from discord.ext import commands import discord import asyncio from .utils import checks from .utils.checks import get_user import traceback import textwrap from contextlib import redirect_stdout import inspect import io class Admin(commands.Cog): """Commandes secrètes d'administration.""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self._last_result = None self.sessions = set() @staticmethod def cleanup_code(content): if content.startswith('```') and content.endswith('```'): return '\n'.join(content.split('\n')[1:-1]) return content.strip('` \n') """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def ban(self, ctx, user, *, reason=""): """Ban user""" user = get_user(ctx.message, user) if user: try: await user.ban(reason=reason) return_msg = f"`{user.mention}` a été banni\n" if reason: return_msg += f"raison : `{reason}`" return_msg += "." await ctx.send(return_msg) except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send('Impossible de bannir cet user,' ' probleme de permission.') else: return await ctx.send('Impossible de trouver l\'user.') """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def kick(self, ctx, user, *, reason=""): """Kick a user""" user = get_user(ctx.message, user) if user: try: await user.kick(reason=reason) return_msg = f"`{user.mention}` a été kické\n" if reason: return_msg += f"raison : `{reason}`" return_msg += "." await ctx.send(return_msg) except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send('Impossible de kicker cet user,' ' probleme de permission.') else: return await ctx.send('Impossible de trouver l\'user.') """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(name='clear', pass_context=True) async def _clear(self, ctx, number: int, silent: str = True): """Clear of message(s)""" try: await ctx.message.delete() except Exception: print(f"Impossible de supprimer le message " f"\"{str(ctx.message.content)}\"") if number < 1000: try: await except Exception as e: # TODO : A virer dans l'event on_error if silent is not True: await ctx.send(f':sob: Une erreur est survenue : \n' f' {type(e).__name__}: {e}') if silent is not True: await ctx.send("Hop voila j'ai viré des messages! Hello World") print(f"{str(number)} messages ont été supprimés") else: await ctx.send('Trop de messages, entre un nombre < 1000') """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(name='say', pass_context=True) async def _say(self, ctx, *, tosay: str): """Say a message in the current channel""" try: try: await ctx.message.delete() except Exception: print(f"Impossible de supprimer le message " f"\"{str(ctx.message.content)}\"") await ctx.send(tosay) except Exception as e: # TODO : A virer dans l'event on_error await ctx.send(f':sob: Une erreur est survenue : \n' f' {type(e).__name__}: {e}') """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(name='sayto', pass_context=True) async def _sayto(self, ctx, channel_id: int, *, tosay: str): """Say a message in the channel""" try: chan = try: await ctx.message.delete() except Exception: print(f"Impossible de supprimer le message " f"\"{str(ctx.message.content)}\"") try: await chan.send(tosay) except Exception: print(f"Impossible d'envoyer le message dans {str(channel_id)}") except Exception as e: # TODO : A virer dans l'event on_error await ctx.send(f':sob: Une erreur est survenue : \n' f' {type(e).__name__}: {e}') """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(name='sayto_dm', pass_context=True) async def _sayto_dm(self, ctx, user_id: int, *, tosay: str): """Say a message to the user""" try: user = try: await ctx.message.delete() except Exception: print(f"Impossible de supprimer le message " f"\"{str(ctx.message.content)}\"") try: await user.send(tosay) except Exception: print(f"Impossible d'envoyer le message dans {str(user_id)}") except Exception as e: # TODO : A virer dans l'event on_error await ctx.send(f':sob: Une erreur est survenue : \n' f' {type(e).