import socket from typing import NoReturn, Optional import asyncio import re import ipinfo import ipwhois import pydig import aiohttp from ipinfo.exceptions import RequestQuotaExceededError from ipwhois import Net from ipwhois.asn import IPASN from tuxbot.cogs.Network.functions.exceptions import ( VersionNotFound, RFC18, InvalidIp, InvalidQueryType, ) def _(x): return x def get_ip(ip: str, inet: str = "") -> str: _inet: socket.AddressFamily | int = 0 # pylint: disable=no-member if inet == "6": _inet = socket.AF_INET6 elif inet == "4": _inet = socket.AF_INET try: return socket.getaddrinfo(str(ip), None, _inet)[1][4][0] except socket.gaierror as e: raise VersionNotFound( _( "Unable to collect information on this in the given " "version", ) ) from e async def get_hostname(loop, ip: str) -> str: def _get_hostname(_ip: str): try: return socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0] except socket.herror: return "N/A" try: return await asyncio.wait_for( loop.run_in_executor(None, _get_hostname, str(ip)), timeout=0.200, ) # assuming that if the hostname isn't retrieved in first .3sec, # it doesn't exists except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError: return "N/A" async def get_ipwhois_result(loop, ip_address: str) -> NoReturn | dict: def _get_ipwhois_result(_ip_address: str) -> NoReturn | dict: try: net = Net(ip_address) obj = IPASN(net) return obj.lookup() except ipwhois.exceptions.ASNRegistryError: return {} except ipwhois.exceptions.IPDefinedError as e: raise RFC18( _( "IP address {ip_address} is already defined as Private-Use" " Networks via RFC 1918." ) ) from e try: return await asyncio.wait_for( loop.run_in_executor(None, _get_ipwhois_result, str(ip_address)), timeout=0.200, ) except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError: return {} async def get_ipinfo_result(apikey: str, ip_address: str) -> dict: try: handler = ipinfo.getHandlerAsync( apikey, request_options={"timeout": 7} ) return (await handler.getDetails(ip_address)).all except RequestQuotaExceededError: return {} async def get_crimeflare_result( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, ip_address: str ) -> Optional[str]: try: async with "", data=f"cfS={ip_address}", timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=15), ) as s: ip ="(\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*)", await s.text()) if ip: return except (aiohttp.ClientError, asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError): pass return None def merge_ipinfo_ipwhois(ipinfo_result: dict, ipwhois_result: dict) -> dict: output = {"belongs": "N/A", "rir": "N/A", "region": "N/A", "flag": "N/A"} if ipinfo_result: org = ipinfo_result.get("org", "N/A") asn = org.split()[0] if len(org.split()) > 1 else "N/A" output["belongs"] = f"[{org}]({asn})" output["rir"] = f"```{ipwhois_result.get('asn_registry', 'N/A')}```" output["region"] = ( f"```{ipinfo_result.get('city', 'N/A')} - " f"{ipinfo_result.get('region', 'N/A')} " f"({ipinfo_result.get('country', 'N/A')})```" ) output["flag"] = ( f"{ipinfo_result['country']}" f"/shiny/64.png" ) elif ipwhois_result: org = ipwhois_result.get("asn_description", "N/A") asn = ipwhois_result.get("asn", "N/A") asn_country = ipwhois_result.get("asn_country_code", "N/A") output["belongs"] = f"{org} ([AS{asn}]({asn}))" output["rir"] = f"```{ipwhois_result['asn_registry']}```" output["region"] = f"```{asn_country}```" output[ "flag" ] = f"{asn_country}/shiny/64.png" return output async def get_pydig_result( domain: str, query_type: str, dnssec: str | bool ) -> list: additional_args = [] if dnssec is False else ["+dnssec"] resolver = pydig.Resolver( nameservers=[ "", "", ], additional_args=additional_args, ) return resolver.query(domain, query_type) def check_ip_version_or_raise(version: str) -> bool | NoReturn: if version in ("4", "6", "None"): return True raise InvalidIp(_("Invalid ip version")) def check_query_type_or_raise(query_type: str) -> bool | NoReturn: query_types = ( "a", "aaaa", "cname", "ns", "ds", "dnskey", "soa", "txt", "ptr", "mx", ) if query_type in query_types: return True raise InvalidQueryType( _( "Supported queries : A, AAAA, CNAME, NS, DS, DNSKEY, SOA, TXT, PTR, MX" ) )