2020-12-14 18:20:24 -04:00

85 lines
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package utils
import (
_ ""
//SQL database as global var
var DB *sql.DB
//Initialize the (My)SQL Database
//Requires a conf struct
func SqlDatabase(conf *Conf) {
logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"database": conf.Database.Db}).Infof("SQL : Connection to DB")
//Connect to the Database
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s", conf.Database.Username, conf.Database.Password, conf.Database.Ip, conf.Database.Port, conf.Database.Db))
DB = db
SqlTest() //Test SQL connexion
//Test the SQL connexion by selecting all records from the database
func SqlTest() {
_, err := DB.Query("SELECT name, content FROM records")
CheckErr(err) //Panic if any error
//Check for a record in the SQL database
func sqlCheckForRecord(redisKey string, dKey string, entry Record) (Record, int) {
dbg := DB.QueryRow(
"SELECT id, content, ttl FROM records WHERE `name` = ? AND `type` = ?;", dKey, entry.Qtype).Scan(
if dbg != nil { //If any err
logrus.Debugf("SQL : %v", dbg)
logrus.Debugf("SQL : %s => %s", entry.Fqdn, entry.Content) //log the result
if entry.Content != "" { //If Record content not empty
//Cache the request in Redis if any result
logrus.Debugf("REDIS : Set entry for %s", redisKey)
_ = redisSet(redisDb, redisKey, 30*time.Second, entry) //Set it in the Redis database for 30sec
return entry, 0
} else {
//Else return 1 for err
return entry, 1
//Check for a wildcard record in the SQL database
func sqlCheckForReverse6Wildcard(redisKey string, dKey string, entry Record) (Record, error) {
returnedEntry := entry
results, err := DB.Query("SELECT id, content, name FROM records WHERE name LIKE '*';") //Get ALL reverse IPs
DbgErr(err) //Check for empty row or non important error
//For each result check if it match the reverse IP
for results.Next() {
err = results.Scan(&returnedEntry.Id, &returnedEntry.Content, &returnedEntry.Fqdn)
//Check if the record is matching the reversed IP
if checkReverse6(entry, returnedEntry) {
logrus.Debug("REVERSE : Correct wildcard reverse.")
//Cache the request in Redis if any result
_ = redisSet(redisDb, redisKey, 10*time.Second, returnedEntry)
return returnedEntry, err
} else {
logrus.Debug("REVERSE : WRONG wildcard reverse .")
return entry, redis.Nil