import asyncio import datetime import json import logging import textwrap import traceback from collections import defaultdict from logging import LogRecord import discord import humanize import psutil from discord.ext import commands, tasks from structured_config import ConfigFile from import Tux from tuxbot.core.i18n import ( Translator, ) from tuxbot.core.utils.functions.extra import ( command_extra, ContextPlus, ) from .config import LogsConfig from ...core.data_manager import cogs_data_path log = logging.getLogger("tuxbot.cogs.logs") _ = Translator("Logs", __file__) class GatewayHandler(logging.Handler): def __init__(self, cog): self.cog = cog super().__init__(logging.INFO) def filter(self, record: LogRecord): return ( == "discord.gateway" or "Shard ID" in record.msg or "Websocket closed " in record.msg ) def emit(self, record: LogRecord): self.cog.add_record(record) class Logs(commands.Cog, name="Logs"): def __init__(self, bot: Tux): = bot self.process = psutil.Process() self._batch_lock = asyncio.Lock(loop=bot.loop) self._data_batch = [] self._gateway_queue = asyncio.Queue(loop=bot.loop) self.gateway_worker.start() # pylint: disable=no-member self.config: LogsConfig = ConfigFile( str( cogs_data_path(, "logs") / "config.yaml" ), LogsConfig, ).config self._resumes = [] self._identifies = defaultdict(list) def _clear_gateway_data(self): one_week_ago = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=7) to_remove = [ index for index, dt in enumerate(self._resumes) if dt < one_week_ago ] for index in reversed(to_remove): del self._resumes[index] for _, dates in self._identifies.items(): to_remove = [ index for index, dt in enumerate(dates) if dt < one_week_ago ] for index in reversed(to_remove): del dates[index] @tasks.loop(seconds=0.0) async def gateway_worker(self): record = await self._gateway_queue.get() await self.notify_gateway_status(record) async def register_command(self, ctx: ContextPlus): if ctx.command is None: return command = ctx.command.qualified_name["commands"][command] += 1 message = ctx.message if ctx.guild is None: destination = "Private Message" guild_id = None else: destination = f"#{} ({message.guild})" guild_id = "%s: %s in %s > %s", message.created_at,, destination, message.content, ) async with self._batch_lock: self._data_batch.append( { "guild": guild_id, "channel":, "author":, "used": message.created_at.isoformat(), "prefix": ctx.prefix, "command": command, "failed": ctx.command_failed, } ) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_command_completion(self, ctx: ContextPlus): await self.register_command(ctx) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_socket_response(self, msg):["socket"][msg.get("t")] += 1 def webhook(self, log_type): webhook = discord.Webhook.from_url( getattr(self.config, log_type), adapter=discord.AsyncWebhookAdapter(, ) return webhook async def log_error(self, *, ctx: ContextPlus = None, extra=None): e = discord.Embed(title="Error", colour=0xDD5F53) e.description = f"```py\n{traceback.format_exc()}\n```" e.add_field(name="Extra", value=extra, inline=False) e.timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if ctx is not None: fmt = "{0} (ID: {})" author = fmt.format( channel = fmt.format( guild = "None" if ctx.guild is None else fmt.format(ctx.guild) e.add_field(name="Author", value=author) e.add_field(name="Channel", value=channel) e.add_field(name="Guild", value=guild) await self.webhook("errors").send(embed=e) async def send_guild_stats(self, e, guild): e.add_field(name="Name", e.add_field(name="ID", e.add_field(name="Shard ID", value=guild.shard_id or "N/A") e.add_field( name="Owner", value=f"{guild.owner} (ID: {})" ) bots = sum( for member in guild.members) total = guild.member_count online = sum( member.status is for member in guild.members ) e.add_field(name="Members", value=str(total)) e.add_field(name="Bots", value=f"{bots} ({bots / total:.2%})") e.add_field(name="Online", value=f"{online} ({online / total:.2%})") if guild.icon: e.set_thumbnail(url=guild.icon_url) if e.timestamp = await self.webhook("guilds").send(embed=e) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_join(self, guild: discord.guild): e = discord.Embed(colour=0x53DDA4, title="New