/*! DSFR v1.11.2 | SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT | License-Filename: LICENSE.md | restricted use (see terms and conditions) */ (function () { 'use strict'; var State = function State () { this.modules = {}; }; var prototypeAccessors$9 = { isActive: { configurable: true },isLegacy: { configurable: true } }; State.prototype.create = function create (ModuleClass) { var module = new ModuleClass(); this.modules[module.type] = module; }; State.prototype.getModule = function getModule (type) { return this.modules[type]; }; State.prototype.add = function add (type, item) { this.modules[type].add(item); }; State.prototype.remove = function remove (type, item) { this.modules[type].remove(item); }; prototypeAccessors$9.isActive.get = function () { return this._isActive; }; prototypeAccessors$9.isActive.set = function (value) { var this$1$1 = this; if (value === this._isActive) { return; } this._isActive = value; var values = Object.keys(this.modules).map(function (e) { return this$1$1.modules[e]; }); if (value) { for (var i = 0, list = values; i < list.length; i += 1) { var module = list[i]; module.activate(); } } else { for (var i$1 = 0, list$1 = values; i$1 < list$1.length; i$1 += 1) { var module$1 = list$1[i$1]; module$1.deactivate(); } } }; prototypeAccessors$9.isLegacy.get = function () { return this._isLegacy; }; prototypeAccessors$9.isLegacy.set = function (value) { if (value === this._isLegacy) { return; } this._isLegacy = value; }; Object.defineProperties( State.prototype, prototypeAccessors$9 ); var state = new State(); var config = { prefix: 'fr', namespace: 'dsfr', organisation: '@gouvfr', version: '1.11.2' }; var LogLevel = function LogLevel (level, light, dark, logger) { this.level = level; this.light = light; this.dark = dark; switch (logger) { case 'warn': this.logger = console.warn; break; case 'error': this.logger = console.error; break; default: this.logger = console.log; } }; var prototypeAccessors$8 = { color: { configurable: true } }; LogLevel.prototype.log = function log () { var values = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; var message = new Message(config.namespace); for (var i = 0, list = values; i < list.length; i += 1) { var value = list[i]; message.add(value); } this.print(message); }; LogLevel.prototype.print = function print (message) { message.setColor(this.color); this.logger.apply(console, message.getMessage()); }; prototypeAccessors$8.color.get = function () { return window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? this.dark : this.light; }; Object.defineProperties( LogLevel.prototype, prototypeAccessors$8 ); var Message = function Message (domain) { this.inputs = ['%c']; this.styles = ['font-family:Marianne', 'line-height: 1.5']; this.objects = []; if (domain) { this.add((domain + " :")); } }; Message.prototype.add = function add (value) { switch (typeof value) { case 'object': case 'function': this.inputs.push('%o '); this.objects.push(value); break; default: this.inputs.push((value + " ")); } }; Message.prototype.setColor = function setColor (color) { this.styles.push(("color:" + color)); }; Message.prototype.getMessage = function getMessage () { return [this.inputs.join(''), this.styles.join(';') ].concat( this.objects); }; var LEVELS = { log: new LogLevel(0, '#616161', '#989898'), debug: new LogLevel(1, '#000091', '#8B8BFF'), info: new LogLevel(2, '#007c3b', '#00ed70'), warn: new LogLevel(3, '#ba4500', '#fa5c00', 'warn'), error: new LogLevel(4, '#D80600', '#FF4641', 'error') }; var Inspector = function Inspector () { var this$1$1 = this; this.level = 2; var loop = function ( id ) { var level = LEVELS[id]; this$1$1[id] = function () { var msgs = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) msgs[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; if (this$1$1.level <= level.level) { level.log.apply(level, msgs); } }; this$1$1[id].print = level.print.bind(level); }; for (var id in LEVELS) loop( id ); }; Inspector.prototype.state = function state$1 () { var message = new Message(); message.add(state); this.log.print(message); }; Inspector.prototype.tree = function tree () { var stage = state.getModule('stage'); if (!stage) { return; } var message = new Message(); this._branch(stage.root, 0, message); this.log.print(message); }; Inspector.prototype._branch = function _branch (element, space, message) { var branch = ''; if (space > 0) { var indent = ''; for (var i = 0; i < space; i++) { indent += ' '; } // branch += indent + '|\n'; branch += indent + '└─ '; } branch += "[" + (element.id) + "] " + (element.html); message.add(branch); message.add({ '@': element }); message.add('\n'); for (var i$1 = 0, list = element.children; i$1 < list.length; i$1 += 1) { var child = list[i$1]; branch += this._branch(child, space + 1, message); } }; var inspector = new Inspector(); var startAtDomContentLoaded = function (callback) { if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { window.requestAnimationFrame(callback); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback); } }; var startAuto = function (callback) { // detect startAtDomContentLoaded(callback); }; var Modes = { AUTO: 'auto', MANUAL: 'manual', RUNTIME: 'runtime', LOADED: 'loaded', VUE: 'vue', ANGULAR: 'angular', REACT: 'react' }; var Options = function Options () { this._mode = Modes.AUTO; this.isStarted = false; this.starting = this.start.bind(this); this.preventManipulation = false; }; var prototypeAccessors$7 = { mode: { configurable: true } }; Options.prototype.configure = function configure (settings, start, query) { if ( settings === void 0 ) settings = {}; this.startCallback = start; var isProduction = settings.production && (!query || query.production !== 'false'); switch (true) { case query && !isNaN(query.level): inspector.level = Number(query.level); break; case query && query.verbose && (query.verbose === 'true' || query.verbose === 1): inspector.level = 0; break; case isProduction: inspector.level = 999; break; case settings.verbose: inspector.level = 0; break; } inspector.info(("version " + (config.version))); this.mode = settings.mode || Modes.AUTO; }; prototypeAccessors$7.mode.set = function (value) { switch (value) { case Modes.AUTO: this.preventManipulation = false; startAuto(this.starting); break; case Modes.LOADED: this.preventManipulation = false; startAtDomContentLoaded(this.starting); break; case Modes.RUNTIME: this.preventManipulation = false; this.start(); break; case Modes.MANUAL: this.preventManipulation = false; break; case Modes.VUE: this.preventManipulation = true; break; case Modes.ANGULAR: this.preventManipulation = true; break; case Modes.REACT: this.preventManipulation = true; break; default: inspector.error('Illegal mode'); return; } this._mode = value; inspector.info(("mode set to " + value)); }; prototypeAccessors$7.mode.get = function () { return this._mode; }; Options.prototype.start = function start () { inspector.info('start'); this.startCallback(); }; Object.defineProperties( Options.prototype, prototypeAccessors$7 ); var options = new Options(); var Collection = function Collection () { this._collection = []; }; var prototypeAccessors$6 = { length: { configurable: true },collection: { configurable: true } }; Collection.prototype.forEach = function forEach (callback) { this._collection.forEach(callback); }; Collection.prototype.map = function map (callback) { return this._collection.map(callback); }; prototypeAccessors$6.length.get = function () { return this._collection.length; }; Collection.prototype.add = function add (collectable) { if (this._collection.indexOf(collectable) > -1) { return false; } this._collection.push(collectable); if (this.onAdd) { this.onAdd(); } if (this.onPopulate && this._collection.length === 1) { this.onPopulate(); } return true; }; Collection.prototype.remove = function remove (collectable) { var index = this._collection.indexOf(collectable); if (index === -1) { return false; } this._collection.splice(index, 1); if (this.onRemove) { this.onRemove(); } if (this.onEmpty && this._collection.length === 0) { this.onEmpty(); } }; Collection.prototype.execute = function execute () { var args = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; for (var i = 0, list = this._collection; i < list.length; i += 1) { var collectable = list[i]; if (collectable) { collectable.apply(null, args); } } }; Collection.prototype.clear = function clear () { this._collection.length = 0; }; Collection.prototype.clone = function clone () { var clone = new Collection(); clone._collection = this._collection.slice(); return clone; }; prototypeAccessors$6.collection.get = function () { return this._collection; }; Object.defineProperties( Collection.prototype, prototypeAccessors$6 ); var Module = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Collection) { function Module (type) { Collection.call(this); this.type = type; this.isActive = false; } if ( Collection ) Module.__proto__ = Collection; Module.prototype = Object.create( Collection && Collection.prototype ); Module.prototype.constructor = Module; Module.prototype.activate = function activate () {}; Module.prototype.deactivate = function deactivate () {}; return Module; }(Collection)); var ns = function (name) { return ((config.prefix) + "-" + name); }; ns.selector = function (name, notation) { if (notation === undefined) { notation = '.'; } return ("" + notation + (ns(name))); }; ns.attr = function (name) { return ("data-" + (ns(name))); }; ns.attr.selector = function (name, value) { var result = ns.attr(name); if (value !== undefined) { result += "=\"" + value + "\""; } return ("[" + result + "]"); }; ns.event = function (type) { return ((config.namespace) + "." + type); }; ns.emission = function (domain, type) { return ("emission:" + domain + "." + type); }; var querySelectorAllArray = function (element, selectors) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(element.querySelectorAll(selectors)); }; var queryParentSelector = function (element, selectors) { var parent = element.parentElement; if (parent.matches(selectors)) { return parent; } if (parent === document.documentElement) { return null; } return queryParentSelector(parent, selectors); }; var Registration = function Registration (selector, InstanceClass, creator) { this.selector = selector; this.InstanceClass = InstanceClass; this.creator = creator; this.instances = new Collection(); this.isIntroduced = false; this._instanceClassName = this.InstanceClass.instanceClassName; this._instanceClassNames = this.getInstanceClassNames(this.InstanceClass); this._property = this._instanceClassName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + this._instanceClassName.substring(1); var dashed = this._instanceClassName .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, '-') .replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1-$2') .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2') .replace(/([0-9])([^0-9])/g, '$1-$2') .replace(/([^0-9])([0-9])/g, '$1-$2') .toLowerCase(); this._attribute = ns.attr(("js-" + dashed)); }; var prototypeAccessors$5 = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true },instanceClassNames: { configurable: true },property: { configurable: true },attribute: { configurable: true } }; Registration.prototype.getInstanceClassNames = function getInstanceClassNames (InstanceClass) { var prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(InstanceClass); if (!prototype || prototype.instanceClassName === 'Instance') { return [InstanceClass.instanceClassName]; } return this.getInstanceClassNames(prototype).concat( [InstanceClass.instanceClassName]); }; Registration.prototype.hasInstanceClassName = function hasInstanceClassName (instanceClassName) { return this._instanceClassNames.indexOf(instanceClassName) > -1; }; Registration.prototype.introduce = function introduce () { if (this.isIntroduced) { return; } this.isIntroduced = true; state.getModule('stage').parse(document.documentElement, this); }; Registration.prototype.parse = function parse (node, nonRecursive) { var nodes = []; if (node.matches && node.matches(this.selector)) { nodes.push(node); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-call if (!nonRecursive && node.querySelectorAll && node.querySelector(this.selector)) { nodes.push.apply(nodes, querySelectorAllArray(node, this.selector)); } return nodes; }; Registration.prototype.create = function create (element) { if (!element.node.matches(this.selector)) { return; } var instance = new this.InstanceClass(); this.instances.add(instance); return instance; }; Registration.prototype.remove = function remove (instance) { this.instances.remove(instance); }; Registration.prototype.dispose = function dispose () { var instances = this.instances.collection; for (var i = instances.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { instances[i]._dispose(); } this.creator = null; }; prototypeAccessors$5.instanceClassName.get = function () { return this._instanceClassName; }; prototypeAccessors$5.instanceClassNames.get = function () { return this._instanceClassNames; }; prototypeAccessors$5.property.get = function () { return this._property; }; prototypeAccessors$5.attribute.get = function () { return this._attribute; }; Object.defineProperties( Registration.prototype, prototypeAccessors$5 ); var Register = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Module) { function Register () { Module.call(this, 'register'); } if ( Module ) Register.