
61 lines
1.8 KiB

from discord.ext import commands
from tuxbot.cogs.Polls.functions.exceptions import (
from tuxbot.cogs.Polls.models import Poll
def _(x):
return x
class PollConverter(commands.Converter):
async def convert(self, ctx, argument):
poll = await commands.MessageConverter().convert(ctx, argument)
if poll.channel.id != ctx.channel.id:
raise InvalidChannel(
_("Please provide a message in this channel")
if (
poll.author.id != ctx.bot.user.id
or len(poll.embeds) != 1
or poll.embeds[0].to_dict().get("footer", {}).get("text", None)
is None
raise BadPoll(_("Unable to find this poll"))
poll_id = poll.embeds[0].to_dict().get("footer").get("text")
poll_id = poll_id.replace("ID: #", "")
if not poll_id.isdigit():
raise BadPoll(_("Unable to find this poll"))
except commands.BadArgument:
poll_id = str(argument).replace("ID:", "").replace("#", "")
if not poll_id.isdigit():
raise BadPoll(_("Unable to find this poll"))
poll = await Poll.get_or_none(id=int(poll_id))
if poll is None:
raise BadPoll(_("Unable to find this poll"))
if poll.channel_id != ctx.channel.id:
raise InvalidChannel(_("Please provide a message in this channel"))
return poll
class NewPropositionConvertor(commands.Converter):
async def convert(self, ctx, argument): # skipcq: PYL-W0613
if len(argument) > 30:
raise TooLongProposition(
_("Your proposal must be smaller than 30")
return argument