758 lines
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758 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The Jishaku cog base, which contains most of the actual functionality of Jishaku.
:copyright: (c) 2019 Devon (Gorialis) R
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
import asyncio
import collections
import contextlib
import datetime
import inspect
import io
import itertools
import os
import os.path
import re
import time
import traceback
import typing
import aiohttp
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from jishaku.codeblocks import Codeblock, codeblock_converter
from jishaku.exception_handling import ReplResponseReactor
from jishaku.functools import AsyncSender
from jishaku.models import copy_context_with
from jishaku.modules import ExtensionConverter
from jishaku.paginators import PaginatorInterface, WrappedFilePaginator, WrappedPaginator
from jishaku.repl import AsyncCodeExecutor, Scope, all_inspections, get_var_dict_from_ctx
from jishaku.shell import ShellReader
from jishaku.voice import BasicYouTubeDLSource, connected_check, playing_check, vc_check, youtube_dl
__all__ = (
ENABLED_SYMBOLS = ("true", "t", "yes", "y", "on", "1")
CommandTask = collections.namedtuple("CommandTask", "index ctx task")
class JishakuBase(commands.Cog): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
The cog that includes Jishaku's Discord-facing default functionality.
load_time = datetime.datetime.now()
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot):
self.bot = bot
self._scope = Scope()
self.retain = JISHAKU_RETAIN
self.last_result = None
self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
self.tasks = collections.deque()
self.task_count: int = 0
def scope(self):
Gets a scope for use in REPL.
If retention is on, this is the internal stored scope,
otherwise it is always a new Scope.
if self.retain:
return self._scope
return Scope()
def submit(self, ctx: commands.Context):
A context-manager that submits the current task to jishaku's task list
and removes it afterwards.
ctx: commands.Context
A Context object used to derive information about this command task.
self.task_count += 1
cmdtask = CommandTask(self.task_count, ctx, asyncio.Task.current_task())
yield cmdtask
if cmdtask in self.tasks:
async def cog_check(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Local check, makes all commands in this cog owner-only
if not await ctx.bot.is_owner(ctx.author):
raise commands.NotOwner("You must own this bot to use Jishaku.")
return True
# pylint: disable=no-member
# Meta commands
async def jsk_hide(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Hides Jishaku from the help command.
if self.jsk.hidden:
return await ctx.send("Jishaku is already hidden.")
self.jsk.hidden = True
await ctx.send("Jishaku is now hidden.")
async def jsk_show(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Shows Jishaku in the help command.
if not self.jsk.hidden:
return await ctx.send("Jishaku is already visible.")
self.jsk.hidden = False
await ctx.send("Jishaku is now visible.")
# pylint: enable=no-member
async def jsk_tasks(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Shows the currently running jishaku tasks.
if not self.tasks:
return await ctx.send("No currently running tasks.")
paginator = commands.Paginator(max_size=1985)
for task in self.tasks:
paginator.add_line(f"{task.index}: `{task.ctx.command.qualified_name}`, invoked at "
f"{task.ctx.message.created_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} UTC")
interface = PaginatorInterface(ctx.bot, paginator, owner=ctx.author)
return await interface.send_to(ctx)
async def jsk_cancel(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, index: int):
Cancels a task with the given index.
If the index passed is -1, will cancel the last task instead.
if not self.tasks:
return await ctx.send("No tasks to cancel.")
if index == -1:
task = self.tasks.pop()
task = discord.utils.get(self.tasks, index=index)
if task:
return await ctx.send("Unknown task.")
return await ctx.send(f"Cancelled task {task.index}: `{task.ctx.command.qualified_name}`,"
f" invoked at {task.ctx.message.created_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} UTC")
# Bot management commands
@commands.command(name="load", aliases=["reload"])
async def jsk_load(self, ctx: commands.Context, *extensions: ExtensionConverter):
Loads or reloads the given extension names.
Reports any extensions that failed to load.
paginator = WrappedPaginator(prefix='', suffix='')
for extension in itertools.chain(*extensions):
method, icon = (
if extension in self.bot.extensions else
(self.bot.load_extension, "\N{INBOX TRAY}")
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
traceback_data = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__, 1))
f"{icon}\N{WARNING SIGN} `{extension}`\n```py\n{traceback_data}\n```",
paginator.add_line(f"{icon} `{extension}`", empty=True)
for page in paginator.pages:
await ctx.send(page)
async def jsk_unload(self, ctx: commands.Context, *extensions: ExtensionConverter):
Unloads the given extension names.