__proto__ = Module; Register.prototype = Object.create( Module && Module.prototype ); Register.prototype.constructor = Register; Register.prototype.register = function register (selector, InstanceClass, creator) { var registration = new Registration(selector, InstanceClass, creator); this.add(registration); if (state.isActive) { registration.introduce(); } return registration; }; Register.prototype.activate = function activate () { for (var i = 0, list = this.collection; i < list.length; i += 1) { var registration = list[i]; registration.introduce(); } }; Register.prototype.remove = function remove (registration) { registration.dispose(); Module.prototype.remove.call(this, registration); }; return Register; }(Module)); var count = 0; var Element = function Element (node, id) { if (!id) { count++; this.id = count; } else { this.id = id; } this.node = node; this.attributeNames = []; this.instances = []; this._children = []; this._parent = null; this._projects = []; }; var prototypeAccessors$4 = { proxy: { configurable: true },html: { configurable: true },parent: { configurable: true },ascendants: { configurable: true },children: { configurable: true },descendants: { configurable: true } }; prototypeAccessors$4.proxy.get = function () { var scope = this; if (!this._proxy) { this._proxy = { id: this.id, get parent () { return scope.parent ? scope.parent.proxy : null; }, get children () { return scope.children.map(function (child) { return child.proxy; }); } }; for (var i = 0, list = this.instances; i < list.length; i += 1) { var instance = list[i]; this._proxy[instance.registration.property] = instance.proxy; } } return this._proxy; }; prototypeAccessors$4.html.get = function () { if (!this.node || !this.node.outerHTML) { return ''; } var end = this.node.outerHTML.indexOf('>'); return this.node.outerHTML.substring(0, end + 1); }; Element.prototype.project = function project (registration) { if (this._projects.indexOf(registration) === -1) { this._projects.push(registration); } }; Element.prototype.populate = function populate () { var projects = this._projects.slice(); this._projects.length = 0; for (var i = 0, list = projects; i < list.length; i += 1) { var registration = list[i]; this.create(registration); } }; Element.prototype.create = function create (registration) { if (this.hasInstance(registration.instanceClassName)) { // inspector.debug(`failed creation, instance of ${registration.instanceClassName} already exists on element [${this.id}]`); return; } inspector.debug(("create instance of " + (registration.instanceClassName) + " on element [" + (this.id) + "]")); var instance = registration.create(this); this.instances.push(instance); instance._config(this, registration); if (this._proxy) { this._proxy[registration.property] = instance.proxy; } }; Element.prototype.remove = function remove (instance) { var index = this.instances.indexOf(instance); if (index > -1) { this.instances.splice(index, 1); } if (this._proxy) { delete this._proxy[instance.registration.property]; } }; prototypeAccessors$4.parent.get = function () { return this._parent; }; prototypeAccessors$4.ascendants.get = function () { return [this.parent ].concat( this.parent.ascendants); }; prototypeAccessors$4.children.get = function () { return this._children; }; prototypeAccessors$4.descendants.get = function () { var descendants = [].concat( this._children ); this._children.forEach(function (child) { return descendants.push.apply(descendants, child.descendants); }); return descendants; }; // TODO : emit ascendant et descendant de changement ? Element.prototype.addChild = function addChild (child, index) { if (this._children.indexOf(child) > -1) { return null; } child._parent = this; if (!isNaN(index) && index > -1 && index < this._children.length) { this._children.splice(index, 0, child); } else { this._children.push(child); } return child; }; Element.prototype.removeChild = function removeChild (child) { var index = this._children.indexOf(child); if (index === -1) { return null; } child._parent = null; this._children.splice(index, 1); }; Element.prototype.emit = function emit (type, data) { var elements = state.getModule('stage').collection; var response = []; for (var i = 0, list = elements; i < list.length; i += 1) { var element = list[i]; response.push.apply(response, element._emit(type, data)); } return response; }; Element.prototype._emit = function _emit (type, data) { var response = []; for (var i = 0, list = this.instances; i < list.length; i += 1) { var instance = list[i]; response.push.apply(response, instance._emitter.emit(type, data)); } return response; }; Element.prototype.ascend = function ascend (type, data) { if (this._parent) { return this._parent._ascend(type, data); } return []; }; Element.prototype._ascend = function _ascend (type, data) { var response = []; for (var i = 0, list = this.instances; i < list.length; i += 1) { var instance = list[i]; response.push.apply(response, instance._ascent.emit(type, data)); } if (this._parent) { response.push.apply(response, this._parent._ascend(type, data)); } return response; }; Element.prototype.descend = function descend (type, data) { var response = []; for (var i = 0, list = this._children; i < list.length; i += 1) { var child = list[i]; response.push.apply(response, child._descend(type, data)); } return response; }; Element.prototype._descend = function _descend (type, data) { var response = []; for (var i = 0, list = this.instances; i < list.length; i += 1) { var instance = list[i]; response.push.apply(response, instance._descent.emit(type, data)); } for (var i$1 = 0, list$1 = this._children; i$1 < list$1.length; i$1 += 1) { var child = list$1[i$1]; response.push.apply(response, child._descend(type, data)); } return response; }; Element.prototype.getInstance = function getInstance (instanceClassName) { for (var i = 0, list = this.instances; i < list.length; i += 1) { var instance = list[i]; if (instance.registration.hasInstanceClassName(instanceClassName)) { return instance; } } return null; }; Element.prototype.hasInstance = function hasInstance (instanceClassName) { return this.getInstance(instanceClassName) !== null; }; Element.prototype.getDescendantInstances = function getDescendantInstances (instanceClassName, stopAtInstanceClassName, stopAtFirstInstance) { if (!instanceClassName) { return []; } var instances = []; for (var i = 0, list = this._children; i < list.length; i += 1) { var child = list[i]; var instance = child.getInstance(instanceClassName); if (instance) { instances.push(instance); if (stopAtFirstInstance) { continue; } } if ((!stopAtInstanceClassName || !child.hasInstance(stopAtInstanceClassName)) && child.children.length) { instances.push.apply(instances, child.getDescendantInstances(instanceClassName, stopAtInstanceClassName, stopAtFirstInstance)); } } return instances; }; Element.prototype.getAscendantInstance = function getAscendantInstance (instanceClassName, stopAtInstanceClassName) { if (!instanceClassName || !this._parent) { return null; } var instance = this._parent.getInstance(instanceClassName); if (instance) { return instance; } if (stopAtInstanceClassName && this._parent.hasInstance(stopAtInstanceClassName)) { return null; } return this._parent.getAscendantInstance(instanceClassName, stopAtInstanceClassName); }; Element.prototype.dispose = function dispose () { for (var i = this.instances.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var instance = this.instances[i]; if (instance) { instance._dispose(); } } this.instances.length = 0; state.remove('stage', this); this.parent.removeChild(this); this._children.length = 0; inspector.debug(("remove element [" + (this.id) + "] " + (this.html))); }; Element.prototype.prepare = function prepare (attributeName) { if (this.attributeNames.indexOf(attributeName) === -1) { this.attributeNames.push(attributeName); } }; Element.prototype.examine = function examine () { var attributeNames = this.attributeNames.slice(); this.attributeNames.length = 0; for (var i = this.instances.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { this.instances[i].examine(attributeNames); } }; Object.defineProperties( Element.prototype, prototypeAccessors$4 ); var RootEmission = { CLICK: ns.emission('root', 'click'), KEYDOWN: ns.emission('root', 'keydown'), KEYUP: ns.emission('root', 'keyup') }; var KeyCodes = { TAB: { id: 'tab', value: 9 }, ESCAPE: { id: 'escape', value: 27 }, END: { id: 'end', value: 35 }, HOME: { id: 'home', value: 36 }, LEFT: { id: 'left', value: 37 }, UP: { id: 'up', value: 38 }, RIGHT: { id: 'right', value: 39 }, DOWN: { id: 'down', value: 40 } }; var getKeyCode = function (keyCode) { return Object.values(KeyCodes).filter(function (entry) { return entry.value === keyCode; })[0]; }; var Root = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Element) { function Root () { Element.call(this, document.documentElement, 'root'); this.node.setAttribute(ns.attr('js'), true); this.listen(); } if ( Element ) Root.__proto__ = Element; Root.prototype = Object.create( Element && Element.prototype ); Root.prototype.constructor = Root; Root.prototype.listen = function listen () { // TODO v2 => listener au niveau des éléments qui redistribuent aux instances. document.documentElement.addEventListener('click', this.click.bind(this), { capture: true }); document.documentElement.addEventListener('keydown', this.keydown.bind(this), { capture: true }); document.documentElement.addEventListener('keyup', this.keyup.bind(this), { capture: true }); }; Root.prototype.click = function click (e) { this.emit(RootEmission.CLICK, e.target); }; Root.prototype.keydown = function keydown (e) { this.emit(RootEmission.KEYDOWN, getKeyCode(e.keyCode)); }; Root.prototype.keyup = function keyup (e) { this.emit(RootEmission.KEYUP, getKeyCode(e.keyCode)); }; return Root; }(Element)); var Stage = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Module) { function Stage () { Module.call(this, 'stage'); this.root = new Root(); Module.prototype.add.call(this, this.root); this.observer = new MutationObserver(this.mutate.bind(this)); this.modifications = []; this.willModify = false; this.modifying = this.modify.bind(this); } if ( Module ) Stage.__proto__ = Module; Stage.prototype = Object.create( Module && Module.prototype ); Stage.prototype.constructor = Stage; Stage.prototype.hasElement = function hasElement (node) { for (var i = 0, list = this.collection; i < list.length; i += 1) { var element = list[i]; if (element.node === node) { return true; } } return false; }; Stage.prototype.getElement = function getElement (node) { for (var i = 0, list = this.collection; i < list.length; i += 1) { var element$1 = list[i]; if (element$1.node === node) { return element$1; } } var element = new Element(node); this.add(element); inspector.debug(("add element [" + (element.id) + "] " + (element.html))); return element; }; Stage.prototype.getProxy = function getProxy (node) { if (!this.hasElement(node)) { return null; } var element = this.getElement(node); return element.proxy; }; Stage.prototype.add = function add (element) { Module.prototype.add.call(this, element); this.put(element, this.root); }; Stage.prototype.put = function put (element, branch) { var index = 0; for (var i = branch.children.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { var child = branch.children[i]; var position = element.node.compareDocumentPosition(child.node); if (position & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS) { this.put(element, child); return; } else if (position & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY) { branch.removeChild(child); element.addChild(child, 0); } else if (position & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) { index = i + 1; break; } } branch.addChild(element, index); }; Stage.prototype.activate = function activate () { this.observer.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true }); }; Stage.prototype.deactivate = function deactivate () { this.observer.disconnect(); }; Stage.prototype.mutate = function mutate (mutations) { var this$1$1 = this; var examinations = []; mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { switch (mutation.type) { case 'childList': mutation.removedNodes.forEach(function (node) { return this$1$1.dispose(node); }); mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function (node) { return this$1$1.parse(node); }); break; case 'attributes': if (this$1$1.hasElement(mutation.target)) { var element = this$1$1.getElement(mutation.target); element.prepare(mutation.attributeName); if (examinations.indexOf(element) === -1) { examinations.push(element); } for (var i = 0, list = element.descendants; i < list.length; i += 1) { var descendant = list[i]; if (examinations.indexOf(descendant) === -1) { examinations.push(descendant); } } } if (this$1$1.modifications.indexOf(mutation.target) === -1) { this$1$1.modifications.push(mutation.target); } break; } }); examinations.forEach(function (element) { return element.examine(); }); if (this.modifications.length && !this.willModify) { this.willModify = true; window.requestAnimationFrame(this.modifying); } }; Stage.prototype.modify = function modify () { this.willModify = false; var targets = this.modifications.slice(); this.modifications.length = 0; for (var i = 0, list = targets; i < list.length; i += 1) { var target = list[i]; if (document.documentElement.contains(target)) { this.parse(target); } } }; Stage.prototype.dispose = function dispose (node) { var disposables = []; this.forEach(function (element) { if (node.contains(element.node)) { disposables.push(element); } }); for (var i = 0, list = disposables; i < list.length; i += 1) { var disposable = list[i]; disposable.dispose(); this.remove(disposable); } }; Stage.prototype.parse = function parse (node, registration, nonRecursive) { var registrations = registration ? [registration] : state.getModule('register').collection; var creations = []; for (var i$1 = 0, list$1 = registrations; i$1 < list$1.length; i$1 += 1) { var registration$1 = list$1[i$1]; var nodes = registration$1.parse(node, nonRecursive); for (var i = 0, list = nodes; i < list.length; i += 1) { var n = list[i]; var element = this.getElement(n); element.project(registration$1); if (creations.indexOf(element) === -1) { creations.push(element); } } } for (var i$2 = 0, list$2 = creations; i$2 < list$2.length; i$2 += 1) { var element$1 = list$2[i$2]; element$1.populate(); } }; return Stage; }(Module)); var Renderer = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Module) { function Renderer () { Module.call(this, 'render'); this.rendering = this.render.bind(this); this.nexts = new Collection(); } if ( Module ) Renderer.