No description
.github | ||
.idea | ||
tuxbot | ||
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.pylintrc | ||
Makefile | ||
README.rst | ||
setup.cfg | || |
|image0| |image1| .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash Installing Tuxbot ================= It is preferable to install the bot on a dedicated user. If you don't know how to do it, please refer to `this guide <>`__ Installing the pre-requirements ------------------------------- - The pre-requirements are: - Python 3.7 or greater - Pip - Git Operating systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arch Linux ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: bash $ sudo pacman -Syu python python-pip python-virtualenv git Continue to `create the venv <#creating-the-virtual-environment>`__. -------------- Debian ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt -y install python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv git Continue to `create the venv <#creating-the-virtual-environment>`__. -------------- Windows ^^^^^^^ *not for now and not for the future* Creating the Virtual Environment -------------------------------- To set up the virtual environment and install the bot, simply run this two commands: .. code-block:: bash $ make $ make install Now, switch your environment to the virtual one by run this single command: :bash:`source ~/tuxvenv/bin/activate` Configuration ------------- It's time to set up your first instance, to do this, you can simply execute this command: :bash:`tuxbot-setup [your instance name]` After following the instructions, you can run your instance by executing this command: :bash:`tuxbot [your instance name]` Update ------ To update the whole bot after a :bash:`git pull`, just execute .. code-block:: bash $ make update .. |image0| image:: .. |image1| image::