import asyncio import contextlib import logging import socket import sys import git import requests import click from bot import TuxBot from cogs.utils.db import Table try: import config from cogs.utils.lang import gettext except ModuleNotFoundError: import first_run @contextlib.contextmanager def setup_logging(): try: logging.getLogger('discord').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('discord.http').setLevel(logging.WARNING) log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.FileHandler(filename='logs/tuxbot.log', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') fmt = logging.Formatter('[{asctime}] [{levelname:<7}]' ' {name}: {message}', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', style='{') handler.setFormatter(fmt) log.addHandler(handler) yield finally: handlers = log.handlers[:] for hdlr in handlers: hdlr.close() log.removeHandler(hdlr) def run_bot(unload: list = []): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() log = logging.getLogger() try: pool = loop.run_until_complete( Table.create_pool(config.postgresql, command_timeout=60) ) except socket.gaierror as e: click.echo(gettext('Could not set up PostgreSQL...'), file=sys.stderr) log.exception(gettext('Could not set up PostgreSQL...')) return bot = TuxBot(unload) bot.pool = pool @click.command() @click.option('-d', '--unload', multiple=True, type=str, help=gettext('Launch without loading the module')) @click.option('-u', '--update', help=gettext('Search for update'), is_flag=True) def main(**kwargs): if kwargs.get('update'): _update() with setup_logging(): run_bot(kwargs.get('unload')) @click.option('-d', '--update', help=gettext('Search for update'), is_flag=True) def _update(): print(gettext('Checking for update...')) local = git.Repo(search_parent_directories=True) current = local.head.object.hexsha origin = requests.get('') last = origin.json().get('commit').get('id') if current != last: print(gettext('A new version is available !')) check = input(gettext('Update ? [Y/n]')).lower().strip() while check not in ['', 'y', 'n']: check = input(gettext('Update ? [Y/n]')) if check == 'y': local.remotes.origin.pull() with setup_logging(): run_bot() else: with setup_logging(): run_bot() else: print(gettext('Tuxbot is up to date') + '\n') with setup_logging(): run_bot() if __name__ == '__main__': main()