{"version":3,"sources":["","file:///Users/ket/Documents/work/dsfr/src/component/input/input-base/print.scss","file:///Users/ket/Documents/work/dsfr/src/component/input/input-base/style/_scheme.scss","file:///Users/ket/Documents/work/dsfr/module/color/mixin/_element.scss","%3Cinput%20css%205LR-pZ%3E","file:///Users/ket/Documents/work/dsfr/src/component/input/input-base/style/_tool.scss","file:///Users/ket/Documents/work/dsfr/module/utilities/mixin/_nest.scss","file:///Users/ket/Documents/work/dsfr/module/disabled/mixin/_selector.scss","file:///Users/ket/Documents/work/dsfr/src/core/style/selector/tool/_autofill.scss","file:///Users/ket/Documents/work/dsfr/src/core/style/selector/tool/_pseudo.scss"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;GAAA;ACKA;ECIE;ICgCE,cAAA;IAAA,sBAAA;IAAA,oCAAA;ECpCF;;ECWA;IFyBE,WAAA;ECjCF;;ECcA;IFmBE,yBAAA;EC9BF;;EETE;IHuFA,yBAAA;EC3EF;;EEZE;IHuFA,yBAAA;ECxEF;;EGES;IJsBP,gCAAA;IAAA,wDAAA;ECpBF;;EIfA;;;;;;ILmCE,gEAAA;IAAA,gCAAA;EChBF;;EFiBI;ICDF,oCAAA;ECbF;;EFqBI;;;;ICRF,oCAAA;ECRF;;EFwBI;;;;IChBF,oCAAA;ECHF;;EKtBA;INyBE,yDAAA;ECAF;;EKzBA;INyBE,yDAAA;ECGF;;EK5BA;INyBE,yDAAA;ECMF;AACF","file":"input-base.print.css","sourcesContent":[null,"////\n/// Input-Base Print\n/// @group input-base\n////\n\n@media print {\n @import 'index';\n @import 'style/scheme';\n\n @include _input-scheme('print');\n}\n","////\n/// Input Scheme\n/// @group input\n////\n\n@use 'module/color';\n@use 'module/disabled';\n\n@mixin _input-scheme($legacy: false) {\n #{ns(input)} {\n @include color.text(default grey, (legacy:$legacy));\n @include color.background(contrast grey, (legacy:$legacy));\n @include color.box-shadow(plain grey, (legacy:$legacy), bottom-2-in);\n\n @include placeholder {\n @include color.text(mention grey, (legacy:$legacy));\n }\n\n @include contact-auto-fill-button {\n @include color.background(text label grey, (legacy:$legacy, hover: true));\n }\n\n @include disabled.selector((legacy: $legacy), (text: true, box-shadow: bottom-2-in));\n\n @include autofill {\n @include color.box-shadow((plain grey) (background contrast info), (legacy:$legacy), bottom-2-in all-in);\n @include color.text-fill(label grey, (legacy:$legacy));\n }\n\n @if not $legacy {\n @supports selector(::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator) {\n &[type=date] {\n @include color.data-uri-svg(text action-high grey, (legacy: $legacy), $input-calendar-line);\n\n @include disabled.selector((legacy: $legacy), (text: true, box-shadow: bottom-2-in)) {\n @include color.data-uri-svg(text disabled grey, (legacy: $legacy), $input-calendar-line);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n &-wrap--addon {\n > #{ns(input)}:not(:last-child) {\n @include color.box-shadow(action-high blue-france, (legacy:$legacy), bottom-2-in);\n }\n }\n\n @at-root #{ns(fieldset--valid)},\n &-group--valid {\n #{ns(input)},\n #{ns(input-wrap--addon)} > #{ns(input)}:not(:last-child) {\n @include color.box-shadow(plain success, (legacy:$legacy), bottom-2-in);\n }\n }\n\n @at-root #{ns(fieldset--error)},\n &-group--error {\n #{ns(input)},\n #{ns(input-wrap--addon)} > #{ns(input)}:not(:last-child) {\n @include color.box-shadow(plain error, (legacy:$legacy), bottom-2-in);\n }\n }\n\n &-group--error {\n @include before {\n @include color.background-image(border plain error, (legacy:$legacy));\n }\n }\n\n &-group--valid {\n @include before {\n @include color.background-image(border plain success, (legacy:$legacy));\n }\n }\n\n &-group--info {\n @include before {\n @include color.background-image(border plain info, (legacy:$legacy));\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","@use 'sass:list';\n@use 'sass:map';\n@use 'module/legacy';\n@use 'module/media-query';\n@use 'module/spacing';\n@use 'module/specificity';\n@use 'module/string';\n@use 'module/utilities';\n@use '../variable/constant';\n@use '../function/box-shadow' as bs;\n@use '../function/colors';\n@use '../function/result';\n@use '../function/token';\n\n$COLOR: constant.