__proto__ = Module; Renderer.prototype = Object.create( Module && Module.prototype ); Renderer.prototype.constructor = Renderer; Renderer.prototype.activate = function activate () { window.requestAnimationFrame(this.rendering); }; Renderer.prototype.request = function request (instance) { this.nexts.add(instance); }; Renderer.prototype.render = function render () { if (!state.isActive) { return; } window.requestAnimationFrame(this.rendering); this.forEach(function (instance) { return instance.render(); }); if (!this.nexts.length) { return; } var nexts = this.nexts.clone(); this.nexts.clear(); nexts.forEach(function (instance) { return instance.next(); }); }; return Renderer; }(Module)); var Resizer = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Module) { function Resizer () { Module.call(this, 'resize'); this.requireResize = false; this.resizing = this.resize.bind(this); var requesting = this.request.bind(this); if (document.fonts) { document.fonts.ready.then(requesting); } window.addEventListener('resize', requesting); window.addEventListener('orientationchange', requesting); } if ( Module ) Resizer.__proto__ = Module; Resizer.prototype = Object.create( Module && Module.prototype ); Resizer.prototype.constructor = Resizer; Resizer.prototype.activate = function activate () { this.request(); }; Resizer.prototype.request = function request () { if (this.requireResize) { return; } this.requireResize = true; window.requestAnimationFrame(this.resizing); }; Resizer.prototype.resize = function resize () { if (!this.requireResize) { return; } this.forEach(function (instance) { return instance.resize(); }); this.requireResize = false; }; return Resizer; }(Module)); var ScrollLocker = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Module) { function ScrollLocker () { Module.call(this, 'lock'); this._isLocked = false; this._scrollY = 0; this.onPopulate = this.lock.bind(this); this.onEmpty = this.unlock.bind(this); } if ( Module ) ScrollLocker.__proto__ = Module; ScrollLocker.prototype = Object.create( Module && Module.prototype ); ScrollLocker.prototype.constructor = ScrollLocker; var prototypeAccessors = { isLocked: { configurable: true } }; prototypeAccessors.isLocked.get = function () { return this._isLocked; }; ScrollLocker.prototype.lock = function lock () { if (!this._isLocked) { this._isLocked = true; this._scrollY = window.scrollY; var scrollBarGap = window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth; document.documentElement.setAttribute(ns.attr('scrolling'), 'false'); document.body.style.top = (-this._scrollY) + "px"; this.behavior = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('scroll-behavior'); if (this.behavior === 'smooth') { document.documentElement.style.scrollBehavior = 'auto'; } if (scrollBarGap > 0) { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--scrollbar-width', (scrollBarGap + "px")); } } }; ScrollLocker.prototype.unlock = function unlock () { if (this._isLocked) { this._isLocked = false; document.documentElement.removeAttribute(ns.attr('scrolling')); document.body.style.top = ''; window.scrollTo(0, this._scrollY); if (this.behavior === 'smooth') { document.documentElement.style.removeProperty('scroll-behavior'); } document.documentElement.style.removeProperty('--scrollbar-width'); } }; ScrollLocker.prototype.move = function move (value) { if (this._isLocked) { this._scrollY += value; document.body.style.top = (-this._scrollY) + "px"; } else { window.scrollTo(0, window.scrollY + value); } }; Object.defineProperties( ScrollLocker.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); return ScrollLocker; }(Module)); var Load = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Module) { function Load () { Module.call(this, 'load'); this.loading = this.load.bind(this); } if ( Module ) Load.__proto__ = Module; Load.prototype = Object.create( Module && Module.prototype ); Load.prototype.constructor = Load; Load.prototype.activate = function activate () { window.addEventListener('load', this.loading); }; Load.prototype.load = function load () { this.forEach(function (instance) { return instance.load(); }); }; return Load; }(Module)); var FONT_FAMILIES = ['Marianne', 'Spectral']; var FontSwap = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Module) { function FontSwap () { Module.call(this, 'font-swap'); this.swapping = this.swap.bind(this); } if ( Module ) FontSwap.__proto__ = Module; FontSwap.prototype = Object.create( Module && Module.prototype ); FontSwap.prototype.constructor = FontSwap; FontSwap.prototype.activate = function activate () { if (document.fonts) { document.fonts.addEventListener('loadingdone', this.swapping); } }; FontSwap.prototype.swap = function swap () { var families = FONT_FAMILIES.filter(function (family) { return document.fonts.check(("16px " + family)); }); this.forEach(function (instance) { return instance.swapFont(families); }); }; return FontSwap; }(Module)); var MouseMove = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Module) { function MouseMove () { Module.call(this, 'mouse-move'); this.requireMove = false; this._isMoving = false; this.moving = this.move.bind(this); this.requesting = this.request.bind(this); this.onPopulate = this.listen.bind(this); this.onEmpty = this.unlisten.bind(this); } if ( Module ) MouseMove.__proto__ = Module; MouseMove.prototype = Object.create( Module && Module.prototype ); MouseMove.prototype.constructor = MouseMove; MouseMove.prototype.listen = function listen () { if (this._isMoving) { return; } this._isMoving = true; this.requireMove = false; document.documentElement.addEventListener('mousemove', this.requesting); }; MouseMove.prototype.unlisten = function unlisten () { if (!this._isMoving) { return; } this._isMoving = false; this.requireMove = false; document.documentElement.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.requesting); }; MouseMove.prototype.request = function request (e) { if (!this._isMoving) { return; } this.point = { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY }; if (this.requireMove) { return; } this.requireMove = true; window.requestAnimationFrame(this.moving); }; MouseMove.prototype.move = function move () { var this$1$1 = this; if (!this.requireMove) { return; } this.forEach(function (instance) { return instance.mouseMove(this$1$1.point); }); this.requireMove = false; }; return MouseMove; }(Module)); var Hash = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Module) { function Hash () { Module.call(this, 'hash'); this.handling = this.handle.bind(this); this.getLocationHash(); } if ( Module ) Hash.__proto__ = Module; Hash.prototype = Object.create( Module && Module.prototype ); Hash.prototype.constructor = Hash; var prototypeAccessors = { hash: { configurable: true } }; Hash.prototype.activate = function activate () { window.addEventListener('hashchange', this.handling); }; Hash.prototype.deactivate = function deactivate () { window.removeEventListener('hashchange', this.handling); }; Hash.prototype._sanitize = function _sanitize (hash) { if (hash.charAt(0) === '#') { return hash.substring(1); } return hash; }; prototypeAccessors.hash.set = function (value) { var hash = this._sanitize(value); if (this._hash !== hash) { window.location.hash = hash; } }; prototypeAccessors.hash.get = function () { return this._hash; }; Hash.prototype.getLocationHash = function getLocationHash () { var hash = window.location.hash; this._hash = this._sanitize(hash); }; Hash.prototype.handle = function handle (e) { var this$1$1 = this; this.getLocationHash(); this.forEach(function (instance) { return instance.handleHash(this$1$1._hash, e); }); }; Object.defineProperties( Hash.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); return Hash; }(Module)); var Engine = function Engine () { state.create(Register); state.create(Stage); state.create(Renderer); state.create(Resizer); state.create(ScrollLocker); state.create(Load); state.create(FontSwap); state.create(MouseMove); state.create(Hash); var registerModule = state.getModule('register'); this.register = registerModule.register.bind(registerModule); }; var prototypeAccessors$3 = { isActive: { configurable: true } }; prototypeAccessors$3.isActive.get = function () { return state.isActive; }; Engine.prototype.start = function start () { inspector.debug('START'); state.isActive = true; }; Engine.prototype.stop = function stop () { inspector.debug('STOP'); state.isActive = false; }; Object.defineProperties( Engine.prototype, prototypeAccessors$3 ); var engine = new Engine(); var Colors = function Colors () {}; Colors.prototype.getColor = function getColor (context, use, tint, options) { if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; var option = getOption(options); var decision = "--" + context + "-" + use + "-" + tint + option; return getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(decision).trim() || null; }; var getOption = function (options) { switch (true) { case options.hover: return '-hover'; case options.active: return '-active'; default: return ''; } }; var colors = new Colors(); var sanitize = function (className) { return className.charAt(0) === '.' ? className.substr(1) : className; }; var getClassNames = function (element) { switch (true) { case !element.className: return []; case typeof element.className === 'string': return element.className.split(' '); case typeof element.className.baseVal === 'string': return element.className.baseVal.split(' '); } return []; }; var modifyClass = function (element, className, remove) { className = sanitize(className); var classNames = getClassNames(element); var index = classNames.indexOf(className); if (remove === true) { if (index > -1) { classNames.splice(index, 1); } } else if (index === -1) { classNames.push(className); } element.className = classNames.join(' '); }; var addClass = function (element, className) { return modifyClass(element, className); }; var removeClass = function (element, className) { return modifyClass(element, className, true); }; var hasClass = function (element, className) { return getClassNames(element).indexOf(sanitize(className)) > -1; }; var ACTIONS = [ '[tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])', 'a[href]', 'button:not([disabled])', 'input:not([disabled])', 'select:not([disabled])', 'textarea:not([disabled])', 'audio[controls]', 'video[controls]', '[contenteditable]:not([contenteditable="false"])', 'details>summary:first-of-type', 'details', 'iframe' ]; var ACTIONS_SELECTOR = ACTIONS.join(); var queryActions = function (element) { return element.querySelectorAll(ACTIONS_SELECTOR); }; var counter = 0; var uniqueId = function (id) { if (!document.getElementById(id)) { return id; } var element = true; var base = id; while (element) { counter++; id = base + "-" + counter; element = document.getElementById(id); } return id; }; var dom = { addClass: addClass, hasClass: hasClass, removeClass: removeClass, queryParentSelector: queryParentSelector, querySelectorAllArray: querySelectorAllArray, queryActions: queryActions, uniqueId: uniqueId }; var DataURISVG = function DataURISVG (width, height) { if ( width === void 0 ) width = 0; if ( height === void 0 ) height = 0; this._width = width; this._height = height; this._content = ''; }; var prototypeAccessors$2 = { width: { configurable: true },height: { configurable: true },content: { configurable: true } }; prototypeAccessors$2.width.get = function () { return this._width; }; prototypeAccessors$2.width.set = function (value) { this._width = value; }; prototypeAccessors$2.height.get = function () { return this._height; }; prototypeAccessors$2.height.set = function (value) { this._height = value; }; prototypeAccessors$2.content.get = function () { return this._content; }; prototypeAccessors$2.content.set = function (value) { this._content = value; }; DataURISVG.prototype.getDataURI = function getDataURI (isLegacy) { if ( isLegacy === void 0 ) isLegacy = false; var svg = "" + (this._content) + ""; svg = svg.replace(/#/gi, '%23'); if (isLegacy) { svg = svg.replace(//gi, '%3E'); svg = svg.replace(/"/gi, '\''); svg = svg.replace(/{/gi, '%7B'); svg = svg.replace(/}/gi, '%7D'); } return ("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8," + svg); }; Object.defineProperties( DataURISVG.prototype, prototypeAccessors$2 ); var image = { DataURISVG: DataURISVG }; var supportLocalStorage = function () { try { return 'localStorage' in window && window.localStorage !