags) except discord.LoginFailure: log.critical("This token appears to be valid.") sys.exit(1) return None def main(): tux = None cli_flags = parse_cli_flags(sys.argv[1:]) if cli_flags.list_instances: list_instances() elif cli_flags.debug: debug_info() elif cli_flags.version: print("Tuxbot V3") print(f"Complete Version: {__version__}") sys.exit(0) loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) try: if not cli_flags.instance_name: print(Fore.RED + "No instance provided ! " "You can use 'tuxbot -L' to list all available instances" + Style.RESET_ALL) sys.exit(1) tux = Tux( cli_flags=cli_flags, description="Tuxbot, made from and for OpenSource", dm_help=None ) loop.run_until_complete(run_bot(tux, cli_flags)) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.warning("Please use quit instead of Ctrl+C to Shutdown!") log.error("Received KeyboardInterrupt") if tux is not None: loop.run_until_complete(shutdown_handler(tux, signal.SIGINT)) except SystemExit as exc:"Shutting down with exit code: %s", exc.code) if tux is not None: loop.run_until_complete(shutdown_handler(tux, None, exc.code)) except Exception as exc: log.exception("Unexpected exception (%s): ", type(exc), exc_info=exc) if tux is not None: loop.run_until_complete(shutdown_handler(tux, None, 1)) finally: loop.run_until_complete(loop.shutdown_asyncgens())"Please wait, cleaning up a bit more") loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(1)) asyncio.set_event_loop(None) loop.stop() loop.close() exit_code = 1 if tux is None else tux.shutdown_code sys.exit(exit_code) if __name__ == "__main__": main()