import asyncio import datetime import importlib import logging from collections import Counter from typing import List, Union import aiohttp import discord from discord.ext import commands from rich import box from rich.columns import Columns from rich.console import Console from rich.panel import Panel from rich.progress import Progress, TextColumn, BarColumn from rich.table import Table from tortoise import Tortoise from tuxbot import version_info from tuxbot.core.utils.data_manager import ( logs_data_path, data_path, config_dir, ) from .config import ( Config, ConfigFile, search_for, AppConfig, set_for_key, ) from . import __version__, ExitCodes from . import exceptions from .utils.functions.extra import ContextPlus from .utils.functions.prefix import get_prefixes log = logging.getLogger("tuxbot") console = Console() packages: List[str] = [ "jishaku", "tuxbot.cogs.Admin", "tuxbot.cogs.Logs", # "tuxbot.cogs.Dev", "tuxbot.cogs.Utils", "tuxbot.cogs.Polls", "tuxbot.cogs.Custom", "tuxbot.cogs.Network", ] class Tux(commands.AutoShardedBot): _loading: asyncio.Task _progress = { "main": Progress( TextColumn("[bold blue]{task.fields[task_name]}", justify="right"), BarColumn(), ), "tasks": {}, } def __init__(self, *args, cli_flags=None, **kwargs): # by default, if the bot shutdown without any intervention, # it's a crash self.shutdown_code = ExitCodes.CRITICAL self.cli_flags = cli_flags self.instance_name = self.cli_flags.instance_name self.last_exception = None self.logs = logs_data_path(self.instance_name) self.console = console self.stats = {"commands": Counter(), "socket": Counter()} self.config: Config = ConfigFile( str(data_path(self.instance_name) / "config.yaml"), Config ).config async def _prefixes(bot, message) -> List[str]: prefixes = self.config.Core.prefixes prefixes.extend(get_prefixes(self, message.guild)) if self.config.Core.mentionable: return commands.when_mentioned_or(*prefixes)(bot, message) return prefixes if "command_prefix" not in kwargs: kwargs["command_prefix"] = _prefixes if "owner_ids" in kwargs: kwargs["owner_ids"] = set(kwargs["owner_ids"]) else: kwargs["owner_ids"] = self.config.Core.owners_id message_cache_size = 100_000 kwargs["max_messages"] = message_cache_size self.max_messages = message_cache_size self.uptime = None self._app_owners_fetched = False # to prevent abusive API calls super().__init__( *args, help_command=None, intents=discord.Intents.all(), **kwargs ) self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop) async def _is_blacklister(self, message: discord.Message) -> bool: """Check for blacklists.""" if return True if ( search_for(self.config.Servers,, "blacklisted") or search_for( self.config.Channels,, "blacklisted" ) or search_for(self.config.Users,, "blacklisted") ): return True return False async def load_packages(self): if packages: with Progress() as progress: task = progress.add_task( "Loading packages...", total=len(packages) ) for package in packages: try: self.load_extension(package) progress.console.print(f"{package} loaded") except Exception as e: log.exception( "Failed to load package %s", package, exc_info=e ) progress.console.print( f"[red]Failed to load package {package} " f"[i](see " f"{str((self.logs / 'tuxbot.log').resolve())} " f"for more details)[/i]" ) progress.advance(task) async def on_ready(self): self.uptime = app_config = ConfigFile(config_dir / "config.yaml", AppConfig).config set_for_key( app_config.Instances, self.instance_name, AppConfig.Instance, active=True, last_run=datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.uptime), ) self._progress["main"].stop_task(self._progress["tasks"]["connecting"]) self._progress["main"].remove_task( self._progress["tasks"]["connecting"] ) self._progress["tasks"].pop("connecting") console.clear() console.print( Panel(f"[bold blue]Tuxbot V{version_info.major}", style="blue"), justify="center", ) console.print() columns = Columns(expand=True, align="center") table = Table(style="dim", border_style="not dim", box=box.HEAVY_HEAD) table.add_column( "INFO", ) table.add_row(str(self.user)) table.add_row(f"Prefixes: {', '.join(self.config.Core.prefixes)}") table.add_row(f"Language: {self.config.Core.locale}") table.add_row(f"Tuxbot Version: {__version__}") table.add_row(f" Version: {discord.