== null; } catch (e) { return false; } }; var supportAspectRatio = function () { if (!window.CSS) { return false; } return CSS.supports('aspect-ratio: 16 / 9'); }; var support = { supportLocalStorage: supportLocalStorage, supportAspectRatio: supportAspectRatio }; var TransitionSelector = { NONE: ns.selector('transition-none') }; var selector = { TransitionSelector: TransitionSelector }; /** * Copy properties from multiple sources including accessors. * source : https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign#copier_des_accesseurs * * @param {object} [target] - Target object to copy into * @param {...objects} [sources] - Multiple objects * @return {object} A new object * * @example * * const obj1 = { * key: 'value' * }; * const obj2 = { * get function01 () { * return a-value; * } * set function01 () { * return a-value; * } * }; * completeAssign(obj1, obj2) */ var completeAssign = function (target) { var sources = [], len = arguments.length - 1; while ( len-- > 0 ) sources[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ]; sources.forEach(function (source) { var descriptors = Object.keys(source).reduce(function (descriptors, key) { descriptors[key] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key); return descriptors; }, {}); Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).forEach(function (sym) { var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym); if (descriptor.enumerable) { descriptors[sym] = descriptor; } }); Object.defineProperties(target, descriptors); }); return target; }; var property = { completeAssign: completeAssign }; /** * Return an object of query params or null * * @method * @name searchParams * @param {string} url - an url * @returns {Object} object of query params or null */ var searchParams = function (url) { if (url && url.search) { var params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); var entries = params.entries(); return Object.fromEntries(entries); } return null; }; var internals = {}; var legacy = {}; Object.defineProperty(legacy, 'isLegacy', { get: function () { return state.isLegacy; } }); legacy.setLegacy = function () { state.isLegacy = true; }; internals.legacy = legacy; internals.dom = dom; internals.image = image; internals.support = support; internals.motion = selector; internals.property = property; internals.ns = ns; internals.register = engine.register; internals.state = state; internals.query = searchParams(window.location); Object.defineProperty(internals, 'preventManipulation', { get: function () { return options.preventManipulation; } }); Object.defineProperty(internals, 'stage', { get: function () { return state.getModule('stage'); } }); var api$1 = function (node) { var stage = state.getModule('stage'); return stage.getProxy(node); }; api$1.version = config.version; api$1.prefix = config.prefix; api$1.organisation = config.organisation; api$1.Modes = Modes; Object.defineProperty(api$1, 'mode', { set: function (value) { options.mode = value; }, get: function () { return options.mode; } }); api$1.internals = internals; api$1.version = config.version; api$1.start = engine.start; api$1.stop = engine.stop; api$1.inspector = inspector; api$1.colors = colors; var configuration = window[config.namespace]; api$1.internals.configuration = configuration; options.configure(configuration, api$1.start, api$1.internals.query); window[config.namespace] = api$1; var Emitter = function Emitter () { this.emissions = {}; }; Emitter.prototype.add = function add (type, closure) { if (typeof closure !== 'function') { throw new Error('closure must be a function'); } if (!this.emissions[type]) { this.emissions[type] = []; } this.emissions[type].push(closure); }; Emitter.prototype.remove = function remove (type, closure) { if (!this.emissions[type]) { return; } if (!closure) { delete this.emissions[type]; } else { var index = this.emissions[type].indexOf(closure); if (index > -1) { this.emissions[type].splice(index); } } }; Emitter.prototype.emit = function emit (type, data) { if (!this.emissions[type]) { return []; } var response = []; for (var i = 0, list = this.emissions[type]; i < list.length; i += 1) { var closure = list[i]; if (closure) { response.push(closure(data)); } } return response; }; Emitter.prototype.dispose = function dispose () { this.emissions = null; }; var Breakpoint = function Breakpoint (id, minWidth) { this.id = id; this.minWidth = minWidth; }; Breakpoint.prototype.test = function test () { return window.matchMedia(("(min-width: " + (this.minWidth) + "em)")).matches; }; var Breakpoints = { XS: new Breakpoint('xs', 0), SM: new Breakpoint('sm', 36), MD: new Breakpoint('md', 48), LG: new Breakpoint('lg', 62), XL: new Breakpoint('xl', 78) }; var Instance = function Instance (jsAttribute) { if ( jsAttribute === void 0 ) jsAttribute = true; this.jsAttribute = jsAttribute; this._isRendering = false; this._isResizing = false; this._isScrollLocked = false; this._isLoading = false; this._isSwappingFont = false; this._isEnabled = true; this._isDisposed = false; this._listeners = {}; this._handlingClick = this.handleClick.bind(this); this._hashes = []; this._hash = ''; this._keyListenerTypes = []; this._keys = []; this.handlingKey = this.handleKey.bind(this); this._emitter = new Emitter(); this._ascent = new Emitter(); this._descent = new Emitter(); this._registrations = []; this._nexts = []; }; var prototypeAccessors = { proxy: { configurable: true },hash: { configurable: true },isEnabled: { configurable: true },isRendering: { configurable: true },isResizing: { configurable: true },isScrollLocked: { configurable: true },isLoading: { configurable: true },isSwappingFont: { configurable: true },isMouseMoving: { configurable: true },isDisposed: { configurable: true },style: { configurable: true },classNames: { configurable: true },hasFocus: { configurable: true },isLegacy: { configurable: true } }; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'Instance'; }; Instance.prototype._config = function _config (element, registration) { this.element = element; this.registration = registration; this.node = element.node; this.id = element.node.id; if (this.jsAttribute) { this.setAttribute(registration.attribute, true); } this.init(); }; Instance.prototype.init = function init () {}; prototypeAccessors.proxy.get = function () { var scope = this; var proxy = { render: function () { return scope.render(); }, resize: function () { return scope.resize(); } }; var proxyAccessors = { get node () { return this.node; }, get isEnabled () { return scope.isEnabled; }, set isEnabled (value) { scope.isEnabled = value; } }; return completeAssign(proxy, proxyAccessors); }; Instance.prototype.log = function log () { var values = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; values.unshift(((this.registration.instanceClassName) + " #" + (this.id) + " - ")); inspector.log.apply(inspector, values); }; Instance.prototype.debug = function debug () { var values = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; values.unshift(((this.registration.instanceClassName) + " #" + (this.id) + " - ")); inspector.debug.apply(inspector, values); }; Instance.prototype.info = function info () { var values = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; values.unshift(((this.registration.instanceClassName) + " #" + (this.id) + " - ")); inspector.info.apply(inspector, values); }; Instance.prototype.warn = function warn () { var values = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; values.unshift(((this.registration.instanceClassName) + " #" + (this.id) + " - ")); inspector.warn.apply(inspector, values); }; Instance.prototype.error = function error () { var values = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; values.unshift(((this.registration.instanceClassName) + " #" + (this.id) + " - ")); inspector.error.apply(inspector, values); }; Instance.prototype.register = function register (selector, InstanceClass) { var registration = state.getModule('register').register(selector, InstanceClass, this); this._registrations.push(registration); }; Instance.prototype.getRegisteredInstances = function getRegisteredInstances (instanceClassName) { for (var i = 0, list = this._registrations; i < list.length; i += 1) { var registration = list[i]; if (registration.hasInstanceClassName(instanceClassName)) { return registration.instances.collection; } } return []; }; Instance.prototype.dispatch = function dispatch (type, detail, bubbles, cancelable) { var event = new CustomEvent(type, { detail: detail, bubble: bubbles === true, cancelable: cancelable === true }); this.node.dispatchEvent(event); }; // TODO v2 => listener au niveau des éléments qui redistribuent aux instances. Instance.prototype.listen = function listen (type, closure, options) { if (!this._listeners[type]) { this._listeners[type] = []; } var listeners = this._listeners[type]; // if (listeners.some(listener => listener.closure === closure)) return; var listener = new Listener(this.node, type, closure, options); listeners.push(listener); listener.listen(); }; Instance.prototype.unlisten = function unlisten (type, closure, options) { var this$1$1 = this; if (!type) { for (var type$1 in this._listeners) { this.unlisten(type$1); } return; } var listeners = this._listeners[type]; if (!listeners) { return; } if (!closure) { listeners.forEach(function (listener) { return this$1$1.unlisten(type, listener.closure); }); return; } var removal = listeners.filter(function (listener) { return listener.closure === closure && listener.matchOptions(options); }); removal.forEach(function (listener) { return listener.unlisten(); }); this._listeners[type] = listeners.filter(function (listener) { return removal.indexOf(listener) === -1; }); }; Instance.prototype.listenClick = function listenClick (options) { this.listen('click', this._handlingClick, options); }; Instance.prototype.unlistenClick = function unlistenClick (options) { this.unlisten('click', this._handlingClick, options); }; Instance.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick (e) {}; prototypeAccessors.hash.set = function (value) { state.getModule('hash').hash = value; }; prototypeAccessors.hash.get = function () { return state.getModule('hash').hash; }; Instance.prototype.listenHash = function listenHash (hash, add) { if (!this._hashes) { return; } if (this._hashes.length === 0) { state.add('hash', this); } var action = new HashAction(hash, add); this._hashes = this._hashes.filter(function (action) { return action.hash !== hash; }); this._hashes.push(action); }; Instance.prototype.unlistenHash = function unlistenHash (hash) { if (!this._hashes) { return; } this._hashes = this._hashes.filter(function (action) { return action.hash !== hash; }); if (this._hashes.length === 0) { state.remove('hash', this); } }; Instance.prototype.handleHash = function handleHash (hash, e) { if (!this._hashes) { return; } for (var i = 0, list = this._hashes; i < list.length; i += 1) { var action = list[i]; action.handle(hash, e); } }; Instance.prototype.listenKey = function listenKey (keyCode, closure, preventDefault, stopPropagation, type) { if ( preventDefault === void 0 ) preventDefault = false; if ( stopPropagation === void 0 ) stopPropagation = false; if ( type === void 0 ) type = 'down'; if (this._keyListenerTypes.indexOf(type) === -1) { this.listen(("key" + type), this.handlingKey); this._keyListenerTypes.push(type); } this._keys.push(new KeyAction(type, keyCode, closure, preventDefault, stopPropagation)); }; Instance.prototype.unlistenKey = function unlistenKey (code, closure) { var this$1$1 = this; this._keys = this._keys.filter(function (key) { return key.code !== code || key.closure !== closure; }); this._keyListenerTypes.forEach(function (type) { if (!this$1$1._keys.some(function (key) { return key.type === type; })) { this$1$1.unlisten(("key" + type), this$1$1.handlingKey); } }); }; Instance.prototype.handleKey = function handleKey (e) { for (var i = 0, list = this._keys; i < list.length; i += 1) { var key = list[i]; key.handle(e); } }; prototypeAccessors.isEnabled.get = function () { return this._isEnabled; }; prototypeAccessors.isEnabled.set = function (value) { this._isEnabled = value; }; prototypeAccessors.isRendering.get = function () { return this._isRendering; }; prototypeAccessors.isRendering.set = function (value) { if (this._isRendering === value) { return; } if (value) { state.add('render', this); } else { state.remove('render', this); } this._isRendering = value; }; Instance.prototype.render = function render () {}; Instance.prototype.request = function request (closure) { this._nexts.push(closure); state.getModule('render').request(this); }; Instance.prototype.next = function next () { var nexts = this._nexts.slice(); this._nexts.length = 0; for (var i = 0, list = nexts; i < list.length; i += 1) { var closure = list[i]; if (closure) { closure(); } } }; prototypeAccessors.isResizing.get = function () { return this._isResizing; }; prototypeAccessors.isResizing.set = function (value) { if (this._isResizing === value) { return; } if (value) { state.add('resize', this); this.resize(); } else { state.remove('resize', this); } this._isResizing = value; }; Instance.prototype.resize = function resize () {}; Instance.prototype.isBreakpoint = function isBreakpoint (breakpoint) { switch (true) { case typeof breakpoint === 'string': return Breakpoints[breakpoint.toUpperCase()].test(); default: return breakpoint.test(); } }; prototypeAccessors.isScrollLocked.get = function () { return this._isScrollLocked; }; prototypeAccessors.isScrollLocked.set = function (value) { if (this._isScrollLocked === value) { return; } if (value) { state.add('lock', this); } else { state.remove('lock', this); } this._isScrollLocked = value; }; prototypeAccessors.isLoading.get = function () { return this._isLoading; }; prototypeAccessors.isLoading.set = function (value) { if (this._isLoading === value) { return; } if (value) { state.add('load', this); } else { state.remove('load', this); } this._isLoading = value; }; Instance.prototype.load = function load () {}; prototypeAccessors.isSwappingFont.get = function () { return this._isSwappingFont; }; prototypeAccessors.isSwappingFont.set = function (value) { if (this._isSwappingFont === value) { return; } if (value) { state.add('font-swap', this); } else { state.remove('font-swap', this); } this._isSwappingFont = value; }; Instance.prototype.swapFont = function swapFont () {}; prototypeAccessors.isMouseMoving.get = function () { return this._isMouseMoving; }; prototypeAccessors.isMouseMoving.set = function (value) { if (this._isMouseMoving === value) { return; } if (value) { state.add('mouse-move', this); } else { state.remove('mouse-move', this); } this._isMouseMoving = value; }; Instance.prototype.mouseMove = function mouseMove (point) {}; Instance.prototype.examine = function examine (attributeNames) { if (!this.node.matches(this.registration.selector)) { this._dispose(); return; } this.mutate(attributeNames); }; Instance.prototype.mutate = function mutate (attributeNames) {}; Instance.prototype.retrieveNodeId = function retrieveNodeId (node, append) { if (node.id) { return node.id; } var id = uniqueId(((this.id) + "-" + append)); this.warn(("add id '" + id + "' to " + append)); node.setAttribute('id', id); return id; }; prototypeAccessors.isDisposed.get = function () { return this._isDisposed; }; Instance.prototype._dispose = function _dispose () { this.debug(("dispose instance of " + (this.registration.instanceClassName) + " on