Reports any extensions that failed to unload.
paginator = WrappedPaginator(prefix='', suffix='')
icon = "\N{OUTBOX TRAY}"
for extension in itertools.chain(*extensions):
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
traceback_data = "".join(traceback.format_exception(type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__, 1))
f"{icon}\N{WARNING SIGN} `{extension}`\n```py\n{traceback_data}\n```",
paginator.add_line(f"{icon} `{extension}`", empty=True)
for page in paginator.pages:
await ctx.send(page)
@commands.command(name="shutdown", aliases=["logout"])
async def jsk_shutdown(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Logs this bot out.
await ctx.send("Logging out now..")
await ctx.bot.logout()
# Command-invocation commands
async def jsk_su(self, ctx: commands.Context, target: discord.User, *, command_string: str):
Run a command as someone else.
This will try to resolve to a Member, but will use a User if it can't find one.
if ctx.guild:
# Try to upgrade to a Member instance
# This used to be done by a Union converter, but doing it like this makes
# the command more compatible with chaining, e.g. `jsk in .. jsk su ..`
target = ctx.guild.get_member(target.id) or target
alt_ctx = await copy_context_with(ctx, author=target, content=ctx.prefix + command_string)
if alt_ctx.command is None:
if alt_ctx.invoked_with is None:
return await ctx.send('This bot has been hard-configured to ignore this user.')
return await ctx.send(f'Command "{alt_ctx.invoked_with}" is not found')
return await alt_ctx.command.invoke(alt_ctx)
async def jsk_in(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel, *, command_string: str):
Run a command as if it were run in a different channel.
alt_ctx = await copy_context_with(ctx, channel=channel, content=ctx.prefix + command_string)
if alt_ctx.command is None:
return await ctx.send(f'Command "{alt_ctx.invoked_with}" is not found')
return await alt_ctx.command.invoke(alt_ctx)
async def jsk_sudo(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, command_string: str):
Run a command bypassing all checks and cooldowns.
This also bypasses permission checks so this has a high possibility of making commands raise exceptions.
alt_ctx = await copy_context_with(ctx, content=ctx.prefix + command_string)
if alt_ctx.command is None:
return await ctx.send(f'Command "{alt_ctx.invoked_with}" is not found')
return await alt_ctx.command.reinvoke(alt_ctx)
async def jsk_repeat(self, ctx: commands.Context, times: int, *, command_string: str):
Runs a command multiple times in a row.
This acts like the command was invoked several times manually, so it obeys cooldowns.
You can use this in conjunction with `jsk sudo` to bypass this.
with self.submit(ctx): # allow repeats to be cancelled
for _ in range(times):
alt_ctx = await copy_context_with(ctx, content=ctx.prefix + command_string)
if alt_ctx.command is None:
return await ctx.send(f'Command "{alt_ctx.invoked_with}" is not found')
await alt_ctx.command.reinvoke(alt_ctx)
@commands.command(name="debug", aliases=["dbg"])
async def jsk_debug(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, command_string: str):
Run a command timing execution and catching exceptions.
alt_ctx = await copy_context_with(ctx, content=ctx.prefix + command_string)
if alt_ctx.command is None:
return await ctx.send(f'Command "{alt_ctx.invoked_with}" is not found')
start = time.perf_counter()
async with ReplResponseReactor(ctx.message):
with self.submit(ctx):
await alt_ctx.command.invoke(alt_ctx)
end = time.perf_counter()
return await ctx.send(f"Command `{alt_ctx.command.qualified_name}` finished in {end - start:.3f}s.")
# Filesystem commands
__cat_line_regex = re.compile(r"(?:\.\/+)?(.+?)(?:#L?(\d+)(?:\-L?(\d+))?)?$")
async def jsk_cat(self, ctx: commands.Context, argument: str):
Read out a file, using syntax highlighting if detected.
Lines and linespans are supported by adding '#L12' or '#L12-14' etc to the end of the filename.
match = self.__cat_line_regex.search(argument)
if not match: # should never happen
return await ctx.send("Couldn't parse this input.")
path = match.group(1)
line_span = None
if match.group(2):
start = int(match.group(2))
line_span = (start, int(match.group(3) or start))
if not os.path.exists(path) or os.path.isdir(path):
return await ctx.send(f"`{path}`: No file by that name.")
size = os.path.getsize(path)
if size <= 0:
return await ctx.send(f"`{path}`: Cowardly refusing to read a file with no size stat"
f" (it may be empty, endless or inaccessible).")
if size > 50 * (1024 ** 2):
return await ctx.send(f"`{path}`: Cowardly refusing to read a file >50MB.")
with open(path, "rb") as file:
paginator = WrappedFilePaginator(file, line_span=line_span, max_size=1985)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return await ctx.send(f"`{path}`: Couldn't determine the encoding of this file.")
except ValueError as exc:
return await ctx.send(f"`{path}`: Couldn't read this file, {exc}")
interface = PaginatorInterface(ctx.bot, paginator, owner=ctx.author)
await interface.send_to(ctx)
async def jsk_curl(self, ctx: commands.Context, url: str):
Download and display a text file from the internet.
