1. Graphs from graphviz 🔗

%3 cluster_0 Processing cluster_1 Post-Processing filelist File List iscached Cached? filelist->iscached doclist Document List buildnav Build Navigation doclist->buildnav Cached xref Resolve Cross-References doclist->xref iscached->doclist Yes parse Parse iscached->parse No cache Cache iscached->cache compile Compile parse->compile compile->doclist output Output buildnav->output xref->cache xref->buildnav

The Graphviz functionnality requires the dot executable. More information on Graphviz's website.

2. Synopsis 🔗

Graphs blocks are delimited by [graph]...[/graph]

3. Properties 🔗

4. Examples 🔗

UML_Class_diagram UML Class diagram demo Client Client Interface1 «interface» I/O + property ... + method ... Client->Interface1 dependency Interface2 Simple interface Client->Interface2 Class1 I/O class + property ... + method ... Interface1->Class1 inheritance Interface2->Class1 System_1 System + property - Subsystem 1 - Subsystem 2 - Subsystem 3 ... + method ... Class1->System_1 implementation Subsystem_1 Subsystem 1 + property - resource ... + method ... System_1:ss1->Subsystem_1 composition Subsystem_2 Subsystem 2 + property - resource ... + method ... System_1:ss2->Subsystem_2 Subsystem_3 Subsystem 3 + property - resource ... + method ... System_1:ss3->Subsystem_3 Shared resource Shared resource + property ... + method ... Subsystem_1:r1->Shared resource aggregation Subsystem_2:r1->Shared resource Subsystem_3:r1->Shared resource

Generated by the following code:

digraph UML_Class_diagram {
	edge[fontcolor=darkgray, color=gray90];
	graph [
		label="UML Class diagram demo"
	node [
	edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"]
	edge [arrowhead=vee style=dashed]
	Client -> Interface1 [label=dependency]
	Client -> Interface2

	edge [dir=back arrowtail=empty style=""]
	Interface1 -> Class1 [xlabel=inheritance]
	Interface2 -> Class1 [dir=none]
	Interface2 [label="" xlabel="Simple\ninterface" shape=circle]

	Interface1[label = <{<b>«interface» I/O</b> | + property<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>|+ method<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>}>]
	Class1[label = <{<b>I/O class</b> | + property<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>|+ method<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>}>]
	edge [dir=back arrowtail=empty style=dashed]
	Class1 -> System_1 [label=implementation]
	System_1 [
		label=<<table border="0" cellborder="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
			<tr> <td> <b>System</b> </td> </tr>
			<tr> <td>
				<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" >
					<tr> <td align="left" >+ property</td> </tr>
					<tr> <td port="ss1" align="left" >- Subsystem 1</td> </tr>
					<tr> <td port="ss2" align="left" >- Subsystem 2</td> </tr>
					<tr> <td port="ss3" align="left" >- Subsystem 3</td> </tr>
					<tr> <td align="left">...</td> </tr>
			</td> </tr>
			<tr> <td align="left">+ method<br/>...<br align="left"/></td> </tr>

	edge [dir=back arrowtail=diamond]
	System_1:ss1 -> Subsystem_1 [xlabel="composition"]

	Subsystem_1 [
		label=<<table border="0" cellborder="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
			<tr> <td> <b>Subsystem 1</b> </td> </tr>
			<tr> <td>
				<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" >
					<tr> <td align="left">+ property</td> </tr>
					<tr> <td align="left" port="r1">- resource</td> </tr>
					<tr> <td align="left">...</td> </tr>
				</td> </tr>
			<tr> <td align="left">
				+ method<br/>
				...<br align="left"/>
			</td> </tr>
	Subsystem_2 [
		label=<<table border="0" cellborder="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
			<tr> <td> <b>Subsystem 2</b> </td> </tr>
			<tr> <td>
				<table align="left" border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" >
					<tr> <td align="left">+ property</td> </tr>
					<tr> <td align="left" port="r1">- resource</td> </tr>
					<tr> <td align="left">...</td> </tr>
				</td> </tr>
			<tr> <td align="left">
				+ method<br/>
				...<br align="left"/>
			</td> </tr>
	Subsystem_3 [
		label=<<table border="0" cellborder="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
			<tr> <td> <b>Subsystem 3</b> </td> </tr>
			<tr> <td>
				<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" >
					<tr> <td align="left">+ property</td> </tr>
					<tr> <td align="left" port="r1">- resource</td> </tr>
					<tr> <td align="left">...</td> </tr>
				</td> </tr>
			<tr> <td align="left">
				+ method<br/>
				...<br align="left"/>
			</td> </tr>
	System_1:ss2 -> Subsystem_2;
	System_1:ss3 -> Subsystem_3;

	edge [xdir=back arrowtail=odiamond]
	Subsystem_1:r1 -> "Shared resource" [label=aggregation]
	Subsystem_2:r1 -> "Shared resource"
	Subsystem_3:r1 -> "Shared resource"
	"Shared resource" [
		label = <{
			<b>Shared resource</b>
				+ property<br align="left"/>
				...<br align="left"/>
				+ method<br align="left"/>
				...<br align="left"/>

5. Graphiz cache 🔗

Graphviz graphs that have been rendered to svg are stored in the cache database, under table cached_dot. Unless you modify the graph or it's properties, it won't be rendered again, instead it will be sourced from the database.

6. Bindigs 🔗