element [" + (this.element.id) + "]")); this.removeAttribute(this.registration.attribute); this.unlisten(); state.remove('hash', this); this._hashes = null; this._keys = null; this.isRendering = false; this.isResizing = false; this._nexts = null; state.getModule('render').nexts.remove(this); this.isScrollLocked = false; this.isLoading = false; this.isSwappingFont = false; this.isMouseMoving = false; this._emitter.dispose(); this._emitter = null; this._ascent.dispose(); this._ascent = null; this._descent.dispose(); this._descent = null; this.element.remove(this); for (var i = 0, list = this._registrations; i < list.length; i += 1) { var registration = list[i]; state.remove('register', registration); } this._registrations = null; this.registration.remove(this); this._isDisposed = true; this.dispose(); }; Instance.prototype.dispose = function dispose () {}; Instance.prototype.emit = function emit (type, data) { return this.element.emit(type, data); }; Instance.prototype.addEmission = function addEmission (type, closure) { this._emitter.add(type, closure); }; Instance.prototype.removeEmission = function removeEmission (type, closure) { this._emitter.remove(type, closure); }; Instance.prototype.ascend = function ascend (type, data) { return this.element.ascend(type, data); }; Instance.prototype.addAscent = function addAscent (type, closure) { this._ascent.add(type, closure); }; Instance.prototype.removeAscent = function removeAscent (type, closure) { this._ascent.remove(type, closure); }; Instance.prototype.descend = function descend (type, data) { return this.element.descend(type, data); }; Instance.prototype.addDescent = function addDescent (type, closure) { this._descent.add(type, closure); }; Instance.prototype.removeDescent = function removeDescent (type, closure) { this._descent.remove(type, closure); }; prototypeAccessors.style.get = function () { return this.node.style; }; Instance.prototype.addClass = function addClass$1 (className) { addClass(this.node, className); }; Instance.prototype.removeClass = function removeClass$1 (className) { removeClass(this.node, className); }; Instance.prototype.hasClass = function hasClass$1 (className) { return hasClass(this.node, className); }; prototypeAccessors.classNames.get = function () { return getClassNames(this.node); }; Instance.prototype.remove = function remove () { this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node); }; Instance.prototype.setAttribute = function setAttribute (attributeName, value) { this.node.setAttribute(attributeName, value); }; Instance.prototype.getAttribute = function getAttribute (attributeName) { return this.node.getAttribute(attributeName); }; Instance.prototype.hasAttribute = function hasAttribute (attributeName) { return this.node.hasAttribute(attributeName); }; Instance.prototype.removeAttribute = function removeAttribute (attributeName) { this.node.removeAttribute(attributeName); }; Instance.prototype.setProperty = function setProperty (propertyName, value) { this.node.style.setProperty(propertyName, value); }; Instance.prototype.removeProperty = function removeProperty (propertyName) { this.node.style.removeProperty(propertyName); }; Instance.prototype.focus = function focus () { this.node.focus(); }; Instance.prototype.blur = function blur () { this.node.blur(); }; Instance.prototype.focusClosest = function focusClosest () { var closest = this._focusClosest(this.node.parentNode); if (closest) { closest.focus(); } }; Instance.prototype._focusClosest = function _focusClosest (parent) { if (!parent) { return null; } var actions = [].concat( queryActions(parent) ); if (actions.length <= 1) { return this._focusClosest(parent.parentNode); } else { var index = actions.indexOf(this.node); return actions[index + (index < actions.length - 1 ? 1 : -1)]; } }; prototypeAccessors.hasFocus.get = function () { return this.node === document.activeElement; }; Instance.prototype.scrollIntoView = function scrollIntoView () { var rect = this.getRect(); var scroll = state.getModule('lock'); if (rect.top < 0) { scroll.move(rect.top - 50); } if (rect.bottom > window.innerHeight) { scroll.move(rect.bottom - window.innerHeight + 50); } }; Instance.prototype.matches = function matches (selectors) { return this.node.matches(selectors); }; Instance.prototype.querySelector = function querySelector (selectors) { return this.node.querySelector(selectors); }; Instance.prototype.querySelectorAll = function querySelectorAll (selectors) { return querySelectorAllArray(this.node, selectors); }; Instance.prototype.queryParentSelector = function queryParentSelector$1 (selectors) { return queryParentSelector(this.node, selectors); }; Instance.prototype.getRect = function getRect () { var rect = this.node.getBoundingClientRect(); rect.center = rect.left + rect.width * 0.5; rect.middle = rect.top + rect.height * 0.5; return rect; }; prototypeAccessors.isLegacy.get = function () { return state.isLegacy; }; Object.defineProperties( Instance.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); Object.defineProperties( Instance, staticAccessors ); var KeyAction = function KeyAction (type, keyCode, closure, preventDefault, stopPropagation) { this.type = type; this.eventType = "key" + type; this.keyCode = keyCode; this.closure = closure; this.preventDefault = preventDefault === true; this.stopPropagation = stopPropagation === true; }; KeyAction.prototype.handle = function handle (e) { if (e.type !== this.eventType) { return; } if (e.keyCode === this.keyCode.value) { this.closure(e); if (this.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } if (this.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } } }; var Listener = function Listener (node, type, closure, options) { this._node = node; this._type = type; this._closure = closure; this._options = options; }; var prototypeAccessors$1 = { closure: { configurable: true } }; prototypeAccessors$1.closure.get = function () { return this._closure; }; Listener.prototype.listen = function listen () { this._node.addEventListener(this._type, this._closure, this._options); }; Listener.prototype.matchOptions = function matchOptions (options) { var this$1$1 = this; if ( options === void 0 ) options = null; switch (true) { case options === null: case typeof this._options === 'boolean' && typeof options === 'boolean' && this._options === options: return true; case Object.keys(this._options).length !== Object.keys(options).length: return false; case Object.keys(options).every(function (key) { return this$1$1._options[key] === options[key]; }): return true; } return false; }; Listener.prototype.unlisten = function unlisten () { this._node.removeEventListener(this._type, this._closure, this._options); }; Object.defineProperties( Listener.prototype, prototypeAccessors$1 ); var HashAction = function HashAction (hash, add) { this.hash = hash; this.add = add; }; HashAction.prototype.handle = function handle (hash, e) { if (this.hash === hash) { this.add(e); } }; var DisclosureEvent = { DISCLOSE: ns.event('disclose'), CONCEAL: ns.event('conceal') }; var DisclosureEmission = { RESET: ns.emission('disclosure', 'reset'), ADDED: ns.emission('disclosure', 'added'), RETRIEVE: ns.emission('disclosure', 'retrieve'), REMOVED: ns.emission('disclosure', 'removed'), GROUP: ns.emission('disclosure', 'group'), UNGROUP: ns.emission('disclosure', 'ungroup'), SPOTLIGHT: ns.emission('disclosure', 'spotlight') }; var Disclosure = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function Disclosure (type, selector, DisclosureButtonInstanceClass, disclosuresGroupInstanceClassName) { Instance.call(this); this.type = type; this._selector = selector; this.DisclosureButtonInstanceClass = DisclosureButtonInstanceClass; this.disclosuresGroupInstanceClassName = disclosuresGroupInstanceClassName; this.modifier = this._selector + '--' + this.type.id; this._isPristine = true; this._isRetrievingPrimaries = false; this._hasRetrieved = false; this._primaryButtons = []; } if ( Instance ) Disclosure.__proto__ = Instance; Disclosure.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); Disclosure.prototype.constructor = Disclosure; var prototypeAccessors = { isEnabled: { configurable: true },isPristine: { configurable: true },proxy: { configurable: true },buttons: { configurable: true },group: { configurable: true },isDisclosed: { configurable: true },isInitiallyDisclosed: { configurable: true },buttonHasFocus: { configurable: true },hasFocus: { configurable: true },primaryButtons: { configurable: true } }; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'Disclosure'; }; Disclosure.prototype.init = function init () { this.addDescent(DisclosureEmission.RESET, this.reset.bind(this)); this.addDescent(DisclosureEmission.GROUP, this.update.bind(this)); this.addDescent(DisclosureEmission.UNGROUP, this.update.bind(this)); this.addAscent(DisclosureEmission.SPOTLIGHT, this.disclose.bind(this)); this.register(("[aria-controls=\"" + (this.id) + "\"]"), this.DisclosureButtonInstanceClass); this.ascend(DisclosureEmission.ADDED); this.listenHash(this.id, this._spotlight.bind(this)); this.update(); }; prototypeAccessors.isEnabled.get = function () { return Instance.prototype.isEnabled; }; prototypeAccessors.isEnabled.set = function (value) { if (this.isEnabled === value) { return; } Instance.prototype.isEnabled = value; if (value) { this.ascend(DisclosureEmission.ADDED); } else { this.ascend(DisclosureEmission.REMOVED); } }; prototypeAccessors.isPristine.get = function () { return this._isPristine; }; prototypeAccessors.proxy.get = function () { var scope = this; var proxy = Object.assign.call(this, Instance.prototype.proxy, { disclose: scope.disclose.bind(scope), focus: scope.focus.bind(scope) }); if (this.type.canConceal) { proxy.conceal = scope.conceal.bind(scope); } var proxyAccessors = { get buttons () { return scope.buttons.map(function (button) { return button.proxy; }); }, get group () { var group = scope.group; return group ? group.proxy : null; }, get isDisclosed () { return scope.isDisclosed; } }; return completeAssign(proxy, proxyAccessors); }; prototypeAccessors.buttons.get = function () { return this.getRegisteredInstances(this.DisclosureButtonInstanceClass.instanceClassName); }; Disclosure.prototype.update = function update () { this.getGroup(); this.retrievePrimaries(); }; Disclosure.prototype.getGroup = function getGroup () { if (!this.disclosuresGroupInstanceClassName) { this._group = null; return; } var group = this.element.getAscendantInstance(this.disclosuresGroupInstanceClassName, this.constructor.instanceClassName); if (!group || !group.validate(this)) { this._group = null; return; } this._group = group; }; prototypeAccessors.group.get = function () { return this._group; }; Disclosure.prototype.disclose = function disclose (withhold) { if (this.isDisclosed === true || !this.isEnabled) { return false; } this._isPristine = false; this.isDisclosed = true; if (!withhold && this.group) { this.group.current = this; } return true; }; Disclosure.prototype.conceal = function conceal (withhold, preventFocus) { if ( preventFocus === void 0 ) preventFocus = true; if (this.isDisclosed === false) { return false; } if (!this.type.canConceal && this.group && this.group.current === this) { return false; } this.isDisclosed = false; if (!withhold && this.group && this.group.current === this) { this.group.current = null; } if (!preventFocus) { this.focus(); } if (!this._isPristine) { this.descend(DisclosureEmission.RESET); } return true; }; prototypeAccessors.isDisclosed.get = function () { return this._isDisclosed; }; prototypeAccessors.isDisclosed.set = function (value) { if (this._isDisclosed === value || (!this.isEnabled && value === true)) { return; } this.dispatch(value ? DisclosureEvent.DISCLOSE : DisclosureEvent.CONCEAL, this.type); this._isDisclosed = value; if (value) { this.addClass(this.modifier); } else { this.removeClass(this.modifier); } for (var i = 0; i < this.buttons.length; i++) { this.buttons[i].apply(value); } }; prototypeAccessors.isInitiallyDisclosed.get = function () { return this.primaryButtons.some(function (button) { return button.isInitiallyDisclosed; }); }; Disclosure.prototype.hasRetrieved = function hasRetrieved () { return this._hasRetrieved; }; Disclosure.prototype.reset = function reset () {}; Disclosure.prototype.toggle = function toggle (canDisclose) { if (!this.type.canConceal) { this.disclose(); } else { switch (true) { case !canDisclose: case this.isDisclosed: this.conceal(false, false); break; default: this.disclose(); } } }; prototypeAccessors.buttonHasFocus.get = function () { return this.buttons.some(function (button) { return button.hasFocus; }); }; prototypeAccessors.hasFocus.get = function () { if (Instance.prototype.hasFocus) { return true; } if (this.buttonHasFocus) { return true; } return this.querySelectorAll(':focus').length > 0; }; Disclosure.prototype.focus = function focus () { if (this._primaryButtons.length > 0) { this._primaryButtons[0].focus(); } }; prototypeAccessors.primaryButtons.get = function () { return this._primaryButtons; }; Disclosure.prototype.retrievePrimaries = function retrievePrimaries () { if (this._isRetrievingPrimaries) { return; } this._isRetrievingPrimaries = true; this.request(this._retrievePrimaries.bind(this)); }; Disclosure.prototype._retrievePrimaries = function _retrievePrimaries () { this._isRetrievingPrimaries = false; this._primaryButtons = this._electPrimaries(this.buttons); if (this._hasRetrieved || this._primaryButtons.length === 0) { return; } this.retrieved(); this._hasRetrieved = true; this.applyAbility(true); if (this.group) { this.group.retrieve(); return; } if (this._isPristine && this.isEnabled && !this.group) { switch (true) { case this.hash === this.id: this._spotlight(); break; case this.isInitiallyDisclosed: this.disclose(); break; } } }; Disclosure.prototype.retrieved = function retrieved () {}; Disclosure.prototype._spotlight = function _spotlight () { var this$1$1 = this; this.disclose(); this.request(function () { this$1$1.ascend(DisclosureEmission.SPOTLIGHT); }); }; Disclosure.prototype._electPrimaries = function _electPrimaries (candidates) { var this$1$1 = this; return candidates.filter(function (button) { return button.canDisclose && !this$1$1.node.contains(button.node); }); }; Disclosure.prototype.applyAbility = function applyAbility (withhold) { if ( withhold === void 0 ) withhold = false; var isEnabled = !this._primaryButtons.every(function (button) { return button.isDisabled; }); if (this.isEnabled === isEnabled) { return; } this.isEnabled = isEnabled; if (withhold) { return; } if (!this.isEnabled && this.isDisclosed) { if (this.group) { this.ascend(DisclosureEmission.REMOVED); } else if (this.type.canConceal) { this.conceal(); } } if (this.isEnabled) { if (this.group) { this.ascend(DisclosureEmission.ADDED); } if (this.hash === this.id) { this._spotlight(); } } }; Disclosure.prototype.dispose = function dispose () { this._group = null; this._primaryButtons = null; Instance.prototype.dispose.call(this); this.ascend(DisclosureEmission.REMOVED); }; Object.defineProperties( Disclosure.