# Sacrebleu [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.com/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Foutout14%2Fsacrebleu-dns.svg?type=shield)](https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Foutout14%2Fsacrebleu-dns?ref=badge_shield) [![DeepSource](https://deepsource.io/gh/outout14/sacrebleu-dns.svg/?label=active+issues&show_trend=true)](https://deepsource.io/gh/outout14/sacrebleu-dns/?ref=repository-badge) [![Github release action](https://github.com/outout14/sacrebleu-dns/workflows/Release/badge.svg)](https://github.com/outout14/sacrebleu-dns/actions?query=workflow%3ARelease) [![Github commit action](https://github.com/outout14/sacrebleu-dns/workflows/Go/badge.svg)](https://github.com/outout14/sacrebleu-dns/actions?query=workflow%3AGo) Sacrebleu is a DNS authoritative nameserver made in Go with ``github.com/miekg/dns`` library. Records are stored in a SQL Database and cached using Redis. This software requires a SQL server and a Redis server. This software is currently in development and NOT ready for production. ## Installation ### Automated install Each release contains a RPM and DEB package. - [Download the latest package](https://github.com/outout14/sacrebleu-dns/releases/latest) compatible with your system - Edit the config file in ``/etc/sacrebleu/config-dns.ini`` - Launch the database migration with ``sacrebleu-dns -sqlmigrate -config /etc/sacrebleu/config-dns.ini`` - Start the service ``systemctl start sacrebleu-dns`` ### Manual Install - [Download the latest release](https://github.com/outout14/sacrebleu-dns/releases/latest) compatible with your system - [Download](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/outout14/sacrebleu-dns/main/extra/config.ini.example) and edit the configuration file - Launch the database migration with ``sacrebleu-dns -sqlmigrate -config [config path].ini`` - [Download](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/outout14/sacrebleu-dns/main/extra/sacrebleu-dns.service) and edit the systemd service and put it in ``/lib/systemd/system/`` - Start the service ``systemctl start sacrebleu-dns`` ## Arguments You can show theses informations using ``./sacrebleu-dns -h``. ``` -config string the patch to the config file (default "extra/config.ini.example") -sqlmigrate initialize / migrate the database ``` ## Configuration Variables names are case sensitives. |Variable name|Type|Example|Informations| |--|--|--|--| | app_mode | string|``"production"``|Anything different than ``production`` will show debug messages | App | Section | |IP|string|``":"``|IP address on which the DNS server must listen. Blank to listen on all IPs |Port|int|``5353``|Port on which the DNS server must listen |Logfile|bool|``true``|Enable or disable file logs. |Database|Section| |Type|string|``"postgresql"``|SQL Database type. ``"postgresql"`` or ``"mysql"`` (anything different than ``"postgresql"`` will rollback to ``"mysql"``) |Host|string|``""`` ``"/var/run/postgres"``|Can be either an IP or a path to a socket for Postgres |Username|string|``"sacrebleu"``|SQL Database Username |Password|string|``"superSecretPassword"``|SQL Database Password (optional) |Port|string|``"5432"``|SQL Database port (``"5432"`` for postgres or ``"3306"`` for MySQL by default) |Db|string|``"sacrebleudatabase"``|SQL Database Name |Redis|Section |IP|string|``""``|Redis Database IP |Password|string|``""``|Redis Database Password |Port|int|``6379``|Redis Database port |DB|int|``0``|Redis Database ID |TTL|int|``10``|Redis Time To Live (in seconds) ## What is working - Read records (stricts & wildcard) from MySQL - Read and write records (stricts & wildcard) in Redis - Recursive wildcard for reverse DNS (IPv6 only) - Generate dynamic reverse DNS (IPv6 only) - Respond to all requested MySQL queries ## ToDo - Recursive wildcard for reverse DNS (IPv4 part) - Generate dynamic reverse DNS (IPv4 part) - XFR - DNSSEC - Unit tests ## License [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.com/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Foutout14%2Fsacrebleu-dns.svg?type=large)](https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Foutout14%2Fsacrebleu-dns?ref=badge_large)