__version__}") table.add_row(f"Shards: {self.shard_count}") table.add_row(f"Servers: {len(self.guilds)}") table.add_row(f"Users: {len(self.users)}") columns.add_renderable(table) table = Table(style="dim", border_style="not dim", box=box.HEAVY_HEAD) table.add_column( "COGS", ) for extension in packages: if extension in self.extensions: status = f"[green]:heavy_check_mark: {extension} " else: status = f"[red]:heavy_multiplication_x: {extension} " table.add_row(status) columns.add_renderable(table) console.print(columns) console.print() async def is_owner( self, user: Union[discord.User, discord.Member] ) -> bool: """Determines if the user is a bot owner. Parameters ---------- user: Union[discord.User, discord.Member] Returns ------- bool """ if in self.config.Core.owners_id: return True owner = False if not self._app_owners_fetched: app = await self.application_info() if ids = [ for m in] self.config.Core.owners_id = ids owner = in ids self._app_owners_fetched = True return owner # pylint: disable=unused-argument async def get_context(self, message: discord.Message, *, cls=None): return await super().get_context(message, cls=ContextPlus) async def process_commands(self, message: discord.Message): ctx: ContextPlus = await self.get_context(message) if ctx is None or not ctx.valid: if user_aliases := search_for( self.config.Users,, "aliases" ): for alias, command in user_aliases.items(): back_content = message.content message.content = message.content.replace( alias, command, 1 ) if ( ctx := await self.get_context(message) ) is None or not ctx.valid: message.content = back_content else: break self.dispatch("message_without_command", message) if ctx is not None and ctx.valid: if ctx.command in search_for( self.config.Servers,, "disabled_command", [] ): raise exceptions.DisabledCommandByServerOwner if ctx.command in self.config.Core.disabled_command: raise exceptions.DisabledCommandByBotOwner await self.invoke(ctx) async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message): await self.process_commands(message) async def start(self, token, bot): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Connect to Discord and start all connections. Todo: add postgresql connect here """ with self._progress.get("main") as progress: task_id = self._progress.get("tasks")[ "connecting" ] = progress.add_task( "connecting", task_name="Connecting to PostgreSQL...", start=False, ) models = [] for extension, _ in self.extensions.items(): if extension == "jishaku": continue if importlib.import_module(extension).HAS_MODELS: models.append(f"{extension}.models.__init__") progress.update(task_id) await Tortoise.init( db_url="postgres://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}".format( self.config.Core.Database.username, self.config.Core.Database.password, self.config.Core.Database.domain, self.config.Core.Database.port, self.config.Core.Database.db_name, ), modules={"models": models}, ) await Tortoise.generate_schemas() self._progress["main"].stop_task(self._progress["tasks"]["connecting"]) self._progress["main"].remove_task( self._progress["tasks"]["connecting"] ) self._progress["tasks"].pop("connecting") with self._progress.get("main") as progress: task_id = self._progress.get("tasks")[ "connecting" ] = progress.add_task( "connecting", task_name="Connecting to Discord...", start=False ) progress.update(task_id) await super().start(token, bot=bot) async def logout(self): """Disconnect from Discord and closes all actives connections. Todo: add postgresql logout here """ app_config = ConfigFile(config_dir / "config.yaml", AppConfig).config set_for_key( app_config.Instances, self.instance_name, AppConfig.Instance, active=False, ) for task in self._progress["tasks"]: self._progress["main"].log("Shutting down", task) self._progress["main"].stop_task(self._progress["tasks"][task]) self._progress["main"].remove_task( self._progress["tasks"]["connecting"] ) self._progress["main"].stop() pending = [ t for t in asyncio.all_tasks() if t is not asyncio.current_task() ] for task in pending: console.log("Canceling", task.get_name(), f"({task.get_coro()})") task.cancel() await asyncio.gather(*pending, return_exceptions=False) await super().logout() async def shutdown(self, *, restart: bool = False): """Gracefully quit. Parameters ---------- restart:bool If `True`, systemd or the launcher gonna see custom exit code and reboot. """ if not restart: self.shutdown_code = ExitCodes.SHUTDOWN else: self.shutdown_code = ExitCodes.RESTART await self.logout() sys_e = SystemExit() sys_e.code = self.shutdown_code raise sys_e