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); Object.defineProperties( Disclosure, staticAccessors ); return Disclosure; }(Instance)); var DisclosureButton = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function DisclosureButton (type) { Instance.call(this); this.type = type; this.attributeName = type.ariaState ? 'aria-' + type.id : ns.attr(type.id); this._canDisclose = false; } if ( Instance ) DisclosureButton.__proto__ = Instance; DisclosureButton.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); DisclosureButton.prototype.constructor = DisclosureButton; var prototypeAccessors = { isPrimary: { configurable: true },canDisclose: { configurable: true },isDisabled: { configurable: true },proxy: { configurable: true },isDisclosed: { configurable: true },isInitiallyDisclosed: { configurable: true },dx: { configurable: true },dy: { configurable: true } }; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'DisclosureButton'; }; prototypeAccessors.isPrimary.get = function () { return this.registration.creator.primaryButtons.includes(this); }; prototypeAccessors.canDisclose.get = function () { return this._canDisclose; }; prototypeAccessors.isDisabled.get = function () { return this.type.canDisable && this.hasAttribute('disabled'); }; DisclosureButton.prototype.init = function init () { this._canDisclose = this.hasAttribute(this.attributeName); this._isInitiallyDisclosed = this.isDisclosed; this._isContained = this.registration.creator.node.contains(this.node); this.controlsId = this.getAttribute('aria-controls'); this.registration.creator.retrievePrimaries(); this.listenClick(); }; prototypeAccessors.proxy.get = function () { var scope = this; return Object.assign.call(this, Instance.prototype.proxy, { focus: scope.focus.bind(scope) }); }; DisclosureButton.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick (e) { if (this.registration.creator) { this.registration.creator.toggle(this.canDisclose); } }; DisclosureButton.prototype.mutate = function mutate (attributeNames) { this._canDisclose = this.hasAttribute(this.attributeName); this.registration.creator.applyAbility(); if (!this._isApplying && this.isPrimary && attributeNames.indexOf(this.attributeName) > -1 && this.registration.creator) { if (this.isDisclosed) { this.registration.creator.disclose(); } else if (this.type.canConceal) { this.registration.creator.conceal(); } } }; DisclosureButton.prototype.apply = function apply (value) { var this$1$1 = this; if (!this.canDisclose) { return; } this._isApplying = true; this.setAttribute(this.attributeName, value); this.request(function () { this$1$1._isApplying = false; }); }; prototypeAccessors.isDisclosed.get = function () { return this.getAttribute(this.attributeName) === 'true'; }; prototypeAccessors.isInitiallyDisclosed.get = function () { return this._isInitiallyDisclosed; }; DisclosureButton.prototype.focus = function focus () { Instance.prototype.focus.call(this); this.scrollIntoView(); }; DisclosureButton.prototype.measure = function measure (rect) { var buttonRect = this.rect; this._dx = rect.x - buttonRect.x; this._dy = rect.y - buttonRect.y; }; prototypeAccessors.dx.get = function () { return this._dx; }; prototypeAccessors.dy.get = function () { return this._dy; }; Object.defineProperties( DisclosureButton.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); Object.defineProperties( DisclosureButton, staticAccessors ); return DisclosureButton; }(Instance)); var DisclosureSelector = { PREVENT_CONCEAL: ns.attr.selector('prevent-conceal'), GROUP: ns.attr('group') }; var DisclosuresGroup = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function DisclosuresGroup (disclosureInstanceClassName, jsAttribute) { Instance.call(this, jsAttribute); this.disclosureInstanceClassName = disclosureInstanceClassName; this._members = []; this._index = -1; this._isRetrieving = false; this._hasRetrieved = false; this._isGrouped = true; } if ( Instance ) DisclosuresGroup.__proto__ = Instance; DisclosuresGroup.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); DisclosuresGroup.prototype.constructor = DisclosuresGroup; var prototypeAccessors = { proxy: { configurable: true },members: { configurable: true },length: { configurable: true },index: { configurable: true },current: { configurable: true },hasFocus: { configurable: true },isGrouped: { configurable: true },canUngroup: { configurable: true } }; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'DisclosuresGroup'; }; DisclosuresGroup.prototype.init = function init () { this.addAscent(DisclosureEmission.ADDED, this.update.bind(this)); this.addAscent(DisclosureEmission.RETRIEVE, this.retrieve.bind(this)); this.addAscent(DisclosureEmission.REMOVED, this.update.bind(this)); this.descend(DisclosureEmission.GROUP); this._isGrouped = this.getAttribute(DisclosureSelector.GROUP) !== 'false'; this.update(); }; prototypeAccessors.proxy.get = function () { var scope = this; var proxyAccessors = { set index (value) { scope.index = value; }, get index () { return scope.index; }, get length () { return scope.length; }, get current () { var current = scope.current; return current ? current.proxy : null; }, get members () { return scope.members.map(function (member) { return member.proxy; }); }, get hasFocus () { return scope.hasFocus; }, set isGrouped (value) { scope.isGrouped = value; }, get isGrouped () { return scope.isGrouped; } }; return completeAssign.call(this, Instance.prototype.proxy, proxyAccessors); }; DisclosuresGroup.prototype.validate = function validate (member) { return true; }; DisclosuresGroup.prototype.getMembers = function getMembers () { var this$1$1 = this; var members = this.element.getDescendantInstances(this.disclosureInstanceClassName, this.constructor.instanceClassName, true); this._members = members.filter(this.validate.bind(this)).filter(function (member) { return member.isEnabled; }); var invalids = members.filter(function (member) { return !this$1$1._members.includes(member); }); invalids.forEach(function (invalid) { return invalid.conceal(); }); }; DisclosuresGroup.prototype.retrieve = function retrieve (bypassPrevention) { if ( bypassPrevention === void 0 ) bypassPrevention = false; if (this._isRetrieving || (this._hasRetrieved && !bypassPrevention)) { return; } this._isRetrieving = true; this.request(this._retrieve.bind(this)); }; DisclosuresGroup.prototype._retrieve = function _retrieve () { var this$1$1 = this; this.getMembers(); this._isRetrieving = false; this._hasRetrieved = true; if (this.hash) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { var member = this.members[i]; if (this.hash === member.id) { this.index = i; this.request(function () { this$1$1.ascend(DisclosureEmission.SPOTLIGHT); }); return i; } } } for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < this.length; i$1++) { var member$1 = this.members[i$1]; if (member$1.isInitiallyDisclosed) { this.index = i$1; return i$1; } } return this.getIndex(); }; DisclosuresGroup.prototype.update = function update () { this.getMembers(); if (this._hasRetrieved) { this.getIndex(); } }; prototypeAccessors.members.get = function () { return this._members; }; prototypeAccessors.length.get = function () { return this.members ? this.members.length : 0; }; DisclosuresGroup.prototype.getIndex = function getIndex (defaultIndex) { if ( defaultIndex === void 0 ) defaultIndex = -1; this._index = undefined; var index = defaultIndex; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this.members[i].isDisclosed) { index = i; break; } } this.index = index; return index; }; prototypeAccessors.index.get = function () { return this._index; }; prototypeAccessors.index.set = function (value) { if (value < -1 || value >= this.length || value === this._index) { return; } this._index = value; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { var member = this.members[i]; if (value === i) { if (!member.isDisclosed) { member.disclose(true); } } else { if ((this.isGrouped || !this.canUngroup) && member.isDisclosed) { member.conceal(true); } } } this.apply(); }; prototypeAccessors.current.get = function () { if (this._index === -1 || isNaN(this._index)) { return null; } return this._members[this._index] || null; }; prototypeAccessors.current.set = function (member) { this.index = this.members.indexOf(member); }; prototypeAccessors.hasFocus.get = function () { var current = this.current; if (current) { return current.hasFocus; } return false; }; prototypeAccessors.isGrouped.set = function (value) { var isGrouped = !!value; if (this._isGrouped === isGrouped) { return; } this._isGrouped = isGrouped; this.setAttribute(DisclosureSelector.GROUP, !!value); this.update(); }; prototypeAccessors.isGrouped.get = function () { return this._isGrouped; }; prototypeAccessors.canUngroup.get = function () { return false; }; DisclosuresGroup.prototype.mutate = function mutate (attributesNames) { if (attributesNames.includes(DisclosureSelector.GROUP)) { this.isGrouped = this.getAttribute(DisclosureSelector.GROUP) !== 'false'; } }; DisclosuresGroup.prototype.apply = function apply () {}; DisclosuresGroup.prototype.dispose = function dispose () { Instance.prototype.dispose.call(this); this.descend(DisclosureEmission.UNGROUP); this._members = null; }; Object.defineProperties( DisclosuresGroup.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); Object.defineProperties( DisclosuresGroup, staticAccessors ); return DisclosuresGroup; }(Instance)); var DisclosureType = { EXPAND: { id: 'expanded', ariaState: true, ariaControls: true, canConceal: true, canDisable: true }, SELECT: { id: 'selected', ariaState: true, ariaControls: true, canConceal: false, canDisable: true }, OPENED: { id: 'opened', ariaState: false, ariaControls: true, canConceal: true, canDisable: false } }; var CollapseButton = /*@__PURE__*/(function (DisclosureButton) { function CollapseButton () { DisclosureButton.call(this, DisclosureType.EXPAND); } if ( DisclosureButton ) CollapseButton.__proto__ = DisclosureButton; CollapseButton.prototype = Object.create( DisclosureButton && DisclosureButton.prototype ); CollapseButton.prototype.constructor = CollapseButton; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'CollapseButton'; }; Object.defineProperties( CollapseButton, staticAccessors ); return CollapseButton; }(DisclosureButton)); var CollapseSelector = { COLLAPSE: ns.selector('collapse'), COLLAPSING: ns.selector('collapsing') }; /** * Tab coorespond au panel d'un élement Tabs (tab panel) * Tab étend disclosure qui ajoute/enleve le modifier --selected, * et ajoute/eleve l'attribut hidden, sur le panel */ var Collapse = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Disclosure) { function Collapse () { Disclosure.call(this, DisclosureType.EXPAND, CollapseSelector.COLLAPSE, CollapseButton, 'CollapsesGroup'); } if ( Disclosure ) Collapse.__proto__ = Disclosure; Collapse.prototype = Object.create( Disclosure && Disclosure.prototype ); Collapse.prototype.constructor = Collapse; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'Collapse'; }; Collapse.prototype.init = function init () { Disclosure.prototype.init.call(this); this.listen('transitionend', this.transitionend.bind(this)); }; Collapse.prototype.transitionend = function transitionend (e) { this.removeClass(CollapseSelector.COLLAPSING); if (!this.isDisclosed) { if (this.isLegacy) { this.style.maxHeight = ''; } else { this.style.removeProperty('--collapse-max-height'); } } }; Collapse.prototype.unbound = function unbound () { if (this.isLegacy) { this.style.maxHeight = 'none'; } else { this.style.setProperty('--collapse-max-height', 'none'); } }; Collapse.prototype.disclose = function disclose (withhold) { var this$1$1 = this; if (this.isDisclosed === true || !this.isEnabled) { return false; } this.unbound(); this.request(function () { this$1$1.addClass(CollapseSelector.COLLAPSING); this$1$1.adjust(); this$1$1.request(function () { Disclosure.prototype.disclose.call(this$1$1, withhold); }); }); }; Collapse.prototype.conceal = function conceal (withhold, preventFocus) { var this$1$1 = this; if (this.isDisclosed === false) { return false; } this.request(function () { this$1$1.addClass(CollapseSelector.COLLAPSING); this$1$1.adjust(); this$1$1.request(function () { Disclosure.prototype.conceal.call(this$1$1, withhold, preventFocus); }); }); }; Collapse.prototype.adjust = function adjust () { this.setProperty('--collapser', 'none'); var height = this.node.offsetHeight; this.setProperty('--collapse', -height + 'px'); this.setProperty('--collapser', ''); }; Collapse.prototype.reset = function reset () { if (!this.isPristine) { this.isDisclosed = false; } }; Collapse.prototype._electPrimaries = function _electPrimaries (candidates) { var primary = this.element.parent.instances.map(function (instance) { return instance.collapsePrimary; }).filter(function (button) { return button !