import asyncio import datetime import logging import sys from typing import List, Union import discord from discord.ext import commands from rich.traceback import install from . import Config from .data_manager import logs_data_path from .utils.functions.cli import bordered from . import __version__, ExitCodes from .utils.functions.extra import ContextPlus log = logging.getLogger("tuxbot") install() NAME = r""" _____ _ _ _ _ |_ _| ___ _| |__ ___ | |_ | |__ ___ | |_ | || | | \ \/ / '_ \ / _ \| __|____| '_ \ / _ \| __| | || |_| |> <| |_) | (_) | ||_____| |_) | (_) | |_ |_| \__,_/_/\_\_.__/ \___/ \__| |_.__/ \___/ \__| """ packages: List[str] = ["jishaku", "tuxbot.cogs.warnings", "tuxbot.cogs.admin"] class Tux(commands.AutoShardedBot): _loading: asyncio.Task def __init__(self, *args, cli_flags=None, **kwargs): # by default, if the bot shutdown without any intervention, # it's a crash self.shutdown_code = ExitCodes.CRITICAL self.cli_flags = cli_flags self.instance_name = self.cli_flags.instance_name self.last_exception = None self.logs = logs_data_path(self.instance_name) self.config = Config(self.instance_name) async def _prefixes(bot, message) -> List[str]: prefixes = self.config("core").get("prefixes") prefixes.extend(self.config.get_prefixes(message.guild)) if self.config("core").get("mentionable"): return commands.when_mentioned_or(*prefixes)(bot, message) return prefixes if "command_prefix" not in kwargs: kwargs["command_prefix"] = _prefixes if "owner_ids" in kwargs: kwargs["owner_ids"] = set(kwargs["owner_ids"]) else: kwargs["owner_ids"] = self.config.owners_id() message_cache_size = 100_000 kwargs["max_messages"] = message_cache_size self.max_messages = message_cache_size self.uptime = None self._app_owners_fetched = False # to prevent abusive API calls super().__init__(*args, help_command=None, **kwargs) async def load_packages(self): if packages: print("Loading packages...") for package in packages: try: self.load_extension(package) except Exception as e: print( Fore.RED + f"Failed to load package {package}" + Style.RESET_ALL + f" check " f"{str((self.logs / 'tuxbot.log').resolve())} " f"for more details" ) log.exception(f"Failed to load package {package}", exc_info=e) async def on_ready(self): self.uptime = INFO = { "title": "INFO", "rows": [ str(self.user), f"Prefixes: {', '.join(self.config('core').get('prefixes'))}", f"Language: {self.config('core').get('locale')}", f"Tuxbot Version: {__version__}", f" Version: {discord.__version__}", "Python Version: " + sys.version.replace("\n", ""), f"Shards: {self.shard_count}", f"Servers: {len(self.guilds)}", f"Users: {len(self.users)}", ], } COGS = {"title": "COGS", "rows": []} for extension in packages: COGS["rows"].append( f"[{'X' if extension in self.extensions else ' '}] {extension}" ) print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + NAME) print(Style.RESET_ALL) print(bordered(INFO, COGS)) print(f"\n{'=' * 118}\n\n") async def is_owner(self, user: Union[discord.User, discord.Member]) -> bool: """Determines if the user is a bot owner. Parameters ---------- user: Union[discord.User, discord.Member] Returns ------- bool """ if in self.config.owners_id(): return True owner = False if not self._app_owners_fetched: app = await self.application_info() if ids = [ for m in] await self.config.update("core", "owners_id", ids) owner = in ids self._app_owners_fetched = True return owner async def get_context(self, message: discord.Message, *, cls=None): return await super().get_context(message, cls=ContextPlus) async def process_commands(self, message: discord.Message): """Check for blacklists. """ if return if ( in self.config.get_blacklist("guild") or in self.config.get_blacklist("channel") or in self.config.get_blacklist("user") ): return ctx = await self.get_context(message) if ctx is None or ctx.valid is False: self.dispatch("message_without_command", message) else: await self.invoke(ctx) async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message): await self.process_commands(message) async def logout(self): """Disconnect from Discord and closes all actives connections. Todo: add postgresql logout here """ await super().logout() async def shutdown(self, *, restart: bool = False): """Gracefully quit. Parameters ---------- restart:bool If `True`, systemd or the launcher gonna see custom exit code and reboot. """ if not restart: self.shutdown_code = ExitCodes.SHUTDOWN else: self.shutdown_code = ExitCodes.RESTART await self.logout() sys.exit(self.shutdown_code)