$value;\n\n@mixin element($prop, $context, $tokens, $options: (), $value: $COLOR) {\n $legacy: map.get($options, legacy);\n $important: map.get($options, important);\n $hover: map.get($options, hover);\n $standalone: map.get($options, standalone);\n\n $legacy-target: null;\n @if $legacy == true {\n $legacy-target: ie11;\n }\n\n $tokens: token.normalise($tokens, $context);\n $type: decision;\n $options: (var: true);\n\n @if $legacy or $standalone {\n $type: hex;\n $option: (theme: light);\n }\n\n $colors: colors.from-list($tokens, $type, $options);\n $result: result.get($colors, $value);\n $result: specificity.important($result, $important);\n\n @include legacy.is($legacy-target) {\n #{$prop}: #{string.unstringify($result)};\n }\n\n @if ($hover == true or ($hover == inherit and $legacy == false)) and ($context == background and list.length($tokens) == 1) {\n\n $token: nth($tokens, 1);\n @if $legacy or $standalone {\n @include _apply-pseudos($token, false, true, $legacy-target, $prop, $value, $important);\n }\n @else {\n @if $prop == background-color {\n --idle: transparent; // #{$result};\n @include _apply-pseudos($token, true, false, null, $prop, $value, $important);\n }\n @else {\n @include _apply-pseudos($token, true, true, null, $prop, $value, $important);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin _apply-pseudos($token, $decision: true, $pseudo: false, $target: null, $prop: background-color, $value: constant.$value, $important: false) {\n @include legacy.is($target) {\n @include _apply-pseudo($token, hover, $decision, $pseudo, $prop, $value, $important);\n @include _apply-pseudo($token, active, $decision, $pseudo, $prop, $value, $important);\n }\n}\n\n@mixin _apply-pseudo($token, $type, $decision: true, $pseudo: false, $prop: background-color, $value: constant.$value, $important: false) {\n $nest: null;\n $p: --#{$type};\n @if $pseudo {\n $nest: '&:#{$type}';\n $p: $prop;\n }\n\n $t: hex;\n $options: (#{$type}: true);\n @if $decision {\n $t: decision;\n $options: (var: true, #{$type}: true);\n }\n\n $color: colors.from($token, $t, $options);\n $result: result.get($color, $value);\n $result: specificity.important($result, $important);\n\n @include utilities.nest($nest) {\n #{$p}: #{string.unstringify($result)};\n }\n}\n\n/// Ajout d'une couleur de background sur un élément\n/// @access public\n/// @param {list} $tokens - liste des tokens de décision\n/// @param {map} $options - map des options :\n/// - legacy {boolean}: version pour navigateurs modernes ou anciens.\n/// - important {boolean}: si true, applique !important à la règle css\n@mixin background($tokens, $options:()) {\n @if not map.has-key($options, hover) {\n $options: map.merge($options, (hover: inherit));\n }\n @include element(background-color, background, $tokens, $options);\n}\n\n/// @param {list} $tokens - liste des tokens de décision\n/// @param {map} $options - map des options :\n/// - legacy {boolean}: version pour navigateurs modernes ou anciens.\n/// - important {boolean}: si true, applique !important à la règle css\n/// - hover {boolean}: si true, surcharge la valeur de blend pour être héritée\n@mixin transparent-background($options) {\n $legacy: map.get($options, legacy);\n $important: map.get($options, important);\n $hover: map.get($options, hover);\n $tokens: token.normalise(default grey, background);\n $value: specificity.important(transparent, $important);\n\n @if $legacy {\n @include legacy.is(ie11) {\n background-color: transparent;\n\n @if $hover {\n &:hover {\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n }\n\n &:active {\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n @else {\n background-color: #{$value};\n @if $hover {\n --hover: inherit;\n --active: inherit;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Ajout d'une couleur de background sur un élément\n/// @access public\n/// @param {list} $tokens - liste des tokens de décision\n/// @param {map} $options - map des options :\n/// - legacy {boolean}: version pour navigateurs modernes ou anciens.\n/// - important {boolean}: si true, applique !important à la règle css\n@mixin background-image($tokens, $options, $value: linear-gradient(0deg, $COLOR, $COLOR)) {\n $d: token.length($tokens);\n @if $d > 1 and $value == linear-gradient(0deg, $COLOR, $COLOR) {\n $transformed: ();\n @for $i from 1 through $d {\n $c: string.unquote('$color##{$i}');\n $transformed: list.append($transformed, linear-gradient(0deg, $c, $c), comma);\n }\n $value: $transformed;\n }\n @include element(background-image, background, $tokens, $options, $value);\n}\n\n/// Ajout d'une couleur de texte sur un élément\n/// @access public\n/// @param {list} $tokens - liste des tokens de décision\n/// @param {map} $options - map des options :\n/// - legacy {boolean}: version pour navigateurs modernes ou anciens.