== undefined && candidates.indexOf(button) > -1; }); if (primary.length === 1) { return primary; } candidates = Disclosure.prototype._electPrimaries.call(this, candidates); if (candidates.length === 1) { return candidates; } var before = candidates.filter(function (candidate) { return candidate.dy >= 0; }); if (before.length > 0) { candidates = before; } if (candidates.length === 1) { return candidates; } var min = Math.min.apply(Math, candidates.map(function (candidate) { return candidate.dy; })); var mins = candidates.filter(function (candidate) { return candidate.dy === min; }); if (mins.length > 0) { candidates = mins; } if (candidates.length === 1) { return candidates; } candidates.sort(function (a, b) { return Math.abs(b.dx) - Math.abs(a.dx); }); return candidates; }; Object.defineProperties( Collapse, staticAccessors ); return Collapse; }(Disclosure)); var CollapsesGroup = /*@__PURE__*/(function (DisclosuresGroup) { function CollapsesGroup () { DisclosuresGroup.call(this, 'Collapse'); } if ( DisclosuresGroup ) CollapsesGroup.__proto__ = DisclosuresGroup; CollapsesGroup.prototype = Object.create( DisclosuresGroup && DisclosuresGroup.prototype ); CollapsesGroup.prototype.constructor = CollapsesGroup; var prototypeAccessors = { canUngroup: { configurable: true } }; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'CollapsesGroup'; }; prototypeAccessors.canUngroup.get = function () { return true; }; Object.defineProperties( CollapsesGroup.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); Object.defineProperties( CollapsesGroup, staticAccessors ); return CollapsesGroup; }(DisclosuresGroup)); var EquisizedEmission = { CHANGE: ns('equisized') }; var Equisized = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function Equisized () { Instance.apply(this, arguments); } if ( Instance ) Equisized.__proto__ = Instance; Equisized.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); Equisized.prototype.constructor = Equisized; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'Equisized'; }; Equisized.prototype.init = function init () { this.ascend(EquisizedEmission.CHANGE); }; Equisized.prototype.measure = function measure () { if (this.isLegacy) { this.style.width = 'auto'; } return this.getRect().width; }; Equisized.prototype.adjust = function adjust (width) { if (this.isLegacy) { this.style.width = width + "px"; } }; Equisized.prototype.dispose = function dispose () { this.ascend(EquisizedEmission.CHANGE); }; Object.defineProperties( Equisized, staticAccessors ); return Equisized; }(Instance)); var EquisizedsGroup = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function EquisizedsGroup () { Instance.apply(this, arguments); } if ( Instance ) EquisizedsGroup.__proto__ = Instance; EquisizedsGroup.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); EquisizedsGroup.prototype.constructor = EquisizedsGroup; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'EquisizedsGroup'; }; EquisizedsGroup.prototype.init = function init () { this.isResizing = true; this.isLoading = true; this.addAscent(EquisizedEmission.CHANGE, this.resize.bind(this)); }; EquisizedsGroup.prototype.load = function load () { this.resize(); }; EquisizedsGroup.prototype.resize = function resize () { var equisizeds = this.element.getDescendantInstances('Equisized'); if (!this.isLegacy) { this.style.setProperty('--equisized-width', 'auto'); } var width = Math.max.apply(Math, equisizeds.map(function (equisized) { return equisized.measure(); })); if (this.isLegacy) { equisizeds.forEach(function (equisized) { return equisized.adjust(width); }); } else { this.style.setProperty('--equisized-width', (width + "px")); } }; Object.defineProperties( EquisizedsGroup, staticAccessors ); return EquisizedsGroup; }(Instance)); var ToggleEvent = { TOGGLE: ns.event('toggle') }; var Toggle = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function Toggle () { Instance.apply(this, arguments); } if ( Instance ) Toggle.__proto__ = Instance; Toggle.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); Toggle.prototype.constructor = Toggle; var prototypeAccessors = { pressed: { configurable: true },proxy: { configurable: true } }; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'Toggle'; }; Toggle.prototype.init = function init () { this.pressed = this.pressed === 'true'; this.listenClick(); }; Toggle.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick () { this.toggle(); }; Toggle.prototype.toggle = function toggle () { this.pressed = this.pressed !== 'true'; }; prototypeAccessors.pressed.get = function () { return this.getAttribute('aria-pressed'); }; prototypeAccessors.pressed.set = function (value) { this.setAttribute('aria-pressed', value ? 'true' : 'false'); this.dispatch(ToggleEvent.TOGGLE, value); }; prototypeAccessors.proxy.get = function () { var scope = this; var proxy = Object.assign.call(this, Instance.prototype.proxy, { toggle: scope.toggle.bind(scope) }); var proxyAccessors = { get pressed () { return scope.pressed; }, set pressed (value) { scope.pressed = value; } }; return completeAssign(proxy, proxyAccessors); }; Object.defineProperties( Toggle.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); Object.defineProperties( Toggle, staticAccessors ); return Toggle; }(Instance)); var RootSelector = { ROOT: ':root' }; var setAttributes = function (el, attrs) { Object.keys(attrs).forEach(function (key) { return el.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]); }); }; var InjectSvg = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function InjectSvg () { Instance.apply(this, arguments); } if ( Instance ) InjectSvg.__proto__ = Instance; InjectSvg.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); InjectSvg.prototype.constructor = InjectSvg; var prototypeAccessors = { proxy: { configurable: true } }; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'InjectSvg'; }; InjectSvg.prototype.init = function init () { if (this.node) { this.img = this.node.querySelector('img'); } if (!this.isLegacy) { this.replace(); } }; prototypeAccessors.proxy.get = function () { var scope = this; return Object.assign.call(this, Instance.prototype.proxy, { replace: scope.replace.bind(scope), restore: scope.restore.bind(scope) }); }; InjectSvg.prototype.fetch = function fetch$1 () { var this$1$1 = this; if (this.img) { this.imgID = this.img.getAttribute('id'); this.imgClass = this.img.getAttribute('class'); this.imgURL = this.img.getAttribute('src'); fetch(this.imgURL) .then(function (data) { return data.text(); }) .then(function (response) { var parser = new DOMParser(); var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(response, 'text/html'); this$1$1.svg = xmlDoc.querySelector('svg'); if (this$1$1.svg) { this$1$1.replace(); } }); } }; InjectSvg.prototype.replace = function replace () { if (!this.svg) { this.fetch(); return; } if (this.imgID && typeof this.imgID !== 'undefined') { this.svg.setAttribute('id', this.imgID); } // gestion de la dépréciation var name = this.imgURL.match(/[ \w-]+\./)[0]; if (name) { name = name.slice(0, -1); if (['dark', 'light', 'system'].includes(name)) { this.svg.innerHTML = this.svg.innerHTML.replaceAll('id="artwork-', ("id=\"" + name + "-artwork-")); this.svg.innerHTML = this.svg.innerHTML.replaceAll('"#artwork-', ("\"#" + name + "-artwork-")); } } if (this.imgClass && typeof this.imgClass !== 'undefined') { this.svg.setAttribute('class', this.imgClass); } if (this.svg.hasAttribute('xmlns:a')) { this.svg.removeAttribute('xmlns:a'); } this.node.setAttribute('data-fr-inject-svg', true); var svgAttributes = { 'aria-hidden': true, focusable: false }; setAttributes(this.svg, svgAttributes); this.node.replaceChild(this.svg, this.img); }; InjectSvg.prototype.restore = function restore () { if (this.img && this.svg) { this.node.setAttribute('data-fr-inject-svg', false); this.node.replaceChild(this.img, this.svg); } }; Object.defineProperties( InjectSvg.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); Object.defineProperties( InjectSvg, staticAccessors ); return InjectSvg; }(Instance)); var InjectSvgSelector = { INJECT_SVG: ("[" + (ns.attr('inject-svg')) + "]") }; var Artwork = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function Artwork () { Instance.apply(this, arguments); } if ( Instance ) Artwork.__proto__ = Instance; Artwork.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); Artwork.prototype.constructor = Artwork; var prototypeAccessors = { proxy: { configurable: true } }; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'Artwork'; }; Artwork.prototype.init = function init () { if (this.isLegacy) { this.replace(); } }; prototypeAccessors.proxy.get = function () { var scope = this; return Object.assign.call(this, Instance.prototype.proxy, { replace: scope.replace.bind(scope) }); }; Artwork.prototype.fetch = function fetch () { var this$1$1 = this; this.xlink = this.node.getAttribute('href'); var splitUrl = this.xlink.split('#'); this.svgUrl = splitUrl[0]; this.svgName = splitUrl[1]; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function () { var parser = new DOMParser(); var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xhr.responseText, 'text/html'); this$1$1.realSvgContent = xmlDoc.getElementById(this$1$1.svgName); if (this$1$1.realSvgContent) { this$1$1.realSvgContent.classList.add(this$1$1.node.classList); this$1$1.replace(); } }; xhr.open('GET', this.svgUrl); xhr.send(); }; Artwork.prototype.replace = function replace () { if (!this.realSvgContent) { this.fetch(); return; } this.node.parentNode.replaceChild(this.realSvgContent, this.node); }; Object.defineProperties( Artwork.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); Object.defineProperties( Artwork, staticAccessors ); return Artwork; }(Instance)); var ArtworkSelector = { ARTWORK_USE: ((ns.selector('artwork')) + " use") }; var AssessSelector = { ASSESS_FILE: ("" + (ns.attr.selector('assess-file'))), DETAIL: ((ns.attr.selector('assess-file')) + " [class$=\"__detail\"], " + (ns.attr.selector('assess-file')) + " [class*=\"__detail \"]") }; var AssessEmission = { UPDATE: ns.emission('assess', 'update'), ADDED: ns.emission('assess', 'added') }; var AssessFile = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function AssessFile () { Instance.apply(this, arguments); } if ( Instance ) AssessFile.__proto__ = Instance; AssessFile.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); AssessFile.prototype.constructor = AssessFile; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'AssessFile'; }; AssessFile.prototype.init = function init () { this.lang = this.getLang(this.node); this.href = this.getAttribute('href'); this.hreflang = this.getAttribute('hreflang'); this.file = {}; this.gather(); this.addAscent(AssessEmission.ADDED, this.update.bind(this)); this.addDescent(AssessEmission.ADDED, this.update.bind(this)); }; AssessFile.prototype.getFileLength = function getFileLength () { var this$1$1 = this; if (this.href === undefined) { this.length = -1; return; } fetch(this.href, { method: 'HEAD', mode: 'cors' }).then(function (response) { this$1$1.length = response.headers.get('content-length') || -1; if (this$1$1.length === -1) { inspector.warn('File size unknown: ' + this$1$1.href + '\nUnable to get HTTP header: "content-length"'); } this$1$1.gather(); }); }; AssessFile.prototype.mutate = function mutate (attributeNames) { if (attributeNames.indexOf('href') !== -1) { this.href = this.getAttribute('href'); this.getFileLength(); } if (attributeNames.indexOf('hreflang') !== -1) { this.hreflang = this.getAttribute('hreflang'); this.gather(); } }; AssessFile.prototype.gather = function gather () { // TODO V2: implémenter async if (this.isLegacy) { this.length = -1; } if (!this.length) { this.getFileLength(); return; } this.details = []; if (this.href) { var extension = this.parseExtension(this.href); if (extension) { this.details.push(extension.toUpperCase()); } } if (this.length !== -1) { this.details.push(this.bytesToSize(this.length)); } if (this.hreflang) { this.details.push(this.getLangDisplayName(this.hreflang)); } this.update(); }; AssessFile.prototype.update = function update () { if (!this.details) { return; } this.descend(AssessEmission.UPDATE, this.details); this.ascend(AssessEmission.UPDATE, this.details); }; AssessFile.prototype.getLang = function getLang (elem) { // todo: ajouter un listener global de changement de langue if (elem.lang) { return elem.lang; } if (document.documentElement === elem) { return window.navigator.language; } return this.getLang(elem.parentElement); }; AssessFile.prototype.parseExtension = function parseExtension (url) { var regexExtension = /\.(\w{1,9})(?:$|[?#])/; return url.match(regexExtension)[0].replace('.', ''); }; AssessFile.prototype.getLangDisplayName = function getLangDisplayName (locale) { if (this.isLegacy) { return locale; } var displayNames = new Intl.DisplayNames([this.lang], { type: 'language' }); var name = displayNames.of(locale); return name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1); }; AssessFile.prototype.bytesToSize = function bytesToSize (bytes) { if (bytes === -1) { return null; } var sizeUnits = ['octets', 'ko', 'Mo', 'Go', 'To']; if (this.getAttribute(ns.attr('assess-file')) === 'bytes') { sizeUnits = ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']; } var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1000)), 10); if (i === 0) { return (bytes + " " + (sizeUnits[i])); } var size = bytes / (Math.pow( 1000, i )); var roundedSize = Math.round((size + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100; // arrondi a 2 décimal var stringSize = String(roundedSize).replace('.', ','); return (stringSize + " " + (sizeUnits[i])); }; Object.defineProperties( AssessFile, staticAccessors ); return AssessFile; }(Instance)); var AssessDetail = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function AssessDetail () { Instance.apply(this, arguments); } if ( Instance ) AssessDetail.__proto__ = Instance; AssessDetail.