/*! DSFR v1.11.2 | SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT | License-Filename: LICENSE.md | restricted use (see terms and conditions) */ (function () { 'use strict'; var config = { prefix: 'fr', namespace: 'dsfr', organisation: '@gouvfr', version: '1.11.2' }; var api = window[config.namespace]; var HeaderSelector = { HEADER: api.internals.ns.selector('header'), TOOLS_LINKS: api.internals.ns.selector('header__tools-links'), MENU_LINKS: api.internals.ns.selector('header__menu-links'), BUTTONS: ((api.internals.ns.selector('header__tools-links')) + " " + (api.internals.ns.selector('btns-group')) + ", " + (api.internals.ns.selector('header__tools-links')) + " " + (api.internals.ns.selector('links-group'))), MODALS: ("" + (api.internals.ns.selector('header__search')) + (api.internals.ns.selector('modal')) + ", " + (api.internals.ns.selector('header__menu')) + (api.internals.ns.selector('modal'))) }; var HeaderLinks = /*@__PURE__*/(function (superclass) { function HeaderLinks () { superclass.apply(this, arguments); } if ( superclass ) HeaderLinks.__proto__ = superclass; HeaderLinks.prototype = Object.create( superclass && superclass.prototype ); HeaderLinks.prototype.constructor = HeaderLinks; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'HeaderLinks'; }; HeaderLinks.prototype.init = function init () { var header = this.queryParentSelector(HeaderSelector.HEADER); this.toolsLinks = header.querySelector(HeaderSelector.TOOLS_LINKS); this.menuLinks = header.querySelector(HeaderSelector.MENU_LINKS); var copySuffix = '-mobile'; var toolsHtml = this.toolsLinks.innerHTML.replace(/ +/g, ' '); var menuHtml = this.menuLinks.innerHTML.replace(/ +/g, ' '); // Pour éviter de dupliquer des id, on ajoute un suffixe aux id et aria-controls duppliqués. var toolsHtmlIdList = toolsHtml.match(/id="(.*?)"/gm) || []; // on a besoin d'échapper les backslash dans la chaine de caractère // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape toolsHtmlIdList = toolsHtmlIdList.map(function (element) { return element.replace('id=\"', '').replace('\"', ''); }); var toolsHtmlAriaControlList = toolsHtml.match(/aria-controls="(.*?)"/gm); var toolsHtmlDuplicateId = toolsHtml.replace(/id="(.*?)"/gm, 'id="$1' + copySuffix + '"'); if (toolsHtmlAriaControlList) { for (var i = 0, list = toolsHtmlAriaControlList; i < list.length; i += 1) { var element = list[i]; var ariaControlsValue = element.replace('aria-controls="', '').replace('"', ''); if (toolsHtmlIdList.includes(ariaControlsValue)) { toolsHtmlDuplicateId = toolsHtmlDuplicateId.replace(("aria-controls=\"" + ariaControlsValue + "\""), ("aria-controls=\"" + (ariaControlsValue + copySuffix) + "\"")); } } } if (toolsHtmlDuplicateId === menuHtml) { return; } switch (api.mode) { case api.Modes.ANGULAR: case api.Modes.REACT: case api.Modes.VUE: this.warn(("header__tools-links content is different from header__menu-links content.\nAs you're using a dynamic framework, you should handle duplication of this content yourself, please refer to documentation:\n" + (api.header.doc))); break; default: this.menuLinks.innerHTML = toolsHtmlDuplicateId; } }; Object.defineProperties( HeaderLinks, staticAccessors ); return HeaderLinks; }(api.core.Instance)); var HeaderModal = /*@__PURE__*/(function (superclass) { function HeaderModal () { superclass.apply(this, arguments); } if ( superclass ) HeaderModal.__proto__ = superclass; HeaderModal.prototype = Object.create( superclass && superclass.prototype ); HeaderModal.prototype.constructor = HeaderModal; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'HeaderModal'; }; HeaderModal.prototype.init = function init () { this.isResizing = true; }; HeaderModal.prototype.resize = function resize () { if (this.isBreakpoint(api.core.Breakpoints.LG)) { this.deactivateModal(); } else { this.activateModal(); } }; HeaderModal.prototype.activateModal = function activateModal () { var modal = this.element.getInstance('Modal'); if (!modal) { return; } modal.isEnabled = true; this.listenClick({ capture: true }); }; HeaderModal.prototype.deactivateModal = function deactivateModal () { var modal = this.element.getInstance('Modal'); if (!modal) { return; } modal.conceal(); modal.isEnabled = false; this.unlistenClick({ capture: true }); }; HeaderModal.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick (e) { if (e.target.matches('a, button') && !e.target.matches('[aria-controls]') && !e.target.matches(api.core.DisclosureSelector.PREVENT_CONCEAL)) { var modal = this.element.getInstance('Modal'); modal.conceal(); } }; Object.defineProperties( HeaderModal, staticAccessors ); return HeaderModal; }(api.core.Instance)); api.header = { HeaderLinks: HeaderLinks, HeaderModal: HeaderModal, HeaderSelector: HeaderSelector, doc: 'https://www.systeme-de-design.gouv.fr/elements-d-interface/composants/en-tete' }; api.internals.register(api.header.HeaderSelector.TOOLS_LINKS, api.header.HeaderLinks); api.internals.register(api.header.HeaderSelector.MODALS, api.header.HeaderModal); })(); //# sourceMappingURL=header.nomodule.js.map