\n/// - important {boolean}: si true, applique !important à la règle css\n@mixin text($tokens, $options) {\n @include element(color, text, $tokens, $options);\n}\n\n/// Ajout d'une couleur de texte sur un élément\n/// @access public\n/// @param {list} $tokens - liste des tokens de décision\n/// @param {map} $options - map des options :\n/// - legacy {boolean}: version pour navigateurs modernes ou anciens.\n/// - important {boolean}: si true, applique !important à la règle css\n@mixin text-fill($tokens, $options) {\n @include element(-webkit-text-fill-color, text, $tokens, $options);\n}\n\n/// Ajout d'une couleur de fill sur un élément\n/// @access public\n/// @param {list} $tokens - liste des tokens de décision\n/// @param {map} $options - map des options :\n/// - legacy {boolean}: version pour navigateurs modernes ou anciens.\n/// - important {boolean}: si true, applique !important à la règle css\n@mixin fill($tokens, $options) {\n @include element(fill, background , $tokens, $options);\n}\n\n/// Ajout d'une couleur de border sur un élément\n/// @access public\n/// @param {list} $tokens - liste des tokens de décision\n/// @param {map} $options - map des options :\n/// - legacy {boolean}: version pour navigateurs modernes ou anciens.\n/// - important {boolean}: si true, applique !important à la règle css\n/// - side {String}: le côté affecté. valeurs: top, right, bottom, left\n/// @param {List} $value - définition des propriétés de border\n@mixin border($tokens, $options, $value:1px solid $COLOR) {\n $prop:border;\n @if map.has-key($options, side) {\n $prop:border-#{map.get($options, side)};\n }\n @include element($prop, border, $tokens, $options, $value);\n}\n\n@mixin no-border($options: ()) {\n $breakpoint: map.get($options, breakpoint);\n $legacy: map.get($options, legacy);\n @include media-query.respond-from($breakpoint) {\n @if $legacy {\n @include legacy.is(ie11) {\n border: 0;\n }\n }\n @else {\n border: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n\n/// Ajout d'une couleur d'outline sur un élément\n/// @access public\n/// @param {list} $tokens - liste des tokens de décision\n/// @param {map} $options - map des options :\n/// - legacy {boolean}: version pour navigateurs modernes ou anciens.\n/// - important {boolean}: si true, applique !important à la règle css\n/// @param {List} $value - définition des propriétés d'outline\n@mixin outline($tokens, $options, $value:1px solid $COLOR) {\n @include element(outline, border, $tokens, $options, $value);\n}\n\n/// Ajout d'une couleur de box-shadow sur un élément\n/// @access public\n/// @param {list} $tokens - liste des tokens de décision\n/// @param {map} $options - map des options :\n/// - legacy {boolean}: version pour navigateurs modernes ou anciens.\n/// - important {boolean}: si true, applique !important à la règle css\n/// @param {List} $value - définition des propriétés de box-shadow\n@mixin box-shadow($tokens, $options, $value: all-1-in) {\n $has-keys: true;\n $transformed: ();\n $d: token.length($tokens);\n $i: 1;\n @each $v in $value {\n @if bs.has($v) {\n $transformed: append($transformed, bs.get($v, $i), comma);\n @if $i < $d {\n $i: $i + 1;\n }\n }\n @else {\n $has-keys: false;\n }\n }\n @if $has-keys {\n $value: $transformed;\n }\n @include element(box-shadow, border, $tokens, $options, spacing.space($value));\n}\n\n/// Supprime la shadow-box sur l'élément\n/// @access public\n/// @param {string} $breakpoint - la shadow-box est retiré à partir d'un breakpoint si celui-ci est défini\n@mixin no-box-shadow($options) {\n $breakpoint: map.get($options, breakpoint);\n $legacy: map.get($options, legacy);\n @include media-query.respond-from($breakpoint) {\n @if $legacy {\n @include legacy.is(ie11) {\n box-shadow: none;\n }\n }\n @else {\n box-shadow: none;\n }\n }\n}\n","@media print {\n .fr-input {\n color: #3a3a3a;\n background-color: #eee;\n box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 #3a3a3a;\n }\n .fr-input::placeholder {\n color: #666;\n }\n .fr-input::-webkit-contacts-auto-fill-button {\n background-color: #161616;\n }\n .fr-input::-webkit-contacts-auto-fill-button:hover {\n background-color: #343434;\n }\n .fr-input::-webkit-contacts-auto-fill-button:active {\n background-color: #474747;\n }\n .fr-input:disabled {\n color: var(--text-disabled-grey);\n box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 var(--border-disabled-grey);\n }\n .fr-input:autofill, .fr-input:autofill:hover, .fr-input:autofill:focus, .fr-input:-webkit-autofill, .fr-input:-webkit-autofill:hover, .fr-input:-webkit-autofill:focus {\n box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 #3a3a3a, inset 0 0 0 1000px #e8edff;\n -webkit-text-fill-color: #161616;\n }\n .fr-input-wrap--addon > .fr-input:not(:last-child) {\n box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 #000091;\n }\n .fr-fieldset--valid .fr-input,\n .fr-fieldset--valid .fr-input-wrap--addon > .fr-input:not(:last-child), .fr-input-group--valid .fr-input,\n .fr-input-group--valid .fr-input-wrap--addon > .fr-input:not(:last-child) {\n box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 #18753c;\n }\n .fr-fieldset--error .fr-input,\n .fr-fieldset--error .fr-input-wrap--addon > .fr-input:not(:last-child), .fr-input-group--error .fr-input,\n .fr-input-group--error .fr-input-wrap--addon > .fr-input:not(:last-child) {\n box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 0 #ce0500;\n }\n .fr-input-group--error::before {\n background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, #ce0500, #ce0500);\n }\n .fr-input-group--valid::before {\n background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, #18753c, #18753c);\n }\n .fr-input-group--info::before {\n background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, #0063cb, #0063cb);\n }\n}","////\n/// Input Tool\n/// @group input\n////\n\n/// Mixin pour ajouter les préfixes vendor du placeholder\n///\n/// @access public\n///\n/// @example scss\n/// .foo {\n/// @include placeholder {\n/// @content;\n/// }\n/// }\n@mixin placeholder {\n &::placeholder {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin contact-auto-fill-button {\n &::-webkit-contacts-auto-fill-button {\n @content;\n }\n}\n","@mixin nest($selector: null) {\n @if $selector {\n #{$selector} {\n @content;\n }\n }\n @else {\n @content;\n }\n}\n","@use 'sass:list';\n@use 'sass:map';\n@use 'colors';\n@use 'module/selector';\n\n/// Applique les couleurs disabled sur l'élément avec les sélecteurs appropriés\n/// @access public\n/// @param {map} map des options :\n/// - can-be-link {boolean}: ajoute le sélecteur de lien sans href.\n/// - legacy {boolean}: version pour navigateurs modernes ou anciens.\n/// - background {boolean}: true, applique le token background disabled sur la couleur de fond\n/// - text {boolean}: true, applique le token text disabled sur la couleur de texte\n/// - box-shadow {}: si true, applique le token border disabled sur l'élément avec la box-shadow par défaut (encadré de 1 px). si une valeur de box-shadow est fournie, applique cette valeur (voir get-box-shadow)\n@mixin selector($options: (), $colors: null) {\n $selectors: '&:disabled';\n @if map.get($options, can-be-link) {\n $selectors: list.append($selectors, selector.associate(&, 'a:not([href])'), comma);\n }\n\n @at-root #{$selectors} {\n @if $colors != null {\n @include colors.colors($colors);\n }\n @content;\n }\n}\n","////\n/// Core Tool : Selector Autofill\n/// @group core\n////\n\n@mixin autofill () {\n &:autofill,\n &:autofill:hover,\n &:autofill:focus,\n &:-webkit-autofill,\n &:-webkit-autofill:hover,\n &:-webkit-autofill:focus {\n @content;\n }\n}\n","////\n/// Core Tool : Selector pseudo\n/// @group core\n////\n\n@mixin _pseudo($type:before, $content:null, $display:null) {\n @if $type != after and $type != before and $type != marker and $type != (before after) {\n @error '$type must be before or after element';\n }\n\n $selector: ();\n\n @each $pseudo in $type {\n $selector: append($selector, '&::#{$pseudo}', 'comma');\n }\n\n #{$selector} {\n\n @if $content != null {\n content: $content;\n }\n\n @if $display != null {\n display: #{$display};\n }\n\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin before($content: null, $display: null) {\n @include _pseudo(before, $content, $display) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin after($content: null, $display: null) {\n @include _pseudo(after, $content, $display) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin marker($content: null, $display: null) {\n @include _pseudo(marker, $content, $display) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n"]}