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); AssessDetail.prototype.constructor = AssessDetail; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'AssessDetail'; }; AssessDetail.prototype.init = function init () { this.addDescent(AssessEmission.UPDATE, this.update.bind(this)); this.ascend(AssessEmission.ADDED); }; AssessDetail.prototype.update = function update (details) { this.node.innerHTML = details.join(' - '); }; Object.defineProperties( AssessDetail, staticAccessors ); return AssessDetail; }(Instance)); var ratiosImg = ['32x9', '16x9', '3x2', '4x3', '1x1', '3x4', '2x3']; var ratiosVid = ['16x9', '4x3', '1x1']; var ratioSelector = function (name, modifiers) { return modifiers.map(function (modifier) { return ns.selector((name + "--" + modifier)); }).join(','); }; var deprecatedRatioSelector = (ns.selector('responsive-img')) + ", " + (ratioSelector('responsive-img', ratiosImg)) + ", " + (ns.selector('responsive-vid')) + ", " + (ratioSelector('responsive-vid', ratiosVid)); var RatioSelector = { RATIO: ((ns.selector('ratio')) + ", " + (ratioSelector('ratio', ratiosImg)) + ", " + deprecatedRatioSelector) }; var api = window[config.namespace]; var Ratio = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function Ratio () { Instance.apply(this, arguments); } if ( Instance ) Ratio.__proto__ = Instance; Ratio.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); Ratio.prototype.constructor = Ratio; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'Ratio'; }; Ratio.prototype.init = function init () { if (!api.internals.support.supportAspectRatio()) { this.ratio = 16 / 9; for (var className in this.classNames) { if (this.registration.selector.indexOf(this.classNames[className]) > 0) { var ratio = this.classNames[className].split('ratio-'); if (ratio[1]) { this.ratio = ratio[1].split('x')[0] / ratio[1].split('x')[1]; } } } this.isRendering = true; this.update(); } }; Ratio.prototype.render = function render () { var width = this.getRect().width; if (width !== this.currentWidth) { this.update(); } }; Ratio.prototype.update = function update () { this.currentWidth = this.getRect().width; this.style.height = this.currentWidth / this.ratio + 'px'; }; Object.defineProperties( Ratio, staticAccessors ); return Ratio; }(Instance)); var PlaceSelector = { TOP: ns.selector('placement--top'), RIGHT: ns.selector('placement--right'), BOTTOM: ns.selector('placement--bottom'), LEFT: ns.selector('placement--left') }; var AlignSelector = { START: ns.selector('placement--start'), CENTER: ns.selector('placement--center'), END: ns.selector('placement--end') }; var PlacementPosition = { TOP: 'place_top', RIGHT: 'place_right', BOTTOM: 'place_bottom', LEFT: 'place_left' }; var PlacementAlign = { START: 'align_start', CENTER: 'align_center', END: 'align_end' }; var PlacementMode = { AUTO: 'placement_auto', MANUAL: 'placement_manual' }; var Placement = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function Placement (mode, places, aligns, safeAreaMargin) { if ( mode === void 0 ) mode = PlacementMode.AUTO; if ( places === void 0 ) places = [PlacementPosition.BOTTOM, PlacementPosition.TOP, PlacementPosition.LEFT, PlacementPosition.RIGHT]; if ( aligns === void 0 ) aligns = [PlacementAlign.CENTER, PlacementAlign.START, PlacementAlign.END]; if ( safeAreaMargin === void 0 ) safeAreaMargin = 16; Instance.call(this); this._mode = mode; this._places = places; this._aligns = aligns; this._safeAreaMargin = safeAreaMargin; this._isShown = false; } if ( Instance ) Placement.__proto__ = Instance; Placement.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); Placement.prototype.constructor = Placement; var prototypeAccessors = { proxy: { configurable: true },mode: { configurable: true },place: { configurable: true },align: { configurable: true },isShown: { configurable: true } }; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'Placement'; }; Placement.prototype.init = function init () { this.isResizing = true; }; prototypeAccessors.proxy.get = function () { var scope = this; var proxy = Object.assign.call(this, Instance.prototype.proxy, { show: scope.show.bind(scope), hide: scope.hide.bind(scope) }); var proxyAccessors = { get mode () { return scope.mode; }, set mode (value) { scope.mode = value; }, get place () { return scope.place; }, set place (value) { scope.place = value; }, get align () { return scope.align; }, set align (value) { scope.align = value; }, get isShown () { return scope.isShown; }, set isShown (value) { scope.isShown = value; } }; return completeAssign(proxy, proxyAccessors); }; prototypeAccessors.mode.get = function () { return this._mode; }; prototypeAccessors.mode.set = function (value) { this._mode = value; }; prototypeAccessors.place.get = function () { return this._place; }; prototypeAccessors.place.set = function (value) { if (this._place === value) { return; } switch (this._place) { case PlacementPosition.TOP: this.removeClass(PlaceSelector.TOP); break; case PlacementPosition.RIGHT: this.removeClass(PlaceSelector.RIGHT); break; case PlacementPosition.BOTTOM: this.removeClass(PlaceSelector.BOTTOM); break; case PlacementPosition.LEFT: this.removeClass(PlaceSelector.LEFT); break; } this._place = value; switch (this._place) { case PlacementPosition.TOP: this.addClass(PlaceSelector.TOP); break; case PlacementPosition.RIGHT: this.addClass(PlaceSelector.RIGHT); break; case PlacementPosition.BOTTOM: this.addClass(PlaceSelector.BOTTOM); break; case PlacementPosition.LEFT: this.addClass(PlaceSelector.LEFT); break; } }; prototypeAccessors.align.get = function () { return this._align; }; prototypeAccessors.align.set = function (value) { if (this._align === value) { return; } switch (this._align) { case PlacementAlign.START: this.removeClass(AlignSelector.START); break; case PlacementAlign.CENTER: this.removeClass(AlignSelector.CENTER); break; case PlacementAlign.END: this.removeClass(AlignSelector.END); break; } this._align = value; switch (this._align) { case PlacementAlign.START: this.addClass(AlignSelector.START); break; case PlacementAlign.CENTER: this.addClass(AlignSelector.CENTER); break; case PlacementAlign.END: this.addClass(AlignSelector.END); break; } }; Placement.prototype.show = function show () { this.isShown = true; }; Placement.prototype.hide = function hide () { this.isShown = false; }; prototypeAccessors.isShown.get = function () { return this._isShown; }; prototypeAccessors.isShown.set = function (value) { if (this._isShown === value || !this.isEnabled) { return; } this.isRendering = value; this._isShown = value; }; Placement.prototype.setReferent = function setReferent (referent) { this._referent = referent; }; Placement.prototype.resize = function resize () { this.safeArea = { top: this._safeAreaMargin, right: window.innerWidth - this._safeAreaMargin, bottom: window.innerHeight - this._safeAreaMargin, left: this._safeAreaMargin, center: window.innerWidth * 0.5, middle: window.innerHeight * 0.5 }; }; Placement.prototype.render = function render () { if (!this._referent) { return; } this.rect = this.getRect(); this.referentRect = this._referent.getRect(); if (this.mode === PlacementMode.AUTO) { this.place = this.getPlace(); switch (this.place) { case PlacementPosition.TOP: case PlacementPosition.BOTTOM: this.align = this.getHorizontalAlign(); break; case PlacementPosition.LEFT: case PlacementPosition.RIGHT: this.align = this.getVerticalAlign(); } } var x, y; switch (this.place) { case PlacementPosition.TOP: y = this.referentRect.top - this.rect.height; break; case PlacementPosition.RIGHT: x = this.referentRect.right; break; case PlacementPosition.BOTTOM: y = this.referentRect.bottom; break; case PlacementPosition.LEFT: x = this.referentRect.left - this.rect.width; break; } switch (this.place) { case PlacementPosition.TOP: case PlacementPosition.BOTTOM: switch (this.align) { case PlacementAlign.CENTER: x = this.referentRect.center - this.rect.width * 0.5; break; case PlacementAlign.START: x = this.referentRect.left; break; case PlacementAlign.END: x = this.referentRect.right - this.rect.width; break; } break; case PlacementPosition.RIGHT: case PlacementPosition.LEFT: switch (this.align) { case PlacementAlign.CENTER: y = this.referentRect.middle - this.rect.height * 0.5; break; case PlacementAlign.START: y = this.referentRect.top; break; case PlacementAlign.END: y = this.referentRect.bottom - this.rect.height; break; } break; } if (this._x !== x || this._y !== y) { this._x = (x + 0.5) | 0; this._y = (y + 0.5) | 0; this.node.style.transform = "translate(" + (this._x) + "px," + (this._y) + "px)"; } }; Placement.prototype.getPlace = function getPlace () { for (var i = 0, list = this._places; i < list.length; i += 1) { var place = list[i]; switch (place) { case PlacementPosition.TOP: if (this.referentRect.top - this.rect.height > this.safeArea.top) { return PlacementPosition.TOP; } break; case PlacementPosition.RIGHT: if (this.referentRect.right + this.rect.width < this.safeArea.right) { return PlacementPosition.RIGHT; } break; case PlacementPosition.BOTTOM: if (this.referentRect.bottom + this.rect.height < this.safeArea.bottom) { return PlacementPosition.BOTTOM; } break; case PlacementPosition.LEFT: if (this.referentRect.left - this.rect.width > this.safeArea.left) { return PlacementPosition.LEFT; } break; } } return this._places[0]; }; Placement.prototype.getHorizontalAlign = function getHorizontalAlign () { for (var i = 0, list = this._aligns; i < list.length; i += 1) { var align = list[i]; switch (align) { case PlacementAlign.CENTER: if (this.referentRect.center - this.rect.width * 0.5 > this.safeArea.left && this.referentRect.center + this.rect.width * 0.5 < this.safeArea.right) { return PlacementAlign.CENTER; } break; case PlacementAlign.START: if (this.referentRect.left + this.rect.width < this.safeArea.right) { return PlacementAlign.START; } break; case PlacementAlign.END: if (this.referentRect.right - this.rect.width > this.safeArea.left) { return PlacementAlign.END; } break; } } return this._aligns[0]; }; Placement.prototype.getVerticalAlign = function getVerticalAlign () { for (var i = 0, list = this._aligns; i < list.length; i += 1) { var align = list[i]; switch (align) { case PlacementAlign.CENTER: if (this.referentRect.middle - this.rect.height * 0.5 > this.safeArea.top && this.referentRect.middle + this.rect.height * 0.5 < this.safeArea.bottom) { return PlacementAlign.CENTER; } break; case PlacementAlign.START: if (this.referentRect.top + this.rect.height < this.safeArea.bottom) { return PlacementAlign.START; } break; case PlacementAlign.END: if (this.referentRect.bottom - this.rect.height > this.safeArea.top) { return PlacementAlign.END; } break; } } return this._aligns[0]; }; Placement.prototype.dispose = function dispose () { this._referent = null; Instance.prototype.dispose.call(this); }; Object.defineProperties( Placement.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); Object.defineProperties( Placement, staticAccessors ); return Placement; }(Instance)); var PlacementReferent = /*@__PURE__*/(function (Instance) { function PlacementReferent () { Instance.call(this); this._isShown = false; } if ( Instance ) PlacementReferent.__proto__ = Instance; PlacementReferent.prototype = Object.create( Instance && Instance.prototype ); PlacementReferent.prototype.constructor = PlacementReferent; var prototypeAccessors = { placement: { configurable: true },isShown: { configurable: true } }; var staticAccessors = { instanceClassName: { configurable: true } }; staticAccessors.instanceClassName.get = function () { return 'PlacementReferent'; }; PlacementReferent.prototype.init = function init () { this.registration.creator.setReferent(this); this._placement = this.registration.creator; }; prototypeAccessors.placement.get = function () { return this._placement; }; prototypeAccessors.isShown.get = function () { return this._isShown; }; prototypeAccessors.isShown.set = function (value) { if (this._isShown === value || !this.isEnabled) { return; } this._isShown = value; if (value) { this.registration.creator.show(); } else { this.registration.creator.hide(); } }; PlacementReferent.prototype.show = function show () { this.isShown = true; }; PlacementReferent.prototype.hide = function hide () { this.isShown = false; }; Object.defineProperties( PlacementReferent.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); Object.defineProperties( PlacementReferent, staticAccessors ); return PlacementReferent; }(Instance)); api$1.core = { Instance: Instance, Breakpoints: Breakpoints, KeyCodes: KeyCodes, Disclosure: Disclosure, DisclosureButton: DisclosureButton, DisclosuresGroup: DisclosuresGroup, DisclosureType: DisclosureType, DisclosureEvent: DisclosureEvent, DisclosureSelector: DisclosureSelector, DisclosureEmission: DisclosureEmission, Collapse: Collapse, CollapseButton: CollapseButton, CollapsesGroup: CollapsesGroup, CollapseSelector: CollapseSelector, RootSelector: RootSelector, RootEmission: RootEmission, Equisized: Equisized, EquisizedEmission: EquisizedEmission, Toggle: Toggle, EquisizedsGroup: EquisizedsGroup, InjectSvg: InjectSvg, InjectSvgSelector: InjectSvgSelector, Artwork: Artwork, ArtworkSelector: ArtworkSelector, AssessFile: AssessFile, AssessDetail: AssessDetail, AssessEmission: AssessEmission, AssessSelector: AssessSelector, Ratio: Ratio, RatioSelector: RatioSelector, Placement: Placement, PlacementReferent: PlacementReferent, PlacementAlign: PlacementAlign, PlacementPosition: PlacementPosition, PlacementMode: PlacementMode }; api$1.internals.register(api$1.core.CollapseSelector.COLLAPSE, api$1.core.Collapse); api$1.internals.register(api$1.core.InjectSvgSelector.INJECT_SVG, api$1.core.InjectSvg); api$1.internals.register(api$1.core.RatioSelector.RATIO, api$1.core.Ratio); api$1.internals.register(api$1.core.AssessSelector.ASSESS_FILE, api$1.core.AssessFile); api$1.internals.register(api$1.core.AssessSelector.DETAIL, api$1.core.AssessDetail); /* legacy code here */ api$1.internals.legacy.setLegacy(); api$1.internals.register(api$1.core.ArtworkSelector.ARTWORK_USE, api$1.core.Artwork); })(); //# sourceMappingURL=core.nomodule.js.map