Guild") # green colour await self.send_guild_stats(e, guild) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_remove(self, guild: discord.guild): e = discord.Embed(colour=0xDD5F53, title="Left Guild") # red colour await self.send_guild_stats(e, guild) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, message: discord.message): if message.guild is None: e = discord.Embed(colour=0x0A97F5, title="New DM") # blue colour e.set_author(,"png"), ) e.description = message.content if len(message.attachments) > 0: e.set_image(url=message.attachments[0].url) e.set_footer(text=f"User ID: {}") await self.webhook("dm").send(embed=e) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_command_error(self, ctx: ContextPlus, error): await self.register_command(ctx) if not isinstance( error, (commands.CommandInvokeError, commands.ConversionError) ): return error = error.original if isinstance(error, (discord.Forbidden, discord.NotFound)): return e = discord.Embed(title="Command Error", colour=0xCC3366) e.add_field(name="Name", value=ctx.command.qualified_name) e.add_field(name="Author", value=f"{} (ID: {})") fmt = f"Channel: {} (ID: {})" if ctx.guild: fmt = f"{fmt}\nGuild: {ctx.guild} (ID: {})" e.add_field(name="Location", value=fmt, inline=False) e.add_field( name="Content", value=textwrap.shorten(ctx.message.content, width=512), ) exc = "".join( traceback.format_exception( type(error), error, error.__traceback__, chain=False ) ) e.description = f"```py\n{exc}\n```" e.timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() await self.webhook("errors").send(embed=e) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_socket_raw_send(self, data): if '"op":2' not in data and '"op":6' not in data: return back_to_json = json.loads(data) if back_to_json["op"] == 2: payload = back_to_json["d"] inner_shard = payload.get("shard", [0]) self._identifies[inner_shard[0]].append(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) else: self._resumes.append(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) self._clear_gateway_data() def add_record(self, record: LogRecord): self._gateway_queue.put_nowait(record) async def notify_gateway_status(self, record: LogRecord): types = {"INFO": ":information_source:", "WARNING": ":warning:"} emoji = types.get(record.levelname, ":heavy_multiplication_x:") dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(record.created) msg = f"{emoji} `[{dt:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}] {record.message}`" await self.webhook("gateway").send(msg) @command_extra(name="commandstats", hidden=True, deletable=True) @commands.is_owner() async def _commandstats(self, ctx: ContextPlus, limit=20): counter =["commands"] width = len(max(counter, key=len)) + 1 if limit > 0: common = counter.most_common(limit) else: common = counter.most_common()[limit:] output = "\n".join(f"{k:<{width}}: {c}" for k, c in common) await ctx.send(f"```\n{output}\n```") @command_extra(name="socketstats", hidden=True, deletable=True) @commands.is_owner() async def _socketstats(self, ctx: ContextPlus): delta = - minutes = delta.total_seconds() / 60 counter =["socket"] if None in counter: counter.pop(None) width = len(max(counter, key=len)) + 1 common = counter.most_common() total = sum(["socket"].values()) cpm = total / minutes output = "\n".join(f"{k:<{width}}: {c}" for k, c in common) await ctx.send( f"{total} socket events observed ({cpm:.2f}/minute):" f"```\n{output}\n```" ) @command_extra(name="uptime") async def _uptime(self, ctx: ContextPlus): uptime = humanize.naturaltime( - ) await ctx.send(f"Uptime: **{uptime}**") async def on_error(self, event, *args): e = discord.Embed(title="Event Error", colour=0xA32952) e.add_field(name="Event", value=event) e.description = f"```py\n{traceback.format_exc()}\n```" e.timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() args_str = ["```py"] for index, arg in enumerate(args): args_str.append(f"[{index}]: {arg!r}") args_str.append("```") e.add_field(name="Args", value="\n".join(args_str), inline=False) hook = self.get_cog("Logs").webhook("errors") try: await hook.send(embed=e) except ( discord.HTTPException, discord.NotFound, discord.Forbidden, discord.InvalidArgument, ): pass