import socket from typing import Union, NoReturn import ipinfo import ipwhois from ipinfo.exceptions import RequestQuotaExceededError from ipwhois import Net from ipwhois.asn import IPASN from tuxbot.cogs.Network.functions.exceptions import VersionNotFound, RFC18 def _(x): return x async def get_ip(ip: str, inet: str = "") -> str: if inet == "6": inet = socket.AF_INET6 elif inet == "4": inet = socket.AF_INET else: inet = 0 try: return socket.getaddrinfo(str(ip), None, inet)[1][4][0] except socket.gaierror as e: raise VersionNotFound( _( "Impossible to collect information on this in the given " "version", ) ) from e def get_hostname(ip: str) -> str: try: return socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0] except socket.herror: return "N/A" def get_ipwhois_result(ip_address: str) -> Union[NoReturn, dict]: try: net = Net(ip_address) obj = IPASN(net) return obj.lookup() except ipwhois.exceptions.ASNRegistryError: return {} except ipwhois.exceptions.IPDefinedError as e: raise RFC18( _( "IP address {ip_address} is already defined as Private-Use" " Networks via RFC 1918." ) ) from e async def get_ipinfo_result( apikey: str, ip_address: str ) -> Union[NoReturn, dict]: try: handler = ipinfo.getHandlerAsync(apikey) return (await handler.getDetails(ip_address)).all except RequestQuotaExceededError: return {} def merge_ipinfo_ipwhois(ipinfo_result: dict, ipwhois_result: dict) -> dict: output = {"belongs": "N/A", "rir": "N/A", "region": "N/A", "flag": "N/A"} if ipinfo_result: org = ipinfo_result.get("org", "") asn = org.split()[0] output["belongs"] = f"[{org}]({asn})" output["rir"] = f"```{ipwhois_result.get('asn_registry', 'N/A')}```" output["region"] = ( f"```{ipinfo_result.get('city', 'N/A')} - " f"{ipinfo_result.get('region', 'N/A')} " f"({ipinfo_result.get('country', 'N/A')})```" ) output["flag"] = ( f"{ipinfo_result['country']}" f"/shiny/64.png" ) elif ipwhois_result: org = ipwhois_result.get("asn_description", "N/A") asn = ipwhois_result.get("asn", "N/A") asn_country = ipwhois_result.get("asn_country_code", "N/A") output["belongs"] = f"{org} ([AS{asn}]({asn}))" output["rir"] = f"```{ipwhois_result['asn_registry']}```" output["region"] = f"```{asn_country}```" output[ "flag" ] = f"{asn_country}/shiny/64.png" return output