package main import ( "database/sql" "flag" "strconv" "" "" "" "" "" ) //Global vars //conf Configuration var conf *utils.Conf //DB the SQL database var DB *sql.DB //Main loop func main() { configPatch := flag.String("config", "extra/config.ini.example", "the patch to the config file") //Get the config patch from --config flag sqlMigration := flag.Bool("sqlmigrate", false, "initialize / migrate the database") //Detect if migration asked flag.Parse() //Load the INI configuration file conf = new(utils.Conf) err := ini.MapTo(conf, *configPatch) utils.CheckErr(err) //Set up the Logrus logger utils.InitLogger(conf) //Attach DNS request handler func for all domains dns.HandleFunc(".", core.HandleDNSRequest) //Initialize the redis database utils.RedisDatabase(conf) //Initialize the sql database utils.SQLDatabase(conf) if *sqlMigration { utils.SQLMigrate() } //Start the DNS server server := &dns.Server{Addr: conf.App.IP + ":" + strconv.Itoa(conf.App.Port), Net: "udp"} //define the server logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"ip": conf.App.IP, "port": conf.App.Port}).Infof("SERVER : Started") //log err = server.ListenAndServe() //start it utils.CheckErr(err) defer server.Shutdown() //shut down on application closing }