This command is similar to jsk cat, but accepts a URL.
# remove embed maskers if present
url = url.lstrip("<").rstrip(">")
async with ReplResponseReactor(ctx.message):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(url) as response:
data = await response.read()
hints = (
code = response.status
if not data:
return await ctx.send(f"HTTP response was empty (status code {code}).")
paginator = WrappedFilePaginator(io.BytesIO(data), language_hints=hints, max_size=1985)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return await ctx.send(f"Couldn't determine the encoding of the response. (status code {code})")
except ValueError as exc:
return await ctx.send(f"Couldn't read response (status code {code}), {exc}")
interface = PaginatorInterface(ctx.bot, paginator, owner=ctx.author)
await interface.send_to(ctx)
@commands.command(name="source", aliases=["src"])
async def jsk_source(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, command_name: str):
Displays the source code for a command.
command = self.bot.get_command(command_name)
if not command:
return await ctx.send(f"Couldn't find command `{command_name}`.")
source_lines, _ = inspect.getsourcelines(command.callback)
except (TypeError, OSError):
return await ctx.send(f"Was unable to retrieve the source for `{command}` for some reason.")
# getsourcelines for some reason returns WITH line endings
source_lines = ''.join(source_lines).split('\n')
paginator = WrappedPaginator(prefix='```py', suffix='```', max_size=1985)
for line in source_lines:
interface = PaginatorInterface(ctx.bot, paginator, owner=ctx.author)
await interface.send_to(ctx)
# Python evaluation/execution-related commands
async def jsk_retain(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, toggle: bool = None):
Turn variable retention for REPL on or off.
Provide no argument for current status.
if toggle is None:
if self.retain:
return await ctx.send("Variable retention is set to ON.")
return await ctx.send("Variable retention is set to OFF.")
if toggle:
if self.retain:
return await ctx.send("Variable retention is already set to ON.")
self.retain = True
self._scope = Scope()
return await ctx.send("Variable retention is ON. Future REPL sessions will retain their scope.")
if not self.retain:
return await ctx.send("Variable retention is already set to OFF.")
self.retain = False
return await ctx.send("Variable retention is OFF. Future REPL sessions will dispose their scope when done.")
@commands.command(name="py", aliases=["python"])
async def jsk_python(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, argument: codeblock_converter):
Direct evaluation of Python code.
arg_dict = get_var_dict_from_ctx(ctx, SCOPE_PREFIX)
arg_dict["_"] = self.last_result
scope = self.scope
async with ReplResponseReactor(ctx.message):
with self.submit(ctx):
executor = AsyncCodeExecutor(argument.content, scope, arg_dict=arg_dict)
async for send, result in AsyncSender(executor):
if result is None:
self.last_result = result
if isinstance(result, discord.File):
send(await ctx.send(file=result))
elif isinstance(result, discord.Embed):
send(await ctx.send(embed=result))
elif isinstance(result, PaginatorInterface):
send(await result.send_to(ctx))
if not isinstance(result, str):
# repr all non-strings
result = repr(result)
if len(result) > 2000:
# inconsistency here, results get wrapped in codeblocks when they are too large
# but don't if they're not. probably not that bad, but noting for later review
paginator = WrappedPaginator(prefix='```py', suffix='```', max_size=1985)
interface = PaginatorInterface(ctx.bot, paginator, owner=ctx.author)
send(await interface.send_to(ctx))
if result.strip() == '':
result = "\u200b"
send(await ctx.send(result.replace(self.bot.http.token, "[token omitted]")))
@commands.command(name="py_inspect", aliases=["pyi", "python_inspect", "pythoninspect"])
async def jsk_python_inspect(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, argument: codeblock_converter):
Evaluation of Python code with inspect information.
arg_dict = get_var_dict_from_ctx(ctx, SCOPE_PREFIX)
arg_dict["_"] = self.last_result
scope = self.scope
async with ReplResponseReactor(ctx.message):
with self.submit(ctx):
executor = AsyncCodeExecutor(argument.content, scope, arg_dict=arg_dict)
async for send, result in AsyncSender(executor):
self.last_result = result
header = repr(result).replace("``", "`\u200b`").replace(self.bot.http.token, "[token omitted]")
if len(header) > 485:
header = header[0:482] + "..."
paginator = WrappedPaginator(prefix=f"```prolog\n=== {header} ===\n", max_size=1985)
for name, res in all_inspections(result):
paginator.add_line(f"{name:16.16} :: {res}")
interface = PaginatorInterface(ctx.bot, paginator, owner=ctx.author)
send(await interface.send_to(ctx))
# Shell-related commands
@commands.command(name="shell", aliases=["sh"])
async def jsk_shell(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, argument: codeblock_converter):
Executes statements in the system shell.