__name__}: {e}') """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(name='editsay', pass_context=True) async def _editsay(self, ctx, id: int, *, new_content: str): """Edit a bot's message""" try: try: await ctx.message.delete() except Exception: print(f"Impossible de supprimer le message " f"\"{str(ctx.message.content)}\"") toedit = await except discord.errors.NotFound: await ctx.send(f"Impossible de trouver le message avec l'id " f"`{id}` sur ce salon") return try: await toedit.edit(content=str(new_content)) except discord.errors.Forbidden: await ctx.send("J'ai po les perms pour editer mes messages :(") """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(name='addreaction', pass_context=True) async def _addreaction(self, ctx, id: int, reaction: str): """Add reactions to a message""" try: try: await ctx.message.delete() except Exception: print(f"Impossible de supprimer le message " f"\"{str(ctx.message.content)}\"") toadd = await except discord.errors.NotFound: await ctx.send(f"Impossible de trouver le message avec l'id " f"`{id}` sur ce salon") return try: await toadd.add_reaction(reaction) except discord.errors.Forbidden: await ctx.send("J'ai po les perms pour ajouter des réactions :(") """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(name='delete', pass_context=True) async def _delete(self, ctx, id: int): """Delete message in current channel""" try: try: await ctx.message.delete() except Exception: print(f"Impossible de supprimer le message " f"\"{str(ctx.message.content)}\"") todelete = await except discord.errors.NotFound: await ctx.send(f"Impossible de trouver le message avec l'id " f"`{id}` sur ce salon") return try: await todelete.delete() except discord.errors.Forbidden: await ctx.send("J'ai po les perms pour supprimer des messages :(") """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(name='deletefrom', pass_context=True) async def _deletefrom(self, ctx, chan_id: int, *, message_id: str): """Delete message in channel""" try: chan = try: await ctx.message.delete() except Exception: print(f"Impossible de supprimer le message " f"\"{str(ctx.message.content)}\"") todelete = await chan.get_message(message_id) except discord.errors.NotFound: await ctx.send(f"Impossible de trouver le message avec l'id " f"`{id}` sur le salon") return try: await todelete.delete() except discord.errors.Forbidden: await ctx.send("J'ai po les perms pour supprimer le message :(") """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(name='embed', pass_context=True) async def _embed(self, ctx, *, msg: str = "help"): """Send an embed""" if msg != "help": ptext = title \ = description \ = image \ = thumbnail \ = color \ = footer \ = author \ = None timestamp = discord.Embed.Empty embed_values = msg.split('|') for i in embed_values: if i.strip().lower().startswith('ptext='): ptext = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('title='): title = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('description='): description = i.strip()[12:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('desc='): description = i.strip()[5:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('image='): image = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('thumbnail='): thumbnail = i.strip()[10:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('colour='): color = i.strip()[7:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('color='): color = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('footer='): footer = i.strip()[7:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('author='): author = i.strip()[7:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('timestamp'): timestamp = ctx.message.created_at else: if description is None and not i.strip()\ .lower().startswith('field='): description = i.strip() if color: if color.startswith('#'): color = color[1:] if not color.startswith('0x'): color = '0x' + color if ptext \ is title \ is description \ is image \ is thumbnail \ is color \ is footer \ is author \ is None \ and 'field=' not in msg: try: await ctx.message.delete() except Exception: print("Impossible de supprimer le message \"" + str( ctx.message.content) + "\"") return await ctx.send(content=None, embed=discord.Embed(description=msg)) if color: em = discord.Embed(timestamp=timestamp, title=title, description=description, color=int(color, 16)) else: em = discord.Embed(timestamp=timestamp, title=title, description=description) for i in embed_values: if i.strip().lower().startswith('field='): field_inline = True field = i.strip().lstrip('field=') field_name, field_value = field.split('value=') if 'inline=' in field_value: field_value, field_inline = field_value.split( 'inline=') if 'false' in field_inline.lower() \ or 'no' in field_inline.lower(): field_inline = False field_name = field_name.strip().lstrip('name=') em.add_field(name=field_name, value=field_value.strip(), inline=field_inline) if author: if 'icon=' in author: text, icon = author.split('icon=') if 'url=' in icon: em.set_author(name=text.strip()[5:], icon_url=icon.split('url=')[0].strip(), url=icon.split('url=')[1].strip()) else: em.set_author(name=text.strip()[5:], icon_url=icon) else: if 'url=' in author: em.set_author(name=author.split('url=')[0].strip()[5:], url=author.split('url=')[1].strip()) else: em.set_author(name=author) if image: em.set_image(url=image) if thumbnail: em.