Luclu7 8220eacb10
config: fixed app_mode
also changed like Ip to IP and Db to DB
2020-12-25 02:31:28 +01:00

49 lines
1.1 KiB

package utils
//App : Struct for App (dns server) configuration in the config.ini file
type App struct {
Port int
IP string `ini:"IP"`
Logdir string
Logfile bool
//Database : Struct for SQL Database configuration in the config.ini file
type Database struct {
IP string `ini:"IP"`
Port string
Username string
Password string
Db string `ini:"DB"`
Type string
//Redis : Struct for Redis Database configuration in the config.ini file
type Redis struct {
IP string `ini:"IP"`
Port int
Password string
Db int `ini:"DB"`
TTL int `ini:"TTL"`
//Conf : Struct for the whole config.ini file when it will be parsed by go-ini
type Conf struct {
AppMode string `ini:"app_mode"`
//Record : Struct for a domain record
//Defined by it's ID, DomainID (parent domain), Fqdn (or name), Content (value of the record), Type (as Qtype/int), TTL (used only for the DNS response and not the Redis TTL)
type Record struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primaryKey"`
DomainID int
Fqdn string
Content string
Type int
Qtype uint16 `gorm:"-"`
TTL int