This uses the system shell as defined in $SHELL, or `/bin/bash` otherwise.
Execution can be cancelled by closing the paginator.
async with ReplResponseReactor(ctx.message):
with self.submit(ctx):
paginator = WrappedPaginator(prefix="```sh", max_size=1985)
paginator.add_line(f"$ {argument.content}\n")
interface = PaginatorInterface(ctx.bot, paginator, owner=ctx.author)
with ShellReader(argument.content) as reader:
async for line in reader:
if interface.closed:
await interface.add_line(line)
await interface.add_line(f"\n[status] Return code {reader.close_code}")
async def jsk_git(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, argument: codeblock_converter):
Shortcut for 'jsk sh git'. Invokes the system shell.
return await ctx.invoke(self.jsk_shell, argument=Codeblock(argument.language, "git " + argument.content))
# Voice-related commands
@commands.group(name="voice", aliases=["vc"])
async def jsk_voice(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Voice-related commands.
If invoked without subcommand, relays current voice state.
# if using a subcommand, short out
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is not None and ctx.invoked_subcommand is not self.jsk_voice:
# give info about the current voice client if there is one
voice = ctx.guild.voice_client
if not voice or not voice.is_connected():
return await ctx.send("Not connected.")
await ctx.send(f"Connected to {voice.channel.name}, "
f"{'paused' if voice.is_paused() else 'playing' if voice.is_playing() else 'idle'}.")
@jsk_voice.command(name="join", aliases=["connect"])
async def jsk_vc_join(self, ctx: commands.Context, *,
destination: typing.Union[discord.VoiceChannel, discord.Member] = None):
Joins a voice channel, or moves to it if already connected.
Passing a voice channel uses that voice channel.
Passing a member will use that member's current voice channel.
Passing nothing will use the author's voice channel.
destination = destination or ctx.author
if isinstance(destination, discord.Member):
if destination.voice and destination.voice.channel:
destination = destination.voice.channel
return await ctx.send("Member has no voice channel.")
voice = ctx.guild.voice_client
if voice:
await voice.move_to(destination)
await destination.connect(reconnect=True)
await ctx.send(f"Connected to {destination.name}.")
@jsk_voice.command(name="disconnect", aliases=["dc"])
async def jsk_vc_disconnect(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Disconnects from the voice channel in this guild, if there is one.
voice = ctx.guild.voice_client
await voice.disconnect()
await ctx.send(f"Disconnected from {voice.channel.name}.")
async def jsk_vc_stop(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Stops running an audio source, if there is one.
voice = ctx.guild.voice_client
await ctx.send(f"Stopped playing audio in {voice.channel.name}.")
async def jsk_vc_pause(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Pauses a running audio source, if there is one.
voice = ctx.guild.voice_client
if voice.is_paused():
return await ctx.send("Audio is already paused.")
await ctx.send(f"Paused audio in {voice.channel.name}.")
async def jsk_vc_resume(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Resumes a running audio source, if there is one.
voice = ctx.guild.voice_client
if not voice.is_paused():
return await ctx.send("Audio is not paused.")
await ctx.send(f"Resumed audio in {voice.channel.name}.")
async def jsk_vc_volume(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, percentage: float):
Adjusts the volume of an audio source if it is supported.
volume = max(0.0, min(1.0, percentage / 100))
source = ctx.guild.voice_client.source
if not isinstance(source, discord.PCMVolumeTransformer):
return await ctx.send("This source doesn't support adjusting volume or "
"the interface to do so is not exposed.")
source.volume = volume
await ctx.send(f"Volume set to {volume * 100:.2f}%")
@jsk_voice.command(name="play", aliases=["play_local"])
async def jsk_vc_play(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, uri: str):
Plays audio direct from a URI.
Can be either a local file or an audio resource on the internet.
voice = ctx.guild.voice_client
if voice.is_playing():
# remove embed maskers if present
uri = uri.lstrip("<").rstrip(">")
await ctx.send(f"Playing in {voice.channel.name}.")
@jsk_voice.command(name="youtube_dl", aliases=["youtubedl", "ytdl", "yt"])
async def jsk_vc_youtube_dl(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, url: str):
Plays audio from youtube_dl-compatible sources.
if not youtube_dl:
return await ctx.send("youtube_dl is not installed.")
voice = ctx.guild.voice_client
if voice.is_playing():
# remove embed maskers if present
url = url.lstrip("<").rstrip(">")
await ctx.send(f"Playing in {voice.channel.name}.")