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail) if footer: if 'icon=' in footer: text, icon = footer.split('icon=') em.set_footer(text=text.strip()[5:], icon_url=icon) else: em.set_footer(text=footer) try: await ctx.message.delete() except Exception: print("Impossible de supprimer le message \"" + str( ctx.message.content) + "\"") await ctx.send(content=ptext, embed=em) else: embed = discord.Embed( title="Aide sur l'utilisation de la commande .embed:") embed.add_field(name="Titre:", value="title=", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Description:", value="description=", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Couleur:", value="color=", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Image:", value="image=", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Thumbnail:", value="thumbnail=", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Auteur:", value="author=", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Icon", value="icon=", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Footer", value="footer=", inline=True) embed.set_footer(text="Exemple: .embed title=Un titre |" " description=Une description |" " color=3AB35E |" " field=name=test value=test") await ctx.send(embed=embed) """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(pass_context=True, hidden=True) async def repl(self, ctx): """Launches an interactive REPL session.""" variables = { 'ctx': ctx, 'bot':, 'message': ctx.message, 'guild': ctx.guild, 'channel':, 'author':, '_': None, } if in self.sessions: await ctx.send('Already running a REPL session in this channel.' ' Exit it with `quit`.') return self.sessions.add( await ctx.send( 'Enter code to execute or evaluate. `exit()` or `quit` to exit.') def check(m): return == and \ == and \ m.content.startswith('`') while True: try: response = await'message', check=check, timeout=10.0 * 60.0) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send('Exiting REPL session.') self.sessions.remove( break cleaned = self.cleanup_code(response.content) if cleaned in ('quit', 'exit', 'exit()'): await ctx.send('Exiting.') self.sessions.remove( return executor = exec if cleaned.count('\n') == 0: # single statement, potentially 'eval' try: code = compile(cleaned, '', 'eval') except SyntaxError: pass else: executor = eval if executor is exec: try: code = compile(cleaned, '', 'exec') except SyntaxError as e: await ctx.send(self.get_syntax_error(e)) continue variables['message'] = response fmt = None stdout = io.StringIO() try: with redirect_stdout(stdout): result = executor(code, variables) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await result except Exception as e: value = stdout.getvalue() fmt = f'```py\n{value}{traceback.format_exc()}\n```' else: value = stdout.getvalue() if result is not None: fmt = f'```py\n{value}{result}\n```' variables['_'] = result elif value: fmt = f'```py\n{value}\n```' try: if fmt is not None: if len(fmt) > 2000: await ctx.send('Content too big to be printed.') else: await ctx.send(fmt) except discord.Forbidden: pass except discord.HTTPException as e: await ctx.send(f'Unexpected error: `{e}`') """---------------------------------------------------------------------""" @checks.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command(pass_context=True, hidden=True, name='eval') async def _eval(self, ctx, *, body: str): """Evaluates a code""" env = { 'bot':, 'ctx': ctx, 'channel':, 'author':, 'guild': ctx.guild, 'message': ctx.message, '_': self._last_result } env.update(globals()) body = self.cleanup_code(body) stdout = io.StringIO() to_compile = f'async def func():\n{textwrap.indent(body, " ")}' try: exec(to_compile, env) except Exception as e: return await ctx.send(f'```py\n{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}\n```') func = env['func'] try: with redirect_stdout(stdout): ret = await func() except Exception: value = stdout.getvalue() await ctx.send(f'```py\n{value}{traceback.format_exc()}\n```') else: value = stdout.getvalue() try: await ctx.message.add_reaction('\u2705') except Exception: pass if ret is None: if value: await ctx.send(f'```py\n{value}\n```') else: self._last_result = ret await ctx.send(f'```py\n{value}{ret}\n```') def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Admin(bot))