Maël 4fd8826d22 Et bim V6
ET y'a les cogs mon p'tit tabarnak !
2017-06-11 14:04:03 -04:00

58 lines
1.6 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import discord.utils
from discord.ext import commands
def is_owner_check(message):
owner = message.author.id in ['171685542553976832', '163697401935298560', '88644904112128000', '92619860521005056', '273757386127441920'] ###ID's modo & admin
return owner # Owner of the bot
def is_owner(warn=True):
def check(ctx, warn):
owner = is_owner_check(ctx.message)
if not owner and warn:
print(ctx.message.author.name + " à essayer d'executer " + ctx.message.content)
return owner
owner = commands.check(lambda ctx: check(ctx, warn))
return owner
def check_permissions(ctx, perms):
msg = ctx.message
if is_owner_check(msg):
return True
ch = msg.channel
author = msg.author
resolved = ch.permissions_for(author)
return all(getattr(resolved, name, None) == value for name, value in perms.items())
def role_or_permissions(ctx, check, **perms):
if check_permissions(ctx, perms):
return True
ch = ctx.message.channel
author = ctx.message.author
if ch.is_private:
return False # can't have roles in PMs
role = discord.utils.find(check, author.roles)
return role is not None
def admin_or_permissions(**perms):
def predicate(ctx):
return role_or_permissions(ctx, lambda r: r.name == 'Bot Admin', **perms)
return commands.check(predicate)
def is_in_servers(*server_ids):
def predicate(ctx):
server = ctx.message.server
if server is None:
return False
return server.id in server